Elite: Game talk

17 Aug 2024, 7:13am

Type 9 heavy: flagship edition when?
17 Aug 2024, 8:26am
Well, We've had a Combat ship - Python 2 ? , and a Trader - Type 8 so that leaves what ?
Explorer , Mining or Passenger speciality options. - I think we currently have enough Passenger options so my bet will be some kind of Explorer - or Mining Vessel.
All an Explorer needs is the ability to carry survey equipment and have long FSD range, so is that something they would need to bring in a new ship variant for ?
Maybe only for intergrating the SCO FSD Drives into a stable chassis.
So - Miner ? What do you all think ?
17 Aug 2024, 4:19pm
Just lost a 30th of my budget on a rebuy because I'm dumb and while it doesn't really MATTER I feel incensed at myself. Got greedy
17 Aug 2024, 4:33pm
Jarge Well, We've had a Combat ship - Python 2 ? , and a Trader - Type 8 so that leaves what ? So - Miner ? What do you all think ?

Type 8 could do mining well too.
17 Aug 2024, 11:04pm
Hier mal ein Link auf Youtube. Dort wird von Commander Buur spekuliert, dass es sich eventuell um ein Explorer Schiff von dem Hersteller Gutamaya handeln könnte.

18 Aug 2024, 12:35pm
Looks like FD's new ships ARX machine would become of perpetuum mobile.

Last edit: 18 Aug 2024, 3:30pm
18 Aug 2024, 12:42pm
That 'paid early access' feature would've been even not bad if not for the power creep.
18 Aug 2024, 6:41pm
Boom goes another giant shitter!
18 Aug 2024, 6:46pm
Im able to watch big boom tomorrow yay.. Last time it was during 1st titan.
18 Aug 2024, 6:53pm
I can tell you... It's exactly the same thing but in different location.
But nothing stops you if you want, of course.
18 Aug 2024, 7:32pm
SakashiroDid I hear this right? Engineering now has a predictable linear progression? One roll for the first grade, two rolls for the second, five rolls for the fifth?

It used to be 1, 2, 3, 4, 9. And sometimes 10. Or 11.

And a single HGE now has 40+ scoopable units?


Mmmmm.....well, so far, I have run across two situations where the linear progression did NOT happen. The latest version was when my alt was engineering Long Range on my beam weapon. Level 3 took 5 rolls, so did level 4. Level 5 took seven. So, clearly there is a bug in there somewhere.
18 Aug 2024, 11:56pm
Ceti Fox

Mmmmm.....well, so far, I have run across two situations where the linear progression did NOT happen. The latest version was when my alt was engineering Long Range on my beam weapon. Level 3 took 5 rolls, so did level 4. Level 5 took seven. So, clearly there is a bug in there somewhere.

Linear progression only happens if you have maxed out your rank with the Engineer to Grade 5 already. If you are below Grade 5, you will need more rolls to get the full engineering. Of course, you might already have been at Rank 5, I wouldn't be surprised if there are bugs.
19 Aug 2024, 6:44pm
Hehe, thor goes yellow! big boom! its been so long last time i watched my previous one.
21 Aug 2024, 9:04am
EpisparhOne of the most requested ships is Imperial Explorer. So this is most likely it. A Clipper size ship that fits on medium pad.

But they can't call it Imperial Explorer. The name has to start with a C.

21 Aug 2024, 9:12am
Khm... There are many other interesting words with 'C' going first... :p

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