Elite: Game talk

19 Jul 2017, 6:09pm
Whaaaaat the fuuuck
19 Jul 2017, 6:14pm
Now that's just creepy.
19 Jul 2017, 6:17pm
Salad Fingers creepy? I like the guy...
19 Jul 2017, 6:25pm
Case in point. ^^
19 Jul 2017, 6:35pm
19 Jul 2017, 9:13pm
Moin, ich suchte diese Game seit ein paar Tagen auf der ps4.  Der erste Ingenieur verlangt von mir Meta Legierung, kann Mir jemand sagen wo und wie ich diese finde? Danke schonmal.   CMDR Chillah1

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 20 Jul 2017, 9:59am
19 Jul 2017, 10:12pm
amyone know where I can buy a cobra mark4
19 Jul 2017, 10:27pm
Elkassassin8240amyone know where I can buy a cobra mark4

Are you on the PS4?
19 Jul 2017, 11:22pm
Elkassassin8240amyone know where I can buy a cobra mark4

First, make sure one of these applies to you:
1. A Kickstarter backer from before it released on PC
2. Pre-ordered Horizons for Xbox or PC

If neither of these are you, you're out of luck I'm afraid, but to be fair you aren't missing much. She's not a bad little ship, but can't do anything the Cobra MkIII can't do already. (You'll notice that this means PS4 players do not have access to it yet. However I'm confident that will be remedied before long.)

If, however, you do fit into either category, I recommend using Roguey to find things you need/want. But bare in mind that since this information is updated by both the use of an API and by public edits, some of it may be out of date.

Good Luck o7
20 Jul 2017, 12:06am
Or buy a ship that doesn't suck.
20 Jul 2017, 12:40am
headed out to hutton orbital. anyone want a mug or booze? LOL

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 20 Jul 2017, 9:59am
20 Jul 2017, 1:13am
guess I'm gonna have to get a bigger ship. thanks
20 Jul 2017, 2:26am
Cobra III! All the awesome, none of the suck.
20 Jul 2017, 2:26pm
NFC PhistoCobra III! All the awesome, none of the suck.

Phisto is right, gotta respect the classics man.
20 Jul 2017, 5:19pm
TringaliI hate to ask, but does anyone have a good idea where to find PANITE for Selene Jean? I'm farming pristine metallic rings using http://edtools.ddns.net/ (which is awesome) but still not finding any. I hear the RES sites spawn in, and if I'm not in one I won't find any... is that correct?

Try Toluku Coordinates are 41 / 141.59375 / 79.96875.

I had a lot of luck there. Nice system for mining.

You can, indeed, find your Painite outside the Reservation points. I do most of my mining outside the res for quite, relaxation time. Never had an issue finding anything I wanted.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 20 Jul 2017, 8:22pm

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