Elite: Game talk

11 Aug 2016, 7:51pm
In addition, do these resistances stack when you add on multiple hull reinforcemens?

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 11 Aug 2016, 7:52pm
11 Aug 2016, 8:03pm
(Disregarding that sudden move yet no response)
The shield mods (and boosters) also show the same stats.
11 Aug 2016, 9:35pm
We are a small group of players, with big plans. We want to unite as many CMDRs as possible under one councel of members and wing commanders; the Galactic Coalition Fleet, a UN in space if you will. We want to create a fleet to protect humanity from a possible alien threat. In peace time we plan to maintain our own internal security service, to combat the unlawfull killing of innocent CMDRs. If you're interested in joining our cause, message me. Lets unite, CMDRs, and take back the galaxy.
12 Aug 2016, 3:22am
KrennalHey guys I have a burning question, I have an A-rated and modified Asp Explorer, I was wondering, should I bite the bullet and upgrade to a Python, or just stick with the Asp, I plan on running missions and other odd stuff and have my Asp kitted for multi-role, I have like 57 million credits in the bank, would it be enough to A grade everything? Any feedback would be awesome!

I also would stick with what you have- the Asp is a great multi-role ship. I dont see the the lure of a Python unless you wanted to possibly engage in combat.
12 Aug 2016, 10:29am
TravisIn the Hull and Armour mods with Selene Jean, what does it mean when it says a number? Is that net representing a percentage such as resistance versus any of the three damaging types?

If I remember correctly, most of them corresponds to percentage, although there is "%" sign missing. Bonuses are cumulative, but they are not added together, but multiplied. There is some thread about it on the official forum with a post from devs about it if do you want more detail.
12 Aug 2016, 2:17pm
KrennalHey guys I have a burning question, I have an A-rated and modified Asp Explorer, I was wondering, should I bite the bullet and upgrade to a Python, or just stick with the Asp, I plan on running missions and other odd stuff and have my Asp kitted for multi-role, I have like 57 million credits in the bank, would it be enough to A grade everything? Any feedback would be awesome!

I also would stick with what you have- the Asp is a great multi-role ship. I dont see the the lure of a Python unless you wanted to possibly engage in combat.

Hmm armed salvage ship, that's for later on, again thanks for all the feedback, love this page, by the by I'll be heading out to Obsidian Orbital now that the imps and feddies have kicked off the fireworks, gotta be some choice debris fields popping up just full of military grade goodies!
12 Aug 2016, 2:24pm
The Python is, IMO, ideal for Armed Salvage. Especially handy for the USS salvage that's actually a pirate trap. Great also for harvesting materials from compromised nav beacons. It's got a tough hide and big teeth, and enough utility slots for the scanners needed to make it a superb materials and data harvester. Enough internal slots for a refinery and limpet controller, too, along with ample cargo space - yet still able to get to the outposts and orbital platforms that can't fit a large ship; but have minimal security AND a black market.

The PERFECT ship for the role, truly.
13 Aug 2016, 2:48pm
KidsNDadAfter playing 5 hours of No Mans Sky, it makes you really truly appreciate the flight control of Elite...

Was hoping for NMS to break up the grind... today went back to Elite and was thankful for it.

Wait- do tell more regarding NMS. It has a lot of grind too? Like what? I haven't bought it yet- I was maybe planning to! But what would you say?

Sorry this is late, been out of town. There are many reviews, but in my opinion it is just a busy game. Once you get past the look of the game the entire experience is basically, Elite jumping to the center of the universe, meaning you jump alot, and then once fuel is out you stop to refuel... then jump some more. That is the end game basically. You can get the rank needed to get all the Atlas Stones on the first three planets, so no real need to land besides gathering resources. Plus once you seen 5-6 planets, you pretty much seen them all until you get quite close to the center, that is when you get some more unique elements and looks... IT is not a BAD game, just not great, and it is also overpriced compared to other games. The random generated planets are amazing, but the game play and core of the game is lacking. In short... like said though there are many many reviews out, and sorry this is late.
13 Aug 2016, 8:00pm
Provide 25 units of Unknown Fragments.
to be found for palin
but where

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 15 Aug 2016, 10:26am
14 Aug 2016, 12:38am
How do you get to do engineer stuff ? I have lots of materials on my ship no idea how to get to the engineers. Signed noob.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 15 Aug 2016, 10:28am
14 Aug 2016, 8:08am
HnB Lonewolf...

