Elite: Game talk

14 Oct 2015, 5:50pm
Duncan MacLeodI am also aiming to have a daily blog on my adventures.

I am also planning on doing this, Duncan, as well as keeping all my flight logs updated so other pilots can follow my journey and meet up with me!
15 Oct 2015, 12:19am
Not new Commander, but I've just changed my profile image and want to show everyone.
15 Oct 2015, 7:40am
Looks great!
Fleek, good to see your first diary entry & being already mentioned!
15 Oct 2015, 12:04pm

Docking computer kills again!  Nothing and no one has more kills or any kills; just this darn docking computer.  I now have lost every ship that I have owned at least once by docking computer.  I hate the white screen....Never going to use a docking computer ever again.  Built in destruction with no accountability...just die!

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 15 Oct 2015, 12:06pm
15 Oct 2015, 12:07pm

Docking computer kills again! Nothing and no one has more kills or any kills; just this darn docking computer. I now have lost every ship that I have owned at least once by docking computer. I hate the white screen....Never going to use a docking computer ever again. Built in destruction with no accountability...just die!

I never lost one yet do you set up your approach? I engage mine on my T7 only when I am well lined up with the portal and under 100 kps.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 15 Oct 2015, 12:14pm
15 Oct 2015, 1:31pm

Docking computer kills again! Nothing and no one has more kills or any kills; just this darn docking computer. I now have lost every ship that I have owned at least once by docking computer. I hate the white screen....Never going to use a docking computer ever again. Built in destruction with no accountability...just die!

I never lost one yet do you set up your approach? I engage mine on my T7 only when I am well lined up with the portal and under 100 kps.

as long as im am in the front hemisphere of the station , and past any pokey-outy-bits of the station , i set mine going.
also not lost a ship to it since beta test days
15 Oct 2015, 1:50pm
Duncan MacLeodLooks great!
Fleek, good to see your first diary entry & being already mentioned!

Of Course! I love this stuff!
15 Oct 2015, 5:56pm
Okay. I have been playing this game for about 2 months now and after buying a Cobra MKIII and fully upgrading it, I bought an ASP and am upgrading it as much as I can. I have about 4 million credits and have been doing as many E.X.O. missions I can while also taking high payout smuggling missions where ever i can find them. The deal is, I want a damn Anaconda... How long did it take whoever has one to get it and what did you do the most to get one? I just can't seem to get a nice pile of credits building to spend the 150 millions or so credits it requires.
15 Oct 2015, 6:39pm
By playing 1-2h per day for more than 7 months I managed to buy an Anaconda moderately kitted. Now I have a fully equipped Battleconda for combat and a Short range Asp for exploration and ops not too far from the bubble.
Next, I think I will get a Panther Clipper once it is available to get the Elite trading rank.
15 Oct 2015, 6:49pm
Hmm... It was said that permits for Achenar system were lifted. What does this mean? I have a Serf rank and still can't get there!
15 Oct 2015, 7:13pm
MangloriousOkay. I have been playing this game for about 2 months now and after buying a Cobra MKIII and fully upgrading it, I bought an ASP and am upgrading it as much as I can. I have about 4 million credits and have been doing as many E.X.O. missions I can while also taking high payout smuggling missions where ever i can find them. The deal is, I want a damn Anaconda... How long did it take whoever has one to get it and what did you do the most to get one? I just can't seem to get a nice pile of credits building to spend the 150 millions or so credits it requires.

I've been playing for about a month now, and I'm just about to hit the 50 million credit mark. I'm sure you've noticed that as you've leveled up your various ranks, you get higher and higher payouts. You really just gotta keep doing that. One way to make some quick money right now is pick up some long distance smuggling missions from Sothis (or other outlying outpost systems). You can make 10 million in a hour doing that.

EDIT: Guess I'll also post a quick introduction as well. Like I said above, I've been playing Elite for about a month, and I'm intending to do some deep space exploration soon. Got a bit of a backstory for my character, but still working on fleshing it out (as far as RP goes). Got a couple other 'family' members ingame also with the last name Scryanth, doing an extended family/clan sort of thing. Always willing to meet up and fly with new folks.

Last edit: 15 Oct 2015, 7:35pm
15 Oct 2015, 7:55pm
Hey Sato, shout if you feel like getting involved into more RP!
15 Oct 2015, 7:58pm
MangloriousOkay. I have been playing this game for about 2 months now and after buying a Cobra MKIII and fully upgrading it, I bought an ASP and am upgrading it as much as I can. I have about 4 million credits and have been doing as many E.X.O. missions I can while also taking high payout smuggling missions where ever i can find them. The deal is, I want a damn Anaconda... How long did it take whoever has one to get it and what did you do the most to get one? I just can't seem to get a nice pile of credits building to spend the 150 millions or so credits it requires.

Guess now with Sothis smuggling missions you can buy conda after two runs, each of them for evening, and often cmdrs doing 70-90 mil in one run. Newer was such an opportunity. Use it, until it get fixed.
15 Oct 2015, 11:25pm
So I wanted to run this by you guys before bringing it to Artie as it may not be a popular idea. Should there be a limit on how many photos/videos can be uploaded to the gallery in a day? Or maybe even in an hour. Sometimes I'll see that someone uploaded 8, 9 or even 10 pics which pushes everyone else down and on to the 2nd page. Not a huge deal but I was thinking if there was like a 2 pic per hour limit, or something similar, that there would be more of a variety on the front page as far as contributors go. Also it may increase the quality of pics being uploaded.

I'm just brainstorming here and maybe there's something I'm not thinking of that would make this a horrible idea. What are your thoughts?
16 Oct 2015, 12:17am
PhreedomI'm just brainstorming here and maybe there's something I'm not thinking of that would make this a horrible idea. What are your thoughts?

Looks fine. I haven't notice anyone uploading such a lot of pics but it makes sense for me to limit uploading per hour limit.

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