Elite: Game talk

30 Jun 2017, 3:14pm
Hello, does anyone know a decent way to increase imperial rank? I normally play as a trader, but my station doesn't give a lot of missions and even when it gives me trading missions they don't increase the rank by much if at all. I was wondering if there are certain missions I should be looking for, other than donation missions, for some one who can't afford a fer-de-lance or if there is a decent station.
30 Jun 2017, 4:21pm
You can do mission board trading missions, but the profit isn't huge. Best advice is to just head deeper into Imp space, and get as close as you can to Achenar, and just keep grinding. You could also do Imp slave trading to fill the rest of your hold so you can max profit out.
30 Jun 2017, 4:53pm
Thankyou, I will go do that soon.
30 Jun 2017, 6:30pm
Indecisive NewtHello, does anyone know a decent way to increase imperial rank? I normally play as a trader, but my station doesn't give a lot of missions and even when it gives me trading missions they don't increase the rank by much if at all. I was wondering if there are certain missions I should be looking for, other than donation missions, for some one who can't afford a fer-de-lance or if there is a decent station.

GiyariYou can do mission board trading missions, but the profit isn't huge. Best advice is to just head deeper into Imp space, and get as close as you can to Achenar, and just keep grinding. You could also do Imp slave trading to fill the rest of your hold so you can max profit out.

It used to be that you could buy your rank - donation missions with an empire logo next to them from aligned factions would give you a boost. Is this still a thing?
30 Jun 2017, 6:51pm
Been nerfed, like everything else, by demand of those who already got theres...

Last edit: 30 Jun 2017, 10:35pm
30 Jun 2017, 10:33pm
Luke3107Been nerfed, like everything else, by demand of those who already got there's...

Always kinda bothered me that unless you put your nose to the grindstone and focused solely on ranking up, by the time you reach the rank needed for most of the fed/imp ships you end up being able to purchase "better" ships, making the whole think kinda redundant.
01 Jul 2017, 12:31am
Luke3107Been nerfed, like everything else, by demand of those who already got there's...

Always kinda bothered me that unless you put your nose to the grindstone and focused solely on ranking up, by the time you reach the rank needed for most of the fed/imp ships you end up being able to purchase "better" ships, making the whole think kinda redundant.

True, I reach the Duke during the 2.0 game build, before they nerfed it to the ground. Now i have to stack for the Panther Clipper, Asp MkII and the Mamba
01 Jul 2017, 1:35pm
Luke3107Been nerfed, like everything else, by demand of those who already got there's...

Always kinda bothered me that unless you put your nose to the grindstone and focused solely on ranking up, by the time you reach the rank needed for most of the fed/imp ships you end up being able to purchase "better" ships, making the whole think kinda redundant.

All this is true, however it is still something to do that will give you a definite long term goal.
01 Jul 2017, 2:02pm
It's always wise to set a long term goal that doesn't involve filling up a bar!
03 Jul 2017, 2:31am
So I just started my own wing and we are alaways looking for new members. We are Bounty Hunter, explorers, Traders, and many many things. We don't allow griefers or bullies.

I am looking to one day become a player faction so any advise would be appreciated.

Also of you can't reach me here. Add me on XBOX GT: Ryker Wylde
03 Jul 2017, 2:47am
Ryker, you should post that in Wing Promotions.
03 Jul 2017, 3:02am
Sorry. I'm still new to forums lol
03 Jul 2017, 3:07am
03 Jul 2017, 3:17am
I posted it
03 Jul 2017, 9:21pm
Was scanning a beacon and screen went black, no message, nothing, had to relaunch the game entirely

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 03 Jul 2017, 10:18pm

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