There is no UC to sell cartographics at Farseer inc.


Not cool!

the UC (and other services) are missing if you just aquired access to an Engineer. It's a known bug. Log out and in again and it should be fixed. I don't have any info about your other problems. Maybe it's indeed a problem with the XBOX version, but I never heard about it before. Do you have shield boosters installed? Engineers don't show the blueprints if you don't have the module afaik (at least in default view I believe).

Xgn Soldier UpHow do you get to do engineer stuff ? I have lots of materials on my ship no idea how to get to the engineers. Signed noob.

First of all you need Horizons to access Engineers (which I guess you have). Then you have to gain access to them. You start with a couple of them through common knowledge, i.e. you get an invite without prerequisites. Felicity Farseer wants one Meta-Alloy for example to unlook her. After you unlock an Engineer you use materials, data and commodities for upgrades. A list of blueprints can be found here: http://inara.cz/galaxy-blueprints.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 15 Aug 2016, 10:28am
14 Aug 2016, 8:46am
Do we have a  communal boat for collection of Engineers materials? My Python is closing in on capacity fast, I'll be switching to the Cutter just to cart any cargo around at all. I'm happy to just give the stuff away.

Edit - Aren't unknown fragments what you get for shooting the UA's?

Edit 2 - Find UA's in strange USS beacons threat zero I think.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 15 Aug 2016, 10:28am
14 Aug 2016, 9:29am
HnB LonewolfHello,

As I'm sure this has been reported before and I don't feel like digging through 211 pages of stuff so here goes. The information on the engineers needs updating. I.e. Felicity Farseer does not have fsd interdicters or shield boosters on the Xbox version of the game. I don't know if there is a difference between the pc version or the Xbox version.
There is no UC to sell cartographics at Farseer inc.
Thrusters are called engines in game

And I'm pretty sure Elvira doesn't know anything about shield cell banks.

I just spend a great amount of time chasing a meta alloy hoping I could get upgrades for my shield boosters going of the info on this website. Not cool!

Where did you end up finding meta alloys I have spent all day f ing around looking for the with no luck. Not for sale in Maia and all barnacles I found were broken?

The f was for flying.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 15 Aug 2016, 10:27am
14 Aug 2016, 9:50am
KrennalHey guys I have a burning question, I have an A-rated and modified Asp Explorer, I was wondering, should I bite the bullet and upgrade to a Python, or just stick with the Asp, I plan on running missions and other odd stuff and have my Asp kitted for multi-role, I have like 57 million credits in the bank, would it be enough to A grade everything? Any feedback would be awesome!

I also would stick with what you have- the Asp is a great multi-role ship. I dont see the the lure of a Python unless you wanted to possibly engage in combat.

Hmm armed salvage ship, that's for later on, again thanks for all the feedback, love this page, by the by I'll be heading out to Obsidian Orbital now that the imps and feddies have kicked off the fireworks, gotta be some choice debris fields popping up just full of military grade goodies!

A basic D rated Python set up as an armed trader [220 te cargo] will set you back around 90 million,with a rebuy cost of 4.5 mil.... It will cost you double that to bring it up to A rated....
A great ship for reaching those outposts that the Condas and Cutters cannot reach... Buy one when you can but never sell your Asp Exp, another great ship.
14 Aug 2016, 10:02am
Dtothe3Do we have a  communal boat for collection of Engineers materials? My Python is closing in on capacity fast, I'll be switching to the Cutter just to cart any cargo around at all. I'm happy to just give the stuff away.

Edit - Aren't unknown fragments what you get for shooting the UA's?

Edit 2 - Find UA's in strange USS beacons threat zero I think.

Yes Unknown Fragments are from Unknown Artefacts in the USS called Anomaly Detected (Threat 4). Don't worry threat 4 in this case doesn't mean anything. What commodities do you have? I'd happily take them if you have any of these:

Articulation Motors
Micro-Weave Cooling Hoses
Modular Terminals
Telemetry Suite


Post edited/moved by: Artie, 15 Aug 2016, 10:26am

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