Shadow7889Ah, thank you for clearing that up for me. To further this discussion, what should be my next step as a ship past the Viper MK IV as far as bounty hunting? The Viper is a WONDERFUL ship, and my Wingmates and I have done some serious hunting with them but we're not sure where to go next as far as bounty hunting ships. Any suggestions?
Adding my 2 cents, but please note that i have no combat experience (so far) in a Viper or any of the major BH ships out there. If you're solely focused on Bounty Hunting, after the Viper Mk3 would be Vulture and then someday FDL imho. I personally went Sidewinder / Adder / Cobra / Asp Explorer / Python myself, with the first ship to really BH with being the Asp Explorer.
Currently sporting a Federal Corvette, needing a A 8 PP to have it fully A-rated minus my SCB's which i prefer to be B. After completing that goal i probably save up for a A-graded Python again to do some Trading, or if i get really insane a T-9.