Elite: Game talk

07 Jun 2017, 4:44pm
Ideally, when you hit Elite, it feels like an acknowledgment of what you've known all along.

Aka you're doing it right.
07 Jun 2017, 5:53pm
NFC PhistoIdeally, when you hit Elite, it feels like an acknowledgment of what you've known all along.

Aka you're doing it right.

For me, it feels like an acknowledgement of something else entirely, like "I could be in shape right now if I'd been exercising all this time instead", or "I could have learned to tango by now", or "I could have my CISSP/MSCE/PMP/MBA if I hadn't mis-spent all this time". I have ambitions, you see, just no self-discipline. None. What. So. Ever.

Seriously, playing this damned game and reaching some milestone like Elite or a navy rank or getting that solid engineering roll is like peeing your pants on a blustery day. Sure, there's that warm sense of relief at first, but then the cold, horrible reality sets in and you want to run away in shame and regain your composure as a mature adult. But you know what happened, and so does everyone else who saw you do it.
07 Jun 2017, 6:02pm
James Hussar
Seriously, playing this damned game and reaching some milestone like Elite or a navy rank or getting that solid engineering roll is like peeing your pants on a blustery day. Sure, there's that warm sense of relief at first, but then the cold, horrible reality sets in and you want to run away in shame and regain your composure as a mature adult. But you know what happened, and so does everyone else who saw you do it.

07 Jun 2017, 6:12pm
I have found personally, and seen others experience this: if you set a specific goal, like a certain rank or a certain ship, when you finally get there it is a big let down because nothing magical happens, no sudden sense of fulfillment - only the cold and sudden realization that the ship sucks without A rated engineered modules **cough Fer-de-Lance cough** or there is so much more left to do and it will take FOREVER... I just do it all for the entertainment. I once started going around looking for permit-only systems and seeing how many permits I could get.

The only hurdle I have not gotten over is seeing that damned CQC rating every stinking time I look at my status display....begone already!!!!! As if anyone really wanted to play Call of Duty in space....
07 Jun 2017, 6:15pm
Oliver N. HardyAs if anyone really wanted to play Call of Duty in space....

Comment by someone who must surely not have played either CQC or Call of Duty. The two couldn't be further apart...

I mean, if you don't like it that's fine but you may as well have been comparing Dark Souls to Final Fantasy. They both have swords don't they?
07 Jun 2017, 6:28pm
I have played both - CQC I gave several tries, just to make sure.  CoD I played once at a friends, so all I have is my first impressions of it from that one time(die, respawn, die, respawn, stop playing).  When they first announced CQC, I was hoping for something along the lines of the Solaris games from the Mechwarrior universe.  I didn't expect respawning spaceships that were totally different performance-wise from those you fly regularly in ED.  That is what lost me.  My opinion and impressions, anyway.

**edit - added my CoD experience such as it was....

Last edit: 07 Jun 2017, 6:34pm
07 Jun 2017, 6:37pm
Fair enough. I'm not aiming to convince you to enjoy either of them, I just hugely disagree with the comparison between the two.

I'd really like a PvP mode where you can take your actual ships in and pit them against each other. I'd be a lot more likely to play it myself. That said, I happen to enjoy it as it is, barring the empty lobbies of course.
07 Jun 2017, 7:30pm
Marra Morgan
James Hussar
Seriously, playing this damned game and reaching some milestone like Elite or a navy rank or getting that solid engineering roll is like peeing your pants on a blustery day. Sure, there's that warm sense of relief at first, but then the cold, horrible reality sets in and you want to run away in shame and regain your composure as a mature adult. But you know what happened, and so does everyone else who saw you do it.

Haha. We have very different experience in this regard. And that's ok.
07 Jun 2017, 8:12pm
James Hussar
Seriously, playing this damned game and reaching some milestone like Elite or a navy rank or getting that solid engineering roll is like peeing your pants on a blustery day. Sure, there's that warm sense of relief at first, but then the cold, horrible reality sets in and you want to run away in shame and regain your composure as a mature adult. But you know what happened, and so does everyone else who saw you do it.

I laughed so hard at this, haha!

"Oh god I've wasted over a month of my life on this virtual monstrosity!" I know the feeling waaaayyy too well, haha!

But, is it really time wasted if you had fun doing it? eh?

In my eyes, not only do I exist in the real world doing normal every day things, I also exist in Elite as a badass starfighter pilot who is infinitely more cool than I really am in reality. And to me, that's bloody brilliant.
07 Jun 2017, 8:21pm
07 Jun 2017, 8:45pm
I consider it the best $140 I have spent in my entire 50 years on this dirt ball. $70 for the original ED Beta back in 2014, then again for the Horizons Beta in 2015. I have gotten more mileage out of that money than anything I have ever bought...
07 Jun 2017, 9:19pm
Oliver N. HardyI consider it the best $140 I have spent in my entire 50 years on this dirt ball. $70 for the original ED Beta back in 2014, then again for the Horizons Beta in 2015. I have gotten more mileage out of that money than anything I have ever bought...

Only $140? and you have had the game since beta how do you do it lol
07 Jun 2017, 9:25pm

Words to live by from a great person.
07 Jun 2017, 9:36pm
I didn't count the bling....that's just icing on the cake
07 Jun 2017, 9:39pm
I'm scared to check how many skins I've bought... I have skins for ships I dont even own yet ._.

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