Elite: Game talk

21 Sep 2016, 12:30pm
BlgarathStar-Lord_Prime, just kinda take a look over to the right. Do you see that big orange button that says, "OPEN DISCORD IN NEW TAB?" You might give that a try and see what happens. It might surprise you.

*nervous laugh* yeah...
21 Sep 2016, 4:27pm
Cheers, guys. That absolutely makes sense.
23 Sep 2016, 9:24pm
LeptozineDoes anyone know where the current best place for doing Skimmer Destruction Missions is?

On phone, so bear with me...

The safest way to complete skimmer missions is head to the planetary facility that the skimmer mission is for. Then hover above the base at 2km altitude. Zoom out on your minimal (page up and page down by default) to max. Your ship should be a dot by then. Fly away from the facility, and look for POIS (big blue circles), land in them and search for recks and other objects. Skimmers spawn at these, you won't have to deal with turrets, goliaths, ships, or anything else super agravating. The plus here is you won't typically get a bounty for attacking the skimmers. The game considers these skimmers as Rouge and gives you a 1k voucher for each one.

The fastest, but most dangerous, is attacking skimmers at a base head on. This will get you a bounty most of the time, and make everything hostile to you. Pre 2.1 that was no big deal, but with 2.1, good luck escaping to your ship if you choose this route.

Hope it helps.

-Cmdr Amarthanor "Amar" Epsilon
-Mors Victoria!

Thanks, I use a Federal corvette for taking out the skimmers, so turrets and other ships are no problems. I also don't mind gaining bouties, as not much other than players can kill my Vette. Do you know where the best system for collecting the missions are? I have been to a few suggested systems, but most of the rewards are only in the couple hundred thousand range, I need a couple million range.
24 Sep 2016, 4:23pm
Somehow I've seemed to acquire a bounty so now when I try to dock at a station in a neighboring star system I get shot down before I can dock. Does anyone know where or how I can pay this bounty before landing?
24 Sep 2016, 4:41pm
Kyron OrdoSomehow I've seemed to acquire a bounty so now when I try to dock at a station in a neighboring star system I get shot down before I can dock. Does anyone know where or how I can pay this bounty before landing?

you can't
24 Sep 2016, 5:28pm
Kyron OrdoSomehow I've seemed to acquire a bounty so now when I try to dock at a station in a neighboring star system I get shot down before I can dock. Does anyone know where or how I can pay this bounty before landing?

you can't

You either need to leave the area until the bounty converts to a fine, or you need to sneak into the station - buy a sidewinder, fly back out, and let the authorities kill you. That erases the bounty.
24 Sep 2016, 8:24pm
Thanks for the replies guys. I realized that the bounty didn't follow me outside of one system, so I'll just take a little vacation from that one for awhile. I did get my Eagle shot out from under me twice by the authorities, and that didn't change my bounty status though.

I figure I'll just wait until the bounty expires or just move on.
24 Sep 2016, 10:51pm
Kyron Ordo I did get my Eagle shot out from under me twice by the authorities, and that didn't change my bounty status though.

Did they scan you first, find the bounty and then attack you, or did you get killed for another reason?
26 Sep 2016, 5:40pm
The first time, I approached the station and got clearance to land and then as I'm beginning to lower myself on the pad, I got alerts that I was trespassing (and yes, I made sure I was landing on the right pad) and before I knew it I was destroyed. The second time, not realizing what had happened I approached the same station and as I got close they scanned me and I was suddenly under attack by a bunch of ships and got destroyed again.

My fine only exists in one system and for about 1 week. I've since moved on to another system where I am not a criminal and I'm plowing along just fine now. Plenty of bounties and work from Yakubai and Kremainn so I'm content to work these systems until the bounty is gone but it's no big deal. Just thought it was weird that there was no way to pay off my bounty anywhere else (it was only like 800 credits, seriously not that big a deal even to a newb like me...take my money!). It's strange that the only place you can pay your fines is the only place where they kill on sight!
27 Sep 2016, 3:58pm
Kyron Ordo It's strange that the only place you can pay your fines is the only place where they kill on sight!

The next release will give you the option of dealing with some of those things remotely via an agent.
27 Sep 2016, 8:10pm
Yes, the new release is looking pretty cool. I'm really liking the game despite the bounty issues. I chalked it up to a learning experience. Fortunately me and my Eagle are making more then enough money on bounties to cover the few times I've been shot down. I've also gotten a lot better at running away before actually getting blown up!
28 Sep 2016, 10:20am
Just remember that a newjack in an Eagle should not attempt to solo a seasoned crim in an Anaconda. Those hardened assholes are juicy for a reason.
28 Sep 2016, 4:05pm
Kyron OrdoYes, the new release is looking pretty cool. I'm really liking the game despite the bounty issues. I chalked it up to a learning experience. Fortunately me and my Eagle are making more then enough money on bounties to cover the few times I've been shot down. I've also gotten a lot better at running away before actually getting blown up!

If you're in a small/under-armed ship, a good strategy is to follow the cops around in a high res. and join in when three Anacondas are softening up the target for you.
28 Sep 2016, 6:22pm
Yeah, that's working for me now...however, last night was rough! I'm starting to have an issue with accidentally shooting the Security Forces when they get my path while I'm shooting at a bad guy. Got blown up three times yesterday...arghhh!

Also....another question, is it a good idea to declare yourself for a Power? I pledged to Zachary Hudson yesterday evening (and was immediately attacked by an opposing faction NPC). Is doing that something best left for when you have a better ship and more credits?
28 Sep 2016, 6:53pm
Ozmundo Vasqualez

If you're in a small/under-armed ship, a good strategy is to follow the cops around in a high res. and join in when three Anacondas are softening up the target for you.

Just be VERY CAREFUL who you shoot and be sure the WANTED Scan completes or those Anacondas will turn on you and you will be Space Dust for the silly 400 CR bounty on your head!!

Happened to me more than once, but I managed to escape all but once   Saw the cops beating up on some guy and rushed to get a shot in before he was down to 0's. Shot hit before the scan and I was WANTED. LOL I think I got my share of the Bounty on him just before I was destroyed.

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