Elite: Game talk

18 Mar 2016, 3:52pm
Ozmundo Vasqualez
BreakspearI'm currently A rated FDL. No shields just hull tanking. Rigged for silent. Got a large fixed beam on my huge hard point, 2 med rails and 2 med plasmas. Kicks the crap into other silent runners

Kicks the crap INTO them? Jeez, that's REALLY nasty.

Imagine the Human Centipede but with ships...
18 Mar 2016, 4:30pm
Ozmundo Vasqualez
BreakspearI'm currently A rated FDL. No shields just hull tanking. Rigged for silent. Got a large fixed beam on my huge hard point, 2 med rails and 2 med plasmas. Kicks the crap into other silent runners

Kicks the crap INTO them? Jeez, that's REALLY nasty.

Imagine the Human Centipede but with ships...

18 Mar 2016, 7:54pm
How do you link builds on inara from coriolis?
18 Mar 2016, 8:45pm
GilderoyHow do you link builds on inara from coriolis?

You copy and paste the hyperlink with the ship build on screen.

If its for your fleet, you need to click Export in Coriolis, then copy and paste everything inside the export box into the relevant area on your fleet, ship details.
18 Mar 2016, 10:40pm
Aaron W Mitchell
GilderoyHow do you link builds on inara from coriolis?

You copy and paste the hyperlink with the ship build on screen.

If its for your fleet, you need to click Export in Coriolis, then copy and paste everything inside the export box into the relevant area on your fleet, ship details.

Unless I'm looking at the wrong thing I can't seem to find said hyper link
18 Mar 2016, 11:41pm
Aaron W Mitchell
GilderoyHow do you link builds on inara from coriolis?

Unless I'm looking at the wrong thing I can't seem to find said hyper link

I Believe you may need to save your build first then simply copy and paste the search bar and it will work.

Example: This is a Planetary cruiser setup i saved: http://coriolis.io/outfit/imperial_eagle/03D3A3D1D2D2D2C-2e2e-43v60000.Iw1-EA==.Aw1-EA==?bn=Planetary%20Cruiser

By hyperlink I meant the "www.coriolis.io" link in your main search bar
19 Mar 2016, 2:43am

Like this? Not really a link is it?
19 Mar 2016, 3:27am
19 Mar 2016, 3:32am
19 Mar 2016, 8:33am
Personally I'd go for a 6A power plant. You'll have more power than you need and it's got more armour so it hangs in longer
19 Mar 2016, 1:34pm
Is there any particular reason that most of the ships that interdict me are registering as ENEMY from Edmund Mahon faction?
I wouldn't mind too much except there is little or no bounties from them.
19 Mar 2016, 1:51pm
I was away for two days on a short trip with no internet & when I came back there were 51new entries at Inara.  :O

Always lots going on here & there's always something interesting you can walk away with.
19 Mar 2016, 11:36pm
BeachwalkerIs there any particular reason that most of the ships that interdict me are registering as ENEMY from Edmund Mahon faction?
I wouldn't mind too much except there is little or no bounties from them.

If you are in PP and aligned with a particular power I believe, if the area you are in is contested between those 2 powers you will run into this situation at times. At least, that was how it was explained to me back when PP came out and I was considering it. I had just started playing and had a sidey and some nice chap told me I'd get eaten alive in PP.
20 Mar 2016, 12:49am
Curious how many of us fly with/without orbital rings? Any benefits either way? Sometimes I appreciate them but coming on a system with too much going on really clutters the a[[roach at times.
20 Mar 2016, 1:16am
Jack DekerdtCurious how many of us fly with/without orbital rings? Any benefits either way? Sometimes I appreciate them but coming on a system with too much going on really clutters the a[[roach at times.

It'd be nice if we could press a button to turn them on or off without having to go through the menus.
Maybe I'm just being lazy

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