Elite: Game talk

06 Aug 2024, 6:06am
Reached 55% to COMBAT Elite Rank1 yesterday, 7% in 11 days and I took time to farm RAW materials, exchange them for what was needed and re-engineer some modules on my Corvette (MULTI-CANNON and BEAM LASER with the Krait Phantom, POWER DISTRIBUTOR with the Krait/Transfer to station and Carrier), in the end, all I needed was to pin a different Blueprint and EXPERIMENTAL EFFECTS, I wish they all were showing in the list.

BEST in the game???

Not being interested in the Targo and footies things, I had time to prep and execute the changes, it was easy with my Krait Phantom, by far the most useful ship in my fleet, with 64.25 LY Jump range, I was able to get rid of the Anaconda some time ago, one of the ships I don't really like.

In some CZ, Enemy ships took the habit to target me in packs (WTF???), my Corvette shielding is very strong but even so, I had a couple of close calls because when you have 3/4 ships hitting you plus the target you're chasing, sometimes it takes just a couple of mn before your shields goes down.

So yet another fit with some Higher Class, heavier MODULE REINFORCEMENT PACKAGEs, just to be in the safe side, it makes time on target shorter, pitch acceleration is affected and when I was able to hit the fast targets first after a frontal pass, now it's more touch and go but I'm safer. A Structurally stronger ship equals no module damages, Combat Persistence is increased.

As I said, I can't wait for the Type 8, she looks real good and should be fun to fly, as usual I will support Development of the game by purchasing a Pre-engineered version, considering they cost a fraction of a good DCS module it's fair trade, I'm just anxious to see the color schemes they will provide us with...


Info: Raw Material farming sites:

HR 3230 3 a a
Orrere 2 B Anaconda Crash Site Antimony, Tellurium.

HIP 36601 body C1A ---------- POLONIUM
HIP 36601 body C1D ---------- RUTHENIUM
HIP 36601 body C3B ----------TELLURIUM
HIP 36601 body C5A --------- TECHNETIUM

System: HR 3230 Planet: 3AA. Selenium

Last edit: 06 Aug 2024, 8:05am
06 Aug 2024, 7:09am
I don't know if it's my best score but it's not even the point:

When I complain I don't see any Elite enemies, this time I shot 5 of them, I was after an Elite Fer-de-Lance but was getting hammered by at least 3 other ships, I had no idea what was after me until I killed the FDL and went after the next one, another elite, this time a Vulture...

OK Let's do him... Then another one, and another one, I killed the fifth after a couple of different ships toward the end of the battle but one thing for sure, it pays more than lesser ranked, but I lost a fighter, had to break for Amo Synthesis and used at least 3 Shield Cells (7B SHIELD CELL BANK Specialised xxxx Flow Control) to avoid running out of shield.

I learned to re-apply the "Circuit des Yeux" (Eye pattern) checking for info in the HUD in the most efficient way possible during Combat, something you do when flying aircrafts, and this is where I figured the ergonomic limitation of this game HUD.

It is a lot harder to get the information you need because of the amount of travel your eyes have to go through from left to right while keeping an eye on a target, those info are not centralized, where your target should be.

Here on a DCS mirage 2000C, not even the most advanced HUD by today's standard, eventually you can change the nature of the information by changing modes (Nav, Weapons, Radar etc using HOTAS).

In short, everything you need to know in the smallest space possible without clutter right in front of you.

The eye pattern covers other instruments, like flight, navigation, radar etc, and take your attention away from what is in front, you learn this when you start flying.

Last edit: 06 Aug 2024, 7:54am
06 Aug 2024, 9:14am
So let's hope no game designers will ever be permitted to plan real aircraft HUDs and cockpit screens. :p

(btw, dangit, almost Mach 1 at less than 100m altitude, ain't you risky one, lol)
06 Aug 2024, 12:35pm
ThinderI learned to re-apply the "Circuit des Yeux" (Eye pattern) checking for info in the HUD in the most efficient way possible during Combat, something you do when flying aircrafts, and this is where I figured the ergonomic limitation of this game HUD.

It is a lot harder to get the information you need because of the amount of travel your eyes have to go through from left to right while keeping an eye on a target, those info are not centralized, where your target should be.

Yeah, the UI is not really well designed for combat.

It is even worse if you play without a VR headset (or a head tracker — but those are a kludge, IMO), because the design of many ships’ cockpits, combined with the nowadays prevalent 16:9 aspect ratio of monitors and the in-game camera movements, means that when you are pitching up (which, due to other game design decisions, is a very common manoeuvre during combat) you can see neither your ship’s nor your target’s hull level, even when the FOV is set to the maximum.
06 Aug 2024, 2:27pm
06 Aug 2024, 5:31pm
Does that mean no more pressing buttons 10 times to full up grade 5 modification? I'll find out when i get python mk2
06 Aug 2024, 5:34pm
Rayman.no more pressing buttons 10 times to full up grade 5 modification
Five of which are to fill the last pixel-wide gap.
06 Aug 2024, 5:37pm
Apparently it will just be 5 with a max level engineer, but that’s info from other people who watched the Frontier info show with more details. The inner completionist here will not be complaining since my brain hates leaving the circle partially filled unless out of materials, or some are still needed to get other modules of the same category at least one G5 roll.
06 Aug 2024, 6:23pm
"Fix for luxury cabins not counting as suitable for lower classes of passengers."

