Elite: Game talk

07 Feb 2016, 10:56am
Ade Mason
Ade MasonAs Professor Palin and his team are planning on leaving Obsidian Dock in the next 24 hours to go to Maia b1ba, was wondering if due to the recent sighting of a rogue diamondback scanning the station, if a team should head there to give him some cover and escort, it smells fishy, what with Starship One going missing and the Antares recently I think there is something going on which isn't well.. for want of a better word human, Alien perhaps linked to the barnacle's, especially now his intentions have been announced. publicly, thoughts?

Is there even any game mechanic for escorting them?

Not sure If I'm honest, in the interest of the game and the background Galnet story being there, I would have thought it would be possible, problem being, not knowing a time when they would leave so hanging out for 24 hours waiting I guess wouldn't be possible
I'm in already in the area, landed on Merope 5C last night, guess I could just fly around Obsidian and see what happens if anything, failing that, head to Maia myself ahead of the team and scope the area for unusual activity...

I think it'd be a great mechanic if so, sadly have my doubts about it being possible but do let me know, I'm close to there doing some missions to rank up empire.

Will do Techowl, I'm with you, I doubt the mechanic exists, would be nice, adds extra depth to the game if able to participate in Galnet news items.. I'm currently exploring the area, would rather have my FDL here though in case it all kicks off, not convinced my Asp, although it has weps on it, would hold out if it all goes pearshaped, lol..
08 Feb 2016, 7:57am
So did something happen?
08 Feb 2016, 10:19am
Another quick little bug query - any Xbox players (other than me) unable to even launch the game?
08 Feb 2016, 12:07pm
I believe FD have now revealed the release window for horizons on xb in thier latest newsletter, it should be out in summer.
08 Feb 2016, 2:53pm

I've pretty much ignored PP so far, figured it wouldn't do anything for me. Buddy of mine just started playing a couple weeks ago and right now his first goal is to earn passage to the Sol system so we both pledged to the T-1000 terminator. I'm wanting to take a break from smuggling/trading anyway (just earned Entrepeneur rank) and get back into Combat for a bit and T-1000 is supposed to be good for bounty hunting, it says. So I go to some system that says it's expanding, Goodbridge or something similar? I was interdicted twice by enemy faction ships but I didn't really see any opportunities for hunting there. Took a job that ended up in an unexplored system and with only a basic scanner in my Vulture I never did find the place I was supposed to deliver to in time. Sigh. So now I just landed in the T-1000's HQ system of Nomnoms or whatever. LOL Taking a break from the game for a bit to get stuff done around the house but, what exactly am I supposed to be doing to make PowerPlay useful or to contribute or whatever?
08 Feb 2016, 2:58pm
I usually equip a frame shift drive interdicer and head to an Edmund mahon control system and kill alliance beurocrats you get 30 merits per kill. They are usually flying trade ships so its quite easy
08 Feb 2016, 2:59pm

I've pretty much ignored PP so far, figured it wouldn't do anything for me. Buddy of mine just started playing a couple weeks ago and right now his first goal is to earn passage to the Sol system so we both pledged to the T-1000 terminator. I'm wanting to take a break from smuggling/trading anyway (just earned Entrepeneur rank) and get back into Combat for a bit and T-1000 is supposed to be good for bounty hunting, it says. So I go to some system that says it's expanding, Goodbridge or something similar? I was interdicted twice by enemy faction ships but I didn't really see any opportunities for hunting there. Took a job that ended up in an unexplored system and with only a basic scanner in my Vulture I never did find the place I was supposed to deliver to in time. Sigh. So now I just landed in the T-1000's HQ system of Nomnoms or whatever. LOL Taking a break from the game for a bit to get stuff done around the house but, what exactly am I supposed to be doing to make PowerPlay useful or to contribute or whatever?

I'm with Arissa Lavigny-Duval so I usually head to zachery systems and oppose him, military strikes gives me 10 merits per kill, with my ship star charged it's a piece of cake.
08 Feb 2016, 3:47pm
BeachwalkerIs it just me, or is anyone else seeing missions to surface ports that are not on the maps.
Also, when you arrive in the system, there is no sign of the place.
Can anyone else find Lawson Hub in the Deyus System.

Baffling, or. . . . is it an error.
Or am I doing something wrong?

As people have said it is possible to get missions requiring you to travel to ports that you have not 'discovered' yet. They aren't that hard to deal with though. Here's how I handle them. Once in the system where you need to find the planet with your destination port key up your discovery scanner and honk. Then open your system map. You should see a quest icon over the planet you need to visit. Once you get close enough the port will also show up on your scanners. Hope this helps.
08 Feb 2016, 8:37pm
Hello, is there any possibility to send a message to all my wing members, please?
08 Feb 2016, 9:30pm
HatatytlaHello, is there any possibility to send a message to all my wing members, please?

if you mean ingame: press the "TAB" key while the textbox is activated to cycle through chat channels.
if you mean on inara: don't know if it is possible other than the group discussion channels
08 Feb 2016, 9:36pm
if you mean ingame: press the "TAB" key while the textbox is activated to cycle through chat channels.
if you mean on inara: don't know if it is possible other than the group discussion channels

I mean here on Inara. But thanks for your reply.
08 Feb 2016, 10:39pm
BeachwalkerIs it just me, or is anyone else seeing missions to surface ports that are not on the maps.
Also, when you arrive in the system, there is no sign of the place.
Can anyone else find Lawson Hub in the Deyus System.

Baffling, or. . . . is it an error.
Or am I doing something wrong?

As people have said it is possible to get missions requiring you to travel to ports that you have not 'discovered' yet. They aren't that hard to deal with though. Here's how I handle them. Once in the system where you need to find the planet with your destination port key up your discovery scanner and honk. Then open your system map. You should see a quest icon over the planet you need to visit. Once you get close enough the port will also show up on your scanners. Hope this helps.

Thanks, I think I've finally figured it out.
Now that I've got the basics, I feel like going out exploring. It can be a bit time consuming, but I think the rewards are worth it.
09 Feb 2016, 10:12am
Just curious - there are many systems with "SHUI WEI" in name. Аnyone knows what does it mean in Elite?
Definitely looks like chinese, but without hanzi I don't really know what FD ment.
09 Feb 2016, 2:07pm
MerinidJust curious - there are many systems with "SHUI WEI" in name. Аnyone knows what does it mean in Elite?
Definitely looks like chinese, but without hanzi I don't really know what FD ment.

I don't know for sure, but sector names are randomly generated seven-letter words. Using 26 letters, we have some 8 billion possible sector names. SHUI WEI is just an accidental one of these names.

I wonder if they use all the seven-letters words with some meaning in any language, though 'shui wei' means 'water level' according to this Chinese dictionary: here Must be a coincidence
09 Feb 2016, 2:39pm
Problem is SHUI could mean: water, someone, sleep, tax, handkerchief
and WEI could mean: do, place, preserve... etc.
depending on which hanzi is used
But yeah if SHUI WEI is 水位 then it is water level

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