Elite: Game talk

28 Sep 2017, 4:13pm
They've just (today) hit a cargo megaship near the Oracle station
28 Sep 2017, 4:19pm
JQAs a side note, they also seem to pick certain things up. I've seen them grab the thargoid sensors and escape pods from human vessels, both occupied and damaged. This being said, I'm not sure the thargoids we see at the aftermath are the ones attacking the ships. They don't attack us unless we fire on them or get too close, even though they come up and scan us. They also don't make use of the pulse they've previously used to disable us. I think this may be the non hostile thargoid faction following and keeping tabs on the other one. They are (or were) in a civil war after all.

This is exactly what I think too! Although to be honest I also think it could be the Feds/Imps shooting the Thargoids first as well. It's 50/50 in my eyes.

Any contact we players as "independent Commanders" have had with the Thargoids, has been peaceful until we open fire upon them. Of course, our weapons are bloody useless just now so it's one sided, but it doesn't remove the fact that we humans seem likely to be the aggressors.

Which begs the question, why are they lifting escape pods? That's the mystery to me. If they were aggressive to us then they'd want us dead, and they'd destroy or leave the pods to drift. If they're peaceful, why are they talking pods? QUESTIONS!

That being said, I can't wait to fight some of them. Hopefully we work out what factions are what between them so I can go ham on the "bad" ones.
28 Sep 2017, 4:26pm
Giyari... If they're peaceful, why are they talking pods?..

For experiments...
28 Sep 2017, 4:27pm
28 Sep 2017, 4:33pm
It does seem odd to me that these creatures will wipe out a convoy unprovoked, then turn around and only attack independent pilots when provoked. I suspect that they are either targeting these specific convoys for a purpose, or, like Giyari says, are not the same ships.

As for the abductions, I am not sure, though I suspect out of curiosity and research. They always seem to carefully examine the wreckage when we find them, but I am unsure why.
28 Sep 2017, 4:39pm
Mayybe they're like... big insecty space cats.

Thargoid: "Whassat? OHHHH!!! It MOVED!" *Scans intently*
28 Sep 2017, 4:41pm

But in all seriousness, this is an entirely "alien" culture, so there may be things about their motives that do not make sense to us humans.
28 Sep 2017, 4:42pm
the plot thickens.....i just sighted them within 5000km of Coriolis-station in Pleiades Sector IR-W d1-55
28 Sep 2017, 4:46pm
Draxxa Kireththe plot thickens.....i just sighted them within 5000km of Coriolis-station in Pleiades Sector IR-W d1-55

What color were they? If the old lore holds up, the ones that are hostile will be red instead of green.
28 Sep 2017, 4:51pm
Draxxa Kireththe plot thickens.....i just sighted them within 5000km of Coriolis-station in Pleiades Sector IR-W d1-55

What color were they? If the old lore holds up, the ones that are hostile will be red instead of green.


28 Sep 2017, 4:55pm
My experiences have been that they display a number of patterns depending on its "mood."

Long story short, if it's pissed, it'll turn red and you should run. Otherwise, it'll be either green or colorless.
28 Sep 2017, 4:56pm
Seems like they're lit Green normally but then their lights turn Red when they're hostile.
28 Sep 2017, 5:04pm
The color we've seen so far I'd call green. I mean the biomass that makes up the ships, not the lights. It's a bit difficult to tell though, since the last appearance of the factions was in old school elite, and that didn't do much for colors.
28 Sep 2017, 5:08pm
In that case, I'm not sure we've yet seen any differences of that kind.
28 Sep 2017, 5:28pm
That's likely true. I'm just curious as to which groups of Thargoids are still active. Do we still have both the Oresrians and the Klaxians, or did they resolve their civil war? Are there more groups? Will Donna and Lee get back together? Find out on the next episode of Space Days of our Space Lives.

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