Elite: Game talk

02 Aug 2017, 6:50pm
James Hussarthe RP stuff is there for everything else.


James, did you fart in the elevator again?
02 Aug 2017, 8:27pm

wasn't me! lol

i actually use almost every part of this site, aside from rp. i even manually input my cargo, credits, be amazing to have ps4 logging somehow, but whatever. I input cargo as it comes in, and when i'm done for the day, i'll input my credits.Kinda funky to be able to track all that. Cargo makes engineer's painless and that's why i do that.
Usually just have this site open, while i'm in game....well for everything in game.
03 Aug 2017, 1:15pm
NFC Phisto
James Hussarthe RP stuff is there for everything else.


James, did you fart in the elevator again?

03 Aug 2017, 7:49pm
SurinamI still haven't figured out what this site is for and how it can be useful..

Any good long video tutorial on how this site is supposed to be used anywhere>?

Primarily.. I use INARA in the Faction/Wing/BGS capacity.
It's a third party adjunct to the game Elite Dangerous.
There are no provisions withing the game Elite Dangerous to support an organized "WING" of like-minded pilots.
So hence INARA.

I use the "Search" for systems, stations, minor factions, commodities, outfitting (15% off), as INARA compiles current data like that from the ED-Market Connector tool.

The community Role-Play threads are a good read while mining.
03 Aug 2017, 11:13pm
BilisknerA quick question

Is it worth keeping the pattern obelisk data

No. It was only useful during the initial 4 weeks of the mission to bring to the engineer.
04 Aug 2017, 2:12pm
BilisknerA quick question

Is it worth keeping the pattern obelisk data

No. It was only useful during the initial 4 weeks of the mission to bring to the engineer.

But i heard a rumour they might be needed in the next update so i am keeping 10 of each
04 Aug 2017, 6:42pm
This is my CMDR's Facebook, pretty much...
04 Aug 2017, 8:06pm
InxentasThis is my CMDR's Facebook, pretty much...

You mean SpaceBook™
04 Aug 2017, 8:46pm
Jemine Caesar
InxentasThis is my CMDR's Facebook, pretty much...

You mean SpaceBook™

It looks like you trademarked SpaceBook, better use ShipBook before someone grabs it.
05 Aug 2017, 2:38am
Jemine Caesar
InxentasThis is my CMDR's Facebook, pretty much...

You mean SpaceBook™

It looks like you trademarked SpaceBook, better use ShipBook before someone grabs it.

or Inaragram, Inarachat, or is that too much?
05 Aug 2017, 6:43pm
Hi everyone thanks for the warm welcome,

I have a few questions pertaining to the ps4 version of the game, firstly can I take part in events on the ps4 version? are there players from inara active on the ps4 version?

Second how can I import my commanders log details from the ps4 to this website if that's even possible xD

And last but not least where do I start I am a huge fan of roleplaying so I can get right into character building ecc xD
05 Aug 2017, 6:52pm
NathnileHi everyone thanks for the warm welcome,

I have a few questions pertaining to the ps4 version of the game, firstly can I take part in events on the ps4 version? are there players from inara active on the ps4 version?

Second how can I import my commanders log details from the ps4 to this website if that's even possible xD

And last but not least where do I start I am a huge fan of roleplaying so I can get right into character building ecc xD

Ahoy!  Yes, you can partake in events on the PS4.  Community Events, Background Simulation (factions and such) are shared between all platforms.

Dunno about active PS4 players on Inara, but there are quite a few joining these past few weeks.

Log details are PC only, I think?

Regarding RP, the OCC RP board is a great place to start with questions, brain storming, etc.  The Discord has a couple channels for that as well with all kind of helpful folk.
05 Aug 2017, 6:55pm
NFC Phisto
NathnileHi everyone thanks for the warm welcome,

I have a few questions pertaining to the ps4 version of the game, firstly can I take part in events on the ps4 version? are there players from inara active on the ps4 version?

Second how can I import my commanders log details from the ps4 to this website if that's even possible xD

And last but not least where do I start I am a huge fan of roleplaying so I can get right into character building ecc xD

Ahoy! Yes, you can partake in events on the PS4. Community Events, background simulation (factions and such) are shared between all platforms.

Dunno about active PS4 players on Inara, but there are quite a few joining these past few weeks.

Log details are PC only, I think?

Regarding RP, the OCC RP board is a great place to start with questions, brain storming, etc. The Discord has a couple channels for that as well with all kind of helpful folk.

Thank you very much glad to join a community on this game sometimes you feel alone in the vast wilderness xD
05 Aug 2017, 9:02pm
NathnileHi everyone thanks for the warm welcome,

are there players from inara active on the ps4 version?

Second how can I import my commanders log details from the ps4 to this website if that's even possible xD

Hey brother, i'm on PS4. I've been using this site since ps4 launch, but just made a profile last week-ish. Great community here honestly.
Manually entering yer data, isn't so bad. A bit do do when starting, but if you leave this open as you play, and remember to add as you go for cargo, it's not a big deal. All the other data I usually just enter at the end of a play session if i know i'm not coming back for the day.

I'm having issues atm with seeing anyone online that i newly add in game even tho ps4 lists them in game, so there's no point in adding new ppl for the moment. It's in the works with Fdev as i type this, so hopefully it will be fixed soon.
06 Aug 2017, 2:07am
hay can any one help me outfiiting the fer-de-lance please an what mods i should have its a bit confuseing for me i have 2 multi cannons and a huge beam lasser and im not sure how to do it up for combat as ive always done passenger missions and exploration,

So now its time to try the combat side of things and havent a bloody clue lmao, thank you very much

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