Elite: Game talk

21 Jun 2017, 4:47am
Huh, is there a reason my Gallery images are being removed from the streaming gallery? Just curious is all- why that would ever happen.
21 Jun 2017, 4:56am
NsiteHuh, is there a reason my Gallery images are being removed from the streaming gallery? Just curious is all- why that would ever happen.

they are there now
22 Jun 2017, 4:29pm
I'm on the xbox1 looking for a player faction out in Colonia.  Does anyone know of one i could possibly  join.  I'm 3xElite, 10B in assets, all engineers used.  My inara log is not up to date. I'm searching for something to do in ED.  Thx

Last edit: 22 Jun 2017, 6:27pm
22 Jun 2017, 11:12pm
old LesterI'm on the xbox1 looking for a player faction out in Colonia.  Does anyone know of one i could possibly  join.  I'm 3xElite, 10B in assets, all engineers used.  My inara log is not up to date. I'm searching for something to do in ED.  Thx

this group is based in colonia https://inara.cz/wing/2027/ contact partyboyky101
24 Jun 2017, 12:59am
Anything interesting happening out in space
24 Jun 2017, 7:10pm
Because there is no intelligent life here
25 Jun 2017, 11:47pm
MBCxShadowxAnything interesting happening out in space

Only when T-7's bloated with diamonds are present.
26 Jun 2017, 7:39pm
26 Jun 2017, 7:42pm
Hey folks  im playin around with the free cam bindings to the saitec x52 pro .. can somebody link to a screenshot or something showing an example setup ?  that would be great

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 26 Jun 2017, 7:52pm
26 Jun 2017, 9:06pm

Careful - that's a trigger word for Phisto...
26 Jun 2017, 11:33pm

As long as you don't hit us with a "m'lady", we're okay.

EDIT: This is M. Lehman. I forgot that I was still signed in to my Kyndi account. Still- it sounds better coming from her, don't you think?

Last edit: 26 Jun 2017, 11:38pm
26 Jun 2017, 11:35pm
27 Jun 2017, 2:21am
For some reason, that fits really well with your avatar.
27 Jun 2017, 4:03pm
Hi there, might be there is one thing I don't understand correctly: I don't have to use 'ED Market Connector' anymore because inara updates the prices automatically? So I can delete EDMC from my system?
27 Jun 2017, 4:10pm
Answer: No.

Reason (now it gets complicated):

Inara pulls its information from the ED Database EDDB. As there is no publicly available source on prices and all that stuff, there are no automated updates. Old way of updating was to manually enter all the prices on ROSS, the backend of EDDB. However, E:D dumps all that information about a single station whenever you dock there into a log. This log can be read by programs like EDMC, which upload the data to EDDB in return.

Long story short: Keeping EDMC helps keeping prices up to date.
(It's the least you can do when using its free service)

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