Elite: Game talk

03 Nov 2015, 4:48am
Greetings CMDR's,

I spoke with WC Veyder today and I asked him if there is a gallery section for Wing members only. I've probably found it and don't know it. The reason why I asked, something might be sensitive and should be deemed classified. I play open, so there may be a chance if I come across a player that does something stupid I want to post pic(s) of the situation if it arises.
03 Nov 2015, 6:34am
Join 160th SOAR today! Currently controller of a system and building numbers, 160th is a coalition of pilots intent on building new power in the galaxy. Join is as we carve out a home for mercenaries and freelance pilots alike! We fly together and we fly strong! Fly 160th Soar today!
Contact Captain Kitty for more info.
(We use teamspeak 3)

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 03 Nov 2015, 10:39am
03 Nov 2015, 7:01am
Realtoltek DzehenutiHi commanders,

do you know good systém for doing alliance reputation ???

Try 78 Ursae Majoris. There you can get your Alioth permission.
03 Nov 2015, 7:26am
If you are christian join to CHRISTIANS WING
03 Nov 2015, 2:43pm
Captain KittyHey guys. I have a
Little in game group currently recruiting called 160 SOAR. We're on the inara wing list. We currently have our own system and minor faction already in game. We have team speak, and a station in a nice position in human space. Come join us today and help build 160 SOAR! Currently expanding...

Claiming the name of a Special Operations group is not what I would call a good idea.

Our founder is a fan of them and wishes to join them one day. It's flattery if anything.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 03 Nov 2015, 4:03pm
03 Nov 2015, 2:53pm
Don't just fly S.O.A.R.! Come join us today! Handing out great paying missions and a nice place to mine or bounty hunt! We buy Palladium at high prices! We have TS3! Don't just fly, SOAR with 160th today! Contact Capitan kitty for more

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 03 Nov 2015, 4:03pm
03 Nov 2015, 7:04pm
I am digging the new mining changes - bad pun totally intended. It used to be I'd be doing well to get 2 tons of material from a space rock. Now I'm getting 8-10?

Yeah, I can do that all day. Now I need to get a bigger mining vessel to hold it all!
04 Nov 2015, 5:27pm
Help improve the new Pleides station - final 2 tiers, CG ends tomorrow morning

Help us improve the new Pleides space station by mining ore for the community goal. We are almost at tier 5, which gives the new station services and systems a 50% stats increase. And the final tier will give a tremendous boost to that, for a total of 75% increase in station stats (that's half-again more than the 50% !). The CG will end Thursday morning. And the top 99% of the contributors (i.e. almost all) will get at least a 2.5 mil credit global CG award !

Just grab a mining ship and head over to Kaushpoos to get the CG mission at Neville Horizons station. Then mine palladium at a nearby system such as "38 LYNCIS" (inner ring of 4th planet) which is only 27.7 ly away. Then just sell the palladium (I'm getting about 14k/T) at the Neville Horizons station commodities like any other sale - it'll count towards the CG automatically !

NOTES: Be sure to load up on your limpets before departing (they're only 100 bucks). Then prospect to find the palladium faster.
I recommend using the prospector limpets, as they now provide vast improvement to the actual mining yield once attached to the target asteroid.
To promote the GC as a priority I'd minimize collecting any other ores - there'll be plenty of time to that later after the CG is over. You can just keep ejecting the unwanted ores in the refinery as it comes in, to prevent your cargo hold from filling up with it.
You will of course need a refinery, a collector limpet controller and mining lasers.

WARNING: Purchased metal will NOT count towards the CG.
04 Nov 2015, 5:57pm
Doktor SmythHelp improve the new Pleides station - final 2 tiers, CG ends tomorrow morning

Thanks for sharing!

I tried mining for the first time last night in the same system you suggested... It's like fishing... so relaxing I loved it...

-Big Pappa
04 Nov 2015, 11:38pm
It's gunna be close !!!
05 Nov 2015, 12:37am
BIGT1970It's gunna be close !!!

I'll be surprised if we get it. Bit odd that 1) we only need to bring in one metal and screw all others because dammit, we want a purely palladium space station and 2) the powers that be chose a metal that can be bought, but oh no we're too good for PURCHASED metal, and yeah we can easily tell which is bought and which is mined.

And then there's the crashing I've been experiencing while trying to mine. I love this game and all, but it's a misnomer to label it 1.4.01. It's mo' like 0.4.01.
05 Nov 2015, 12:48am
Bought a DBS today, went to get a paint scheme...I must be blind, couldn't find DB paint schemes on dev page.
05 Nov 2015, 12:49am
Sidenti Taalo
BIGT1970It's gunna be close !!!

I'll be surprised if we get it. Bit odd that 1) we only need to bring in one metal and screw all others because dammit, we want a purely palladium space station and 2) the powers that be chose a metal that can be bought, but oh no we're too good for PURCHASED metal, and yeah we can easily tell which is bought and which is mined.

And then there's the crashing I've been experiencing while trying to mine. I love this game and all, but it's a misnomer to label it 1.4.01. It's mo' like 0.4.01.

I've been listening to Mobius TS and the CG miners all night and not a single crash

been mining myself for 4 hours and guess what ..............not a single crash

must be patch 1.4.01 after all
05 Nov 2015, 12:51am
Jack DekerdtBought a DBS today, went to get a paint scheme...I must be blind, couldn't find DB paint schemes on dev page.

You're not blind. Those ships don't have paintjobs yet. Nor do the Imperial Clipper, Imperial Eagle, or the two new Federal Dropship variants. (The Anaconda has a paintjob if you like gold and only gold.)
05 Nov 2015, 12:51am
Jack DekerdtBought a DBS today, went to get a paint scheme...I must be blind, couldn't find DB paint schemes on dev page.

There aren't any.

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