Elite: Game talk

13 Feb 2016, 2:18pm
LovosoloHey can anyone please help me on a horizon issue? I've bought the beta of horizon and I was wondering do I have to purchase the season pass?

You do not need to buy it, the beta access for Horizons is including it.
13 Feb 2016, 5:57pm
Man I gotta say that scooting around on planets is fun. So far I'm enjoying Horizons. It took a little while to get used to the scanner & get all the controls working but it is worth it. I suppose there a CGs related to planetary exploration?
13 Feb 2016, 6:19pm
Bobo's ToupeeMan I gotta say that scooting around on planets is fun. So far I'm enjoying Horizons. It took a little while to get used to the scanner & get all the controls working but it is worth it. I suppose there a CGs related to planetary exploration?

At least one already passed: Getting meta alloys from the barnacles in the pleiades nebula for research at Obsidian Orbital in Maia.
13 Feb 2016, 8:54pm
Dragon DarkoAnyone know a good vulture build, especially for conflict zones/Crime sweeps?

I use this at the moment and find it quite capable. My previous builds were this and before that, this. All enjoyable and capable and all with their trade offs.
Jack DekerdtAnyone using HTC's VR successfully? Has Frontier moved/moving to that officially (I thought I read that anyway). I am familiar with Occulus and its driver stagnation. I'm interested in the HTC VR. Thanks

Isn't it rumoured to come out in April? I'm also very curious.
13 Feb 2016, 9:05pm
Jack DekerdtAnyone using HTC's VR successfully? Has Frontier moved/moving to that officially (I thought I read that anyway). I am familiar with Occulus and its driver stagnation. I'm interested in the HTC VR. Thanks

Isn't it rumoured to come out in April? I'm also very curious.

FD decided to stay the advancement of the OR drivers as it was still in development , promising to update when the rift went comercial. as is per-ordering is in effect for previous owners (possiblt anyone , not sure on that though) with relise scedueled for march !! (still no idea how an xbox is hopping to do 2800 odd res at 90 FPS)
14 Feb 2016, 2:06am
Stupid Question of the Day:

So, I'm zipping around BHing and now that I have my python with 256T of nothing to do, I thought hey, why not scoop all that cargo that's left after my ninja beams. I get it's illicit cargo, but, my question is, "will I get attacked if I stick around to continues my BH contracts? Is it treated like you're wanted? I'd like to BH, scoop, rinse, repeat, find a black market then turn in bounties...seems too easy. However I see T7's and T9's merrily collecting away but they are sometimes NPCs and we all know they are subject to no particluar rules (lol). Thanks.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 14 Feb 2016, 11:39am
14 Feb 2016, 2:33am
Jack DekerdtStupid Question of the Day:

So, I'm zipping around BHing and now that I have my python with 256T of nothing to do, I thought hey, why not scoop all that cargo that's left after my ninja beams. I get it's illicit cargo, but, my question is, "will I get attacked if I stick around to continues my BH contracts? Is it treated like you're wanted? I'd like to BH, scoop, rinse, repeat, find a black market then turn in bounties...seems too easy. However I see T7's and T9's merrily collecting away but they are sometimes NPCs and we all know they are subject to no particluar rules (lol). Thanks.

You can do that and get a nice little ill-gotten cargo bonus, but having a non-empty cargo hold is going to complicate the hell out of your bounty hunting efforts, since lots of pirates are going to scan and open fire. One of the almost-immersion-breaking conveniences of BH in a rez is that you can can pick and choose who to engage at your liesure. Just be prepared to be ganged-up on in a hurry.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 14 Feb 2016, 11:39am
14 Feb 2016, 3:05am
M. Lehman
Jack DekerdtStupid Question of the Day:

So, I'm zipping around BHing and now that I have my python with 256T of nothing to do, I thought hey, why not scoop all that cargo that's left after my ninja beams. I get it's illicit cargo, but, my question is, "will I get attacked if I stick around to continues my BH contracts? Is it treated like you're wanted? I'd like to BH, scoop, rinse, repeat, find a black market then turn in bounties...seems too easy. However I see T7's and T9's merrily collecting away but they are sometimes NPCs and we all know they are subject to no particluar rules (lol). Thanks.

You can do that and get a nice little ill-gotten cargo bonus, but having a non-empty cargo hold is going to complicate the hell out of your bounty hunting efforts, since lots of pirates are going to scan and open fire. One of the almost-immersion-breaking conveniences of BH in a rez is that you can can pick and choose who to engage at your liesure. Just be prepared to be ganged-up on in a hurry.

Yeah, figured it was too good to be true, never hurts to ask.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 14 Feb 2016, 11:39am
15 Feb 2016, 1:50pm
MerinidJust curious - there are many systems with "SHUI WEI" in name. Аnyone knows what does it mean in Elite?
Definitely looks like chinese, but without hanzi I don't really know what FD ment.

I don't know for sure, but sector names are randomly generated seven-letter words. Using 26 letters, we have some 8 billion possible sector names. SHUI WEI is just an accidental one of these names.

I wonder if they use all the seven-letters words with some meaning in any language, though 'shui wei' means 'water level' according to this Chinese dictionary: here Must be a coincidence

they are actual star designations , along with HIP etc-etc-etc (FD went into great depth on that front) . as to who/why umm pass

Just found something more about this name:
水委 Shuǐ Wěi – Crooked Running Water – Constellation of stars from partly Eridanus and partly Phoenix on the southern sky.
Maybe the Shui Wei sector is based on these stars.

I know, ED made a great work to include the cataloguized stars (Scott Manley has a brilliant video demonstrating it here) but there are way much more stars in the E: D universe and the nameless ones got random names (based on sector name, what can be random as well, if I've understood it well )
15 Feb 2016, 3:08pm
The starnames are a mess. - But that's not FD's fault, it's because it is how it is.

There are many diffrent starcatalogs and also many different names for one and the same star.

Polaris f.eg.:
Bayer-Cat.: α UMi
Flamsteed-Cat.: 1 UMi
Bright-Star-Cat.: HR 424
HD-Cat.: HD 8890
Tycho-Cat.: TYC 4628-237-1
Hipparcos-Cat.: HIP 11767
ADS-Cat.: ADS 1477
Not even mentioned all the names it had in the antique, like "Phoenice" (greek), "Alruccabah" (arabic), and on and on and on...

So mostly, the first letters tell, wich Catalog was used...
15 Feb 2016, 7:05pm
YawlJust found something more about this name:
水委 Shuǐ Wěi – Crooked Running Water – Constellation of stars from partly Eridanus and partly Phoenix on the southern sky.
Maybe the Shui Wei sector is based on these stars.
I know, ED made a great work to include the cataloguized stars (Scott Manley has a brilliant video demonstrating it here) but there are way much more stars in the E: D universe and the nameless ones got random names (based on sector name, what can be random as well, if I've understood it well )

Wow, thats a cool investigation! Thanks a lot for the info!
15 Feb 2016, 8:38pm

Wow, thats a cool investigation! Thanks a lot for the info!

+1! Where's the rep button, dagnabbit?
15 Feb 2016, 9:27pm
This community is awesome. My heroes.. all of you.
15 Feb 2016, 9:54pm
16 Feb 2016, 12:30am
Bobo's ToupeeMan I gotta say that scooting around on planets is fun. So far I'm enjoying Horizons. It took a little while to get used to the scanner & get all the controls working but it is worth it. I suppose there a CGs related to planetary exploration?

Its funny that there is not a group of galactic stuntman

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