Elite: Game talk

17 Jun 2017, 11:33pm
Nothing new to read yet still? lol
17 Jun 2017, 11:36pm
Phisto, I think you posted that in the wrong place.
17 Jun 2017, 11:46pm
Simon DaturaPhisto, I think you posted that in the wrong place.
he roleplays whenever he talks dont you know that? lol
18 Jun 2017, 2:36am
Simon DaturaPhisto, I think you posted that in the wrong place.

he roleplays whenever he talks dont you know that? lol

18 Jun 2017, 5:32am
why do some people do o/ instead of o7 just a mistake? or is there a difference
18 Jun 2017, 5:38am
Have always seen o/ as a person waving.
18 Jun 2017, 5:40am
Agreed, I see o/ as a wave and o7 as a salute

there's also \o/ for someone cheering =D
18 Jun 2017, 5:43am
k thanks
18 Jun 2017, 6:13am
So much space
18 Jun 2017, 6:35am
I wish there was a way to change the color of the HUD on Xbox
18 Jun 2017, 9:19am
Pro tip: If you notice you've accidently pressed the boost button during docking, or other unwanted moments. Quickly deploy your landing gear, or cargo hatch. If the landing gear/cargo hatch is activated before the boost starts, the speed limit will completely cancel out the boost. If the deploy is after the boost starts, the speedlimit will still severely inhibit the boosts acceleration, almost completely cancelling the boost, and still allowing for a safe and proffesional docking execution.
18 Jun 2017, 9:30am
HappyComriePro tip: If you notice you've accidently pressed the boost button during docking, or other unwanted moments. Quickly deploy your landing gear, or cargo hatch. If the landing gear/cargo hatch is activated before the boost starts, the speed limit will completely cancel out the boost. If the deploy is after the boost starts, the speedlimit will still severely inhibit the boosts acceleration, almost completely cancelling the boost, and still allowing for a safe and proffesional docking execution.

still if you boosted it will take a little while to slow down even with landing gear/cargo scoop deployed
18 Jun 2017, 9:40am
That's why you need to deploy your landing gear/scoop as fast as possible.

Go ahead and try it out. If you do it quick enough, it will cancel out your boost.

Even if you're too late, and it only partially cancels it out, in a shieldless trader/miner, you'll do anything to loose all the speed you can, if you're about to crash into a station.
18 Jun 2017, 10:23am
HappyComrieshieldless trader/miner

If you are in such, this scenario didn't happen to you before. After that you're not flying shieldless anymore.
18 Jun 2017, 12:45pm
Appreciate the tips , however it's not a case of "Hyde is a silly sailor and made an oopsie," though I have been guilty of this on more than one occasion. This is a case of custom bound controls, which have had no previous issues whatsoever, behaving erratically, ceasing to function, or conflicting with other buttons. I have checked, double checked, triple checked, and the end result is always the same: regardless how many times I rebind the controls, they begin to malfunction almost immediately. My "B Button" context menu ceases to function, behaves as if EVERYTHING associated with the "B Button" conflicts (cancelling out of transactions tab/functions tab etc. causes immediate boost, deploying landing gear causes boost, retracting landing gear causes boost, turning lights on and off causes boost, lights no longer function, lose access to camera while in SC, no access to Fighter Orders, along with a multitude of other issues.) or the context menu appears but with no bindings associated with it. I'm not the only one who's had this issue, so I'm hoping that Fdev will look into it as I've submitted my two cents and experience into an existing bug report.

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