Elite: Game talk

19 Dec 2015, 6:33pm
i just had an issue today.. bit of a 'meh' one, but i spent a few hours bountyhunting, took out a few dozen with bounties in the range 5k - ~90k.. finally flew back to station to cash them in, but only got around 80k for them combined.. and no, whilst there are some 'out of system' bounties they amount to about 40k.

all in all im not that fussed, considering people are getting wiped out.. but there is definitely some strange stuff going on..

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 19 Dec 2015, 6:47pm
19 Dec 2015, 6:33pm
WILD BILL CODYI hope this is a soon to be fixed bug, but today I started play penniless, harmless, clueless....0% on all factions and all of my hard earned  allied status with factions gone.  What is this?  Surprise, Surprise, Surprise.  Only thing that was still around was my cutter.   I AM NOT STARTING OVER AGAIN.
I was 39% from becoming ELITE Trader.  OMG!


I quit to the main menu and then started again. It fixed it.
19 Dec 2015, 6:51pm
ok.. so why, when i click on any system on inara, does it automatically change my location to that system? it's really really annoying..
19 Dec 2015, 6:52pm
Squid: It's made that way by default, but you can turn it off in your Settings.
19 Dec 2015, 6:54pm
thank god for that.. why the hell would that be the default? i didnt know the setting 'in market' was what i was after, since it was changing when i was browsing community goals, not the market...
19 Dec 2015, 6:58pm
It's partially by legacy reasons, partially to populate commander's locations until they discover how to do it manually in their profiles. Usually people are browsing markets in location they are in.
It will change the location even on clicking the location in CG (because it opens Market page), but it's right there are some adjustments needed. I will take a look on it.
19 Dec 2015, 7:03pm
ArtieIt's partially by legacy reasons, partially to populate commander's locations until they discover how to do it manually in their profiles. Usually people are browsing markets in location they are in.
It will change the location even on clicking the location in CG (because it opens Market page), but it's right there are some adjustments needed. I will take a look on it.

my recommendation would be to scrap the auto change, and for each market page/station to have a 'assign current location' button
19 Dec 2015, 7:10pm
Yeah, I have that button on ToDo list already, but as it needs to re-arrange the station header, I wasn't adding it there yet.
19 Dec 2015, 10:40pm
Jack Dekerdt
Nathanc213Does anyone know of good locations to pick up pirate kill missions

Laedla and surrounding systems (once you start gaining favor in Laedla) has been very good to me. No end of BH missions and some nice trade missions if you want to change it up along the way.

Is this in federation space
20 Dec 2015, 1:10am
I have pulled off all imaginable stunt tricks in an SRV, found all the available materials in abundance, and filled my inventory with said materials. I am bored with Horizons now.
20 Dec 2015, 1:18am
Sidenti TaaloI have pulled off all imaginable stunt tricks in an SRV, found all the available materials in abundance, and filled my inventory with said materials. I am bored with Horizons now.

I'm a completionist at heart, and I still visit planets that I've trawled through 10 times over, this game has changed me lol.
20 Dec 2015, 2:40am
Sidenti TaaloI have pulled off all imaginable stunt tricks in an SRV, found all the available materials in abundance, and filled my inventory with said materials. I am bored with Horizons now.

I'm a completionist at heart, and I still visit planets that I've trawled through 10 times over, this game has changed me lol.

I think it's time to just hit the highway. Artie, great site, love the work. Friends on friends list, you're good folks - take care. Everyone else? Eh, same thing. It's a good bunch.

Fly safe, Commanders. o7
20 Dec 2015, 4:34am
Does handing bounty vouchers and combat bonds for the federation increase rank I have searched the forums quite a bit but cant find an answer
20 Dec 2015, 12:21pm
Nathanc213Does handing bounty vouchers and combat bonds for the federation increase rank I have searched the forums quite a bit but cant find an answer

From my experience, no.

A month ago when I had my Python, I went from roughly 80 million assets to 132 million ONLY from bounties in federation space, when I started, I had the same rank as when I finished. When it came to concentrating on ranks for the new ships, it took quite a while to get the ascension mission to pop up.

So what I gather from that experience is no, they don't count towards it.
20 Dec 2015, 1:12pm
Nathanc213Does handing bounty vouchers and combat bonds for the federation increase rank I have searched the forums quite a bit but cant find an answer

From my experience, no.

A month ago when I had my Python, I went from roughly 80 million assets to 132 million ONLY from bounties in federation space, when I started, I had the same rank as when I finished. When it came to concentrating on ranks for the new ships, it took quite a while to get the ascension mission to pop up.

So what I gather from that experience is no, they don't count towards it.

This is what my experiences have shown as well, but FD say they do count

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