Elite: Game talk

12 Jun 2017, 12:39am

12 Jun 2017, 12:41am
Bryan IscariotDear lawrdy this is officially the second biggest whingefest I've seen since Salomé died but it's contesting for that #1 spot

Agreed... Both were funny to read up to a point. Even I have my limits.
12 Jun 2017, 12:43am
#savethepeople #weneedthesaltmine
12 Jun 2017, 12:44am
12 Jun 2017, 12:51am
Dobermann IX#Salty_palcons_spybot

No need to refer to their spybot... Everyone knows about it... and it's not really fair to them because they have no defense for it.  Their leader can't even own up to it, it's like he is in complete denial.
12 Jun 2017, 12:59am
No salt mine here, it's a Frontier's expertise to mine a salt. My preferred choice to solve situations like this is the Hammer of Politeness (one of my favorite pieces from my hammers collection)...
12 Jun 2017, 1:01am
ArtieNo salt mine here, it's a Frontier's expertise to mine a salt. My preferred choice to solve a situation is a Hammer of Politeness (one of my favorite pieces from my hammers collection)...

I'm struggling to think of what such a hammer would even look like. Funny concept nonetheless.
12 Jun 2017, 1:01am
ArtieNo salt mine here, it's a Frontier's expertise to mine a salt. My preferred choice to solve situations like this is the Hammer of Politeness (one of my favorite pieces from my hammers collection)...

Welp bear with us... We will keep it as polite as possible.
12 Jun 2017, 1:03am
I think it has Artie's signature wink engraved on it. A Warhammer mixed will mjolnir
12 Jun 2017, 1:06am
I actually enjoy a good bout of trash talk between rivals, as long as it doesn't devolve into personal threats and insults.
12 Jun 2017, 1:07am
I'd just rather see the trash talk get backed up with vids of wing fights.
12 Jun 2017, 1:09am
John MathurinI'd just rather see the trash talk get backed up with vids of wing fights.

12 Jun 2017, 1:11am
Well, if we must then may I politely request that PC and GL both up the quality of their trash talk?

I stand by my previous statement. I've seen this level of trash coming from 12 year olds... =P
12 Jun 2017, 1:13am
Luke3107Well, if we must then may I politely request that PC and GL both up the quality of their trash talk?

I stand by my previous statement. I've seen this level of trash coming from 12 year olds... =P

Or at least, you know, start fighting a *war* instead of whining at each other.
12 Jun 2017, 1:16am
John Mathurin
Luke3107Well, if we must then may I politely request that PC and GL both up the quality of their trash talk?

I stand by my previous statement. I've seen this level of trash coming from 12 year olds... =P

Or at least, you know, start fighting a *war* instead of whining at each other.

Honest question. What does a war even look like in Elite Dangerous? I feel like Eve has completely spoiled me in terms of player faction wars.

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