Elite: Game talk

11 Jan 2017, 2:16pm
Happens from time to time if the servers are borky.

If it happens regulary to you it's best that you submit a bug report on the official frontier forums.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 11 Jan 2017, 2:34pm
11 Jan 2017, 2:17pm
If we're speaking of capital ships being used by independent forces in conflict zones, I do think that's a bug. I think it's a broad instruction set that makes them appear for factions in high-intensity zones without regard to their superpower allegiance. We see Imperial Farraguts from time to time as well as Federal Interdictors there, so that would, in my opinion, serve as further evidence that the presentation and appearances in CZ's tend to be bugged.

Now, in regards to the wounded Formidable being attacked by a rogue pirate Farragut in a distress call signal source, that's a different story. I've seen it happen numerous times, always with the same wounded Farragut. The pirate ships usually run the gamut of names without FNS/FNV prefixes.

There's a story for those. I have a few tinfoil-wrapped conspiracy theories about it.

The same can't be said for Interdictors though. I've never seen a distress call with a wounded Interdictor being jumped by a pirate Interdictor. I'm curious to know if anyone has because it seems rather odd that only the Formidable seems to be in trouble and never another ship.
11 Jan 2017, 2:22pm
I've been away from the game since October... Is it true that blueprints no longer require commodities?

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 11 Jan 2017, 2:33pm
11 Jan 2017, 2:24pm
GraXXoRI've been away from the game since October... Is it true that blueprints no longer require commodities?

That's right

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 11 Jan 2017, 2:33pm
11 Jan 2017, 2:25pm
GraXXoRI've been away from the game since October... Is it true that blueprints no longer require commodities?

Sure is. Engineering has gotten somewhat easier - for now. 

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 11 Jan 2017, 2:33pm
11 Jan 2017, 2:28pm
Rebecca HailHappens from time to time if the servers are borky.

If it happens regulary to you it's best that you submit a bug report on the official frontier forums.

Thanks, I'll head over and see what I can do.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 11 Jan 2017, 2:33pm
11 Jan 2017, 2:29pm
Well, now that's a perspective I never looked at it from

Seems like I was a little fast for classifying that as bug
11 Jan 2017, 2:36pm
But that's the thing though - if it's not a bug, and it doesn't appear to be one - what's happening? Supposing pirates have scrounged up a crew for such a ship, why are they attacking a Federal Navy ship? More than that, why doesn't anyone respond to it?

Every time this encounter plays out, the link to security cuts out and you're fighting wing after wing of pirate ships before the pirate Farragut arrives. I've never bothered routing the pirate Farragut because... well, it's a bitch of a time killing the heat relays by yourself. Doable, but takes more time than it's worth. Presumably system authority arrives and assists the Formidable, but I can't be terribly sure of that.

That said, the implications of a pirate Farragut fleet makes me think two things: the Federal Navy either has poor control over their own ships and these things are being made off with, or... there's another angle. Problem is, it's a stretch to say that it's a "black fleet." So I'm at a loss for an adequate, satisfactory explanation for these encounters. :\
11 Jan 2017, 3:41pm
Rebecca HailI still suspect that this is happening because of a bug which isn't on FDevs priority list.

It''s hardly possible that an independent faction can pile up enough funds to maintain, let alone to build one.
It's also hardly possible that a band of pirates is able to capture a Farragut or Majestic.

It makes sense that a Cp ship was issued to a strategically relevant system, control of which was then lost. Stations and settlements change hands regularly, so why not a Cap ship.

Crews mutiny, entire military divisions can defect or go rogue. I think it adds "life" to the Powers to think that they're not as cohesive an in control, even of their own assets, at the edges of their influence.
11 Jan 2017, 3:53pm
James Hussar
It makes sense that a Cp ship was issued to a strategically relevant system, control of which was then lost. Stations and settlements change hands regularly, so why not a Cap ship.

Crews mutiny, entire military divisions can defect or go rogue. I think it adds "life" to the Powers to think that they're not as cohesive an in control, even of their own assets, at the edges of their influence.

Cap ships are property of the navy. They're not issued to minor factions, they just fight with the Navy for them when needed.

It doesn't happen often that entire military divisions go rogue, especially not in stable nations + it'd be foolish to assume that there are no security mechanisms in place to prevent that.
11 Jan 2017, 4:11pm
Rebecca Hail
James Hussar
It makes sense that a Cp ship was issued to a strategically relevant system, control of which was then lost. Stations and settlements change hands regularly, so why not a Cap ship.

Crews mutiny, entire military divisions can defect or go rogue. I think it adds "life" to the Powers to think that they're not as cohesive an in control, even of their own assets, at the edges of their influence.

Cap ships are property of the navy. They're not issued to minor factions, they just fight with the Navy for them when needed.

It doesn't happen often that entire military divisions go rogue, especially not in stable nations + it'd be foolish to assume that there are no security mechanisms in place to prevent that.

The Bubble is a big place. And it's not like there's rogue Cap ships often. I get what you're saying, and generally agree. I think there's room for rounding error though.
11 Jan 2017, 4:12pm
Aliens. Nuff sed....
11 Jan 2017, 10:19pm
I'm currently 17,000LY away from the bubble (Near SAG A*) and was attacked by an unknown vessel.
I targeted it and it literally said unknown, didn't recognize the shape either (Wasn't thargoids)
Couldn't snap a pic cause it took everything to get the hell out of there! got away with Hull integrity at 12%
It's shape was similar to a tai fighter,- sort of like this= >o<
Anyone have anything similar like this happen to them?
11 Jan 2017, 10:21pm
K. GungooseI'm currently 17,000LY away from the bubble (Near SAG A*) and was attacked by an unknown vessel.
I targeted it and it literally said unknown, didn't recognize the shape either (Wasn't thargoids)
Couldn't snap a pic cause it took everything to get the hell out of there! got away with Hull integrity at 12%
It's shape was similar to a tai fighter,- sort of like this= >o<
Anyone have anything similar like this happen to them?

Drums. Drums roll in the deep..

We cannot get out..



They are coming..
11 Jan 2017, 10:25pm

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