Imho, you choose your own endgame, no matter how riddiculous sounds to other people.
But...i have noticed that you basically dont have that much to buy when you have more cash, i mean new ships but im not interested in anaconda or something like that and i like my cobra very much XD
What do people with anacondas and cash for insurance thrice times over buy ? Maybe would be nice if they introduce some large cash sink for experienced players ( player owned stations would be nice..), but when i reach that point maybe they will...XD
Games like this one, eve online, starpoint gemini and such...require player imagination and involvment... people not willing to do that and only waiting to be spoon feed content will burn out any game of that type.
I mean, i tried gta for example (either is vice city orsome like that ) but i am not interested in thematic and i couldnt make myself goals or story or something i want to do so i stopped playing it rather quickly.
People who are not sattisfied with thefabled "endgame" in open world sandbox games should think do they really like the aestetics, thematic and everything else...someone could enjoy elite or eve or whatnot and fly through space making their own story, some dont but play from passing interest into theme...someone maybe just does not like space themes enough so he/she canreally involve imagination and passion into that. Maybe that person would enjoy minecraft forexample, formeminecraft is something appaling
And to comment on griefing, since there were online games there were griefing, and there were people calling out somebodys play style griefing because they dont agree with that style.
Imho, if anybody does something where other players are involved or their play interupted without clear ingame, or roleplay personal, advantage but only "for the lolz" ...itcould be called griefing, but than again that person could rp lunatic or something...
Arguably pvp bashers and naysayers could be considered griefers if they play an online game with pvp and verbally fight agains that on community boards and game forums and bashing pvp players ingame, if you look at it objectively they are interupting playstyle, or trying to, of other players by "bashing" them just because of their playstyle that is in line with game mechanics.
I am not thinking about any comment here with this, because frankly i havent read here a lot of pvp bashing as in some other games, im just pointing outthat everything is in the eye of the observer and wishes and focus and playstyle of him/her.
Anyway how i saw itplayers are quite rare in ED space, if i meet one in battle, or trying to rob one, ill treat other players as highly developed ai npc-s... more carefull because they have more intelligence and are probably more apt at flying, but i would not attack player type 6 full of cargo any less or more than npc one.