Great, now all of the economy-class plebians will want free upgrades.
06 Aug 2024, 8:28pm
Removed Power Regulators from recipes

Sigh. All that time I'll never get back
06 Aug 2024, 10:27pm
At least now if you do reactivations in post-Thargoid recovery, no longer need to be worried about the regulator ‘economy’ if there’s a good reward but it asks you to provide your own…
06 Aug 2024, 11:08pm
Kasumi GotoAt least now if you do reactivations in post-Thargoid recovery, no longer need to be worried about the regulator ‘economy’ if there’s a good reward but it asks you to provide your own…

I kept a steady reserve of regulators by taking missions that paid regulators whenever I started getting low on them. That is why I have 28 of them just laying around now. However, I only do restore/reboot missions when I need to get components as a reward. Otherwise, I'm a grab-n-go kinda guy. Start the reactor, take what is valuable, shut down reactor and take the regulator. Rinse, repeat.
06 Aug 2024, 11:27pm
If my RP permitted me to play in that way, but that’s also not exactly helpful when you’re doing the mission for the reward given by it.

And I definitely do them for the reward most of the time, though gathering the extras alongside always happens, too. Also aware of and rarely skip the power regulator rewards for those reactivations, but I might be in less need of them now… and hopefully the amount of manufacturing instructions required will be less obscene now.
07 Aug 2024, 12:30am
Sampi Ogonek
Yeah, the UI is not really well designed for combat.

It is even worse if you play without a VR headset (or a head tracker — but those are a kludge, IMO), because the design of many ships’ cockpits, combined with the nowadays prevalent 16:9 aspect ratio of monitors and the in-game camera movements, means that when you are pitching up (which, due to other game design decisions, is a very common manoeuvre during combat) you can see neither your ship’s nor your target’s hull level, even when the FOV is set to the maximum.

I forgot this aspect of the game since I've been playing in VR for ages but yeah, it's a bummer, I think it's worth pushing to the Developers along with full VR implementation for on-foot gaming...

MeowersSo let's hope no game designers will ever be permitted to plan real aircraft HUDs and cockpit screens. :p

(btw, dangit, almost Mach 1 at less than 100m altitude, ain't you risky one, lol)

Testing under-volting of my Graphic card and CPU the hardest way possible, with maximum ground details, you get use to it...

AMD Ryzen 7 5800X3D
AMD Radeon RX 7900 XTX NITRO
PICO 4 VR Headset.

DCS is a LOT more demanding for graphics than Elite Dangerous Horizon/Odyssey, they developed it to multi-threading and it's been an horror to implement with the PICO at the beggining but it was worth it, I had a lot of work and tweaking to do to get a smooth play and reasonably high FPS.

Flying low and fast at 90° from a target/attacker using the terrain is also a tactic meant to break a radar lock of get out fast of AAMs seekers FoV.

Last edit: 07 Aug 2024, 1:01am
07 Aug 2024, 2:08am
Sampi Ogonek

Yeah, the UI is not really well designed for combat.

It is even worse if you play without a VR headset (or a head tracker — but those are a kludge, IMO), because the design of many ships’ cockpits, combined with the nowadays prevalent 16:9 aspect ratio of monitors and the in-game camera movements, means that when you are pitching up (which, due to other game design decisions, is a very common manoeuvre during combat) you can see neither your ship’s nor your target’s hull level, even when the FOV is set to the maximum.

(2) Thanks for reminding me of this aspect of the game...

I never used head tracking, only briefly considered it when it became obvious, (playing DCS), that I had a hard time tracking targets (lose the sight, lose the fight).

So I went to VR early enough, the problem in this game (E.D) is the bliss-poor PoV once disembarked, it looks like unfinished implementation with a boxed view of reduced size and is a complete turn off, the only positive about it is that I upgraded to Odyssey and got my Carrier for walking around it, not even really enjoyable in those condition.

With age, I spend more and more time gaming and am considering upgrading my headset to a Pimax, perhaps the next generation Crystal Light, hopefully I won't have to upgrade my rig before a few years, it does look dear but I had a good chunk of money that came my way in the form of arrears so I splashed it in a reasonably good PC.

In DCS, when they started implementing multi-threading, everyone with a lesser PC was kind of struggling. Gaming becomes more expensive because of the complexity of the game (number of polygons, textures etc), a far cry from Free Space 1 and Jane's Fighter anthology, now the level of detail is more than ten times what is was in those games/time if not higher.

I don't know how to send suggestions direct to developers, it seems that I can't even post in the game's own forum for some reasons but those issues should be presented to them because they are important and would mean a fair improvement for all.

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