Elite: Game talk

04 Nov 2016, 6:05am
I have an idea for a role play video. how do I get word out?
04 Nov 2016, 3:35pm
I've been away from the game for quite some time due to work and family health reasons and when I returned I found that the private group for Wolfpac I was on before for no longer exists or I have been deleted from it.  I was wondering how do I get access back to the private group ?  Like I said I've been away for a long time and need to relearn a lot of things again

Last edit: 05 Nov 2016, 3:49pm
04 Nov 2016, 6:37pm
Umm does anyone have a suggested route to take towards the ancient ruin system? I'm drewling for some good ol SRV fun but I'm about 600ly away from said community goal and I'm having a real tough time finding not only a scoopable course but one that plots in General! Anything will help. Thanks.
05 Nov 2016, 2:50am
Cheers to the pair of taipans that made me crashland in the ruins. Who's needed 1,500 system scans anyways.
05 Nov 2016, 5:45am
This might be a really obvious question, but with Lavigny-Duval with her % bonus on bounties, but does it only work within her space or does it spread to all empire due to the alliance.
05 Nov 2016, 12:25pm
Do we have to be at a specific location for the CG today or is it just be around the planet?
05 Nov 2016, 3:32pm
So, I know this is random, but I'm a total noob to the game (literally downloaded it yesterday) and I wanted to interact with players a bit while starting the game. I found this page and thought it was for me. Where do I sign up? how does it work?
05 Nov 2016, 3:53pm
Gamer_ishDo we have to be at a specific location for the CG today or is it just be around the planet?

Not sure. Come meet up at the unregistered comm beacon off A6
05 Nov 2016, 3:54pm
SausigSo, I know this is random, but I'm a total noob to the game (literally downloaded it yesterday) and I wanted to interact with players a bit while starting the game. I found this page and thought it was for me. Where do I sign up? how does it work?

You're here and you're interacting, so that's a start. I'd recommend having a look at the wings that are available here and joining one. Have a look at what styles of play they are interested in and see if it coincides with what you'd like to do. Some are focused on combat for instance, whereas some prefer exploration or trading. Also have a look at the ranks of some of the members to see what kind of experience they have and can pass on to you.
05 Nov 2016, 4:25pm
05 Nov 2016, 5:03pm

Planet 2 says i need a permit to land in an Anarchy system with no Stations

Another BuG?
05 Nov 2016, 5:35pm
Ozmundo Vasqualez
SausigSo, I know this is random, but I'm a total noob to the game (literally downloaded it yesterday) and I wanted to interact with players a bit while starting the game. I found this page and thought it was for me. Where do I sign up? how does it work?

You're here and you're interacting, so that's a start. I'd recommend having a look at the wings that are available here and joining one. Have a look at what styles of play they are interested in and see if it coincides with what you'd like to do. Some are focused on combat for instance, whereas some prefer exploration or trading. Also have a look at the ranks of some of the members to see what kind of experience they have and can pass on to you.

Okay, thank you. I've already looked up IPA and was interested in joining them so I've contacted them as a result. You've already been a help but if you had any other advice then I'd be really grateful.
05 Nov 2016, 6:17pm
Ozmundo Vasqualez
SausigSo, I know this is random, but I'm a total noob to the game (literally downloaded it yesterday) and I wanted to interact with players a bit while starting the game. I found this page and thought it was for me. Where do I sign up? how does it work?

You're here and you're interacting, so that's a start. I'd recommend having a look at the wings that are available here and joining one. Have a look at what styles of play they are interested in and see if it coincides with what you'd like to do. Some are focused on combat for instance, whereas some prefer exploration or trading. Also have a look at the ranks of some of the members to see what kind of experience they have and can pass on to you.

Okay, thank you. I've already looked up IPA and was interested in joining them so I've contacted them as a result. You've already been a help but if you had any other advice then I'd be really grateful.

Just come here and ask when you want to know something specific or put a question up on your wing board. If I were starting out all over again, I'd probably begin with some bounty hunting in high resource areas using local security as your backup, moving on to haz res zones. It'll give you fighting skills while making you money. Just Google those or have a look on Youtube for some tutorials. There is also a tutorial in game for basic bounty hunting as well.

In terms of general advice :

Never fly a ship that you can't afford the re-buy on and trust no one.
05 Nov 2016, 6:23pm
Ozmundo Vasqualez
Ozmundo Vasqualez
SausigSo, I know this is random, but I'm a total noob to the game (literally downloaded it yesterday) and I wanted to interact with players a bit while starting the game. I found this page and thought it was for me. Where do I sign up? how does it work?

You're here and you're interacting, so that's a start. I'd recommend having a look at the wings that are available here and joining one. Have a look at what styles of play they are interested in and see if it coincides with what you'd like to do. Some are focused on combat for instance, whereas some prefer exploration or trading. Also have a look at the ranks of some of the members to see what kind of experience they have and can pass on to you.

Okay, thank you. I've already looked up IPA and was interested in joining them so I've contacted them as a result. You've already been a help but if you had any other advice then I'd be really grateful.

...and trust no one.

What's the point asking for advice and watching YouTube videos if your not going to trust the advice?
05 Nov 2016, 6:48pm
I think he ment to be wary of persons because they might be out to kill you.

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