Elite: Game talk

19 Jun 2017, 1:34am

19 Jun 2017, 4:31am
My pard flies a DC, I thought them a waste of slot. Leaving at 99 is easy. Landing with no other ships in the way, cool.
I like 85 when those space whales get in my way.
19 Jun 2017, 7:11pm
Anyone else having a problem with conflict zones not appearing in civil war/war zones? or is my game just being broken again. Nevermind they just werent appearing when i was in station
19 Jun 2017, 11:59pm
MBCxShadowxAnyone else having a problem with conflict zones not appearing in civil war/war zones? or is my game just being broken again. Nevermind they just werent appearing when i was in station

I had such problems as well.. hugely annoying ; )
20 Jun 2017, 12:04am
MBCxShadowxAnyone else having a problem with conflict zones not appearing in civil war/war zones? or is my game just being broken again. Nevermind they just werent appearing when i was in station

I had such problems as well.. hugely annoying ; )

20 Jun 2017, 10:16am
Hi commanders,

I'm back after a long long loooong break, last time I've played engineers were introduced. What is the current state of the game? Where can I spend my time on and have fun?

20 Jun 2017, 12:36pm
MadoucHi commanders,

I'm back after a long long loooong break, last time I've played engineers were introduced. What is the current state of the game? Where can I spend my time on and have fun?


The game is great ! I'm enjoying it very much. Thargoids are here, 2.4 is called The Return. Don't anybody let to tell you the different
Also ... Lavecon is soon which only means more Elite stuff
20 Jun 2017, 1:02pm
There's plenty to do. Lots of mysteries to work on, to explore, but you need to dig around to find them.

Go to the Teorge system. Scan the listening posts. 
20 Jun 2017, 1:44pm
Uh, maybe I got misunderstood here, sorry Commanders.

I used to play the game in the way, that I was somehow earning Credits to earn Fleet and Equips. I did everything, trading, fighting, hunting, exploring and so on. Most fun was - for me - to discover new ways to make even more credits in even less time. Finding these opportunities and exhausting them for a while was my passion.

Now, first thing I realised is that they obviously have changed some income sources like smuggling from Robingo, fighting in CZ in New Yembo, long distance trading from Sothis, stacking generator missions in 64 Arietis or Skimmer Missions in Diagurandi... they all don't seem to work any more due to recent changes in the game mechanic.

My question therefore is more like: What is the current way to earn my next billion?

20 Jun 2017, 1:53pm
You don't. Anything that gives credits is considered an exploit...
20 Jun 2017, 2:02pm
Luke3107You don't. Anything that gives credits is considered an exploit...

20 Jun 2017, 2:28pm
A bit. More bitterness to be honest lol. Too many people demanding every big money earner be nerfed who already have a couple of billion in the bank. Seems hypocritical to me, but I digress.

In truth, Quince passenger missions and/or surface scan missions were (until very recently) the new method. But they nerfed those too so I don't know how fruitful it is anymore. I'm sure if you take a look on the official forums you might find something, or alternatively there's usually a YouTube video or two to help. =)
20 Jun 2017, 2:32pm
To get back into it, I traded between two bookmarked stations and made ~15 MCr an hour. Been to Quince aswell, passenger missions from station to the next planet are deleted completely, and scan missions are weird, sometimes you can stack some sometimes not. Don't like that.

I have heard exploring the "Road to Riches" by scanning nearby earthlikes is nice, can anyone confirm?
20 Jun 2017, 2:38pm

My question therefore is more like: What is the current way to earn my next billion?

Cyber for palladium.
20 Jun 2017, 2:44pm
There's a system in Col Sector 285 you can scan in around 20 minutes and net yourself an easy 5mill. It's around 300Ly from Sol at the most.

Col 285 Sector CX-J c9-8

Easy enough. Fit an ADS, a DSS and have at it.

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