Elite: Game talk

01 Dec 2015, 11:00pm
Greeboskitraiding between cmdr's is not going to happen , at least for a long time. it was discussed back in alpha/beta days and was decided as a no go area to avoid ''gold farmers''

Can't have a sandbox MMO without trading. Guild Wars 2 does a fantastic job of avoiding goldfarmers with their approach, I've found. And having a buy-in (read: no F2P option) is a huge help too.

It can be done, but I'll grant Frontier may not have the experience to do so given this is their first foray into massive online multiplayer.
01 Dec 2015, 11:12pm
Sidenti Taalo
Greeboskitraiding between cmdr's is not going to happen , at least for a long time. it was discussed back in alpha/beta days and was decided as a no go area to avoid ''gold farmers''

Can't have a sandbox MMO without trading. Guild Wars 2 does a fantastic job of avoiding goldfarmers with their approach, I've found. And having a buy-in (read: no F2P option) is a huge help too.

It can be done, but I'll grant Frontier may not have the experience to do so given this is their first foray into massive online multiplayer.

i am curious ... what is there to ''trade'' in ED ?
after all we have no rnd roll armour / weapons etc
and if it is for starting a new CMDR out (which is giving away not trade per say) at least as is they get to learn some of how the game works
01 Dec 2015, 11:21pm
any idea where to get a a4 power plant or higher looking all over
01 Dec 2015, 11:42pm
Clubany idea where to get a a4 power plant or higher looking all over

Where are you Cmdr?
02 Dec 2015, 12:02am
Bidabug[quote=Club]any idea where to get a a4 power plant or higher looking all over

Where are you Cmdr?[
Nuakea looked every where
02 Dec 2015, 12:09am
02 Dec 2015, 12:15am
02 Dec 2015, 12:29am
Today I learned I am, in fact, dumb enough to accidentally sell one of my ships.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I must fly 300Ly or so to get a new T9. YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY ME

(Actually, screw that - time to get a trade 'Conda.)

Last edit: 02 Dec 2015, 2:52am
02 Dec 2015, 2:12pm
I wish the Tactical paint pack were available for Anacondas. Frankly, I don't understand why it isn't.
02 Dec 2015, 2:47pm
I heard the Midnight (All Black) paint will be available for 29 ships. If you pre-order horizons.

Sidenti TaaloI wish the Tactical paint pack were available for Anacondas. Frankly, I don't understand why it isn't.
02 Dec 2015, 3:01pm
VeyderI heard the Midnight (All Black) paint will be available for 29 ships. If you pre-order horizons.

Sidenti TaaloI wish the Tactical paint pack were available for Anacondas. Frankly, I don't understand why it isn't.

Was. Offer expired yesterday. I thought about it but the ship color I chose for my fleet is Tac Ice. Also, I'm waiting on a few parts to get here for necessary upgrades before ordering Horizons, and I'd REALLY love to see more on the crafting/looting system supposed to be coming with 2.0.

But most importantly, I need Tac Ice.
02 Dec 2015, 5:19pm
Dammit, those midnight skins would have been amazing with silent running builds. Ah well, the tactical graphite skins should be good enough.
02 Dec 2015, 6:18pm

I am at 109 Piscium it has A's size 2,3,4,5,6

You have better luck in large population places under Li Young-Rui. He is a big fan of tech. Li is the Crazy Gideon of Outfitting, STACK THEM DEEP, SELL THEM CHEAP!!!!!!!!
02 Dec 2015, 6:44pm
You know what would be fun? A single-player component like Combat Training that lets us test our builds against other builds - maybe even have a multiplayer facet to it in that other players submit builds of their own, etc.
02 Dec 2015, 7:18pm
I would love it if they just used the already written code they have now to implement this:
Buy your own OUTPOST. Store your ships in it. Store your cargo in it. Store your modules.
Option to Pay to move it, pay to add a large pad. Pay top credits to park at a Pristine Metallic Ring and run a mining operation.
Have it consume resources so that you have to regularly supply it with fuel, food, meds, weapons, etc. etc. or pay others a premium to do it for you.
In Open play CMDRs can attempt blockades.
Operate a black market. Sell stuff you collect. Buy stuff from other CMDRs.
Private Groups could operate ORBITALS. That is asking too much, But I can Dream.

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