Elite: Game talk

07 Nov 2015, 11:06pm
Ky VattaSorry if this is a FAQ but I couldn't find a search function on here.

I'm unclear about the definitions of the roles in the settings panel, and the difference between "Freelancer" and "Mercanary" in particular. Thoughts or pointers to prior discussion welcomed!

In general terms, a freelancer is pretty much down for anything that pays credits, whereas mercs tend to stick primarily to general military jobs. As far as site function goes, you can select your role as a signature option by clicking on the Signature tab in the left-hand corner of your CMDR's Log page. The Signature and License settings will be on the right-hand side of the Signature page.

Mine looks like this:

07 Nov 2015, 11:45pm
Sidenti Taalo
Ky VattaSorry if this is a FAQ but I couldn't find a search function on here.

I'm unclear about the definitions of the roles in the settings panel, and the difference between "Freelancer" and "Mercanary" in particular. Thoughts or pointers to prior discussion welcomed!

In general terms, a freelancer is pretty much down for anything that pays credits, whereas mercs tend to stick primarily to general military jobs.

Interesting, thanks. My character concept is the only survivor of a huge corporate hit on an established family trading firm. A moral character, but one who has had to claw back from near bankruptcy by any means necessary, so Freelancer/Trader fits.
07 Nov 2015, 11:58pm
Ky Vatta Interesting, thanks. My character concept is the only survivor of a huge corporate hit on an established family trading firm. A moral character, but one who has had to claw back from near bankruptcy by any means necessary, so Freelancer/Trader fits.

Can't wait to read the logbooks - good luck! o7
08 Nov 2015, 2:25am

help needed : flight logging

New flight log

Import your E:d netLog drop *.log file here or click to select

Be sure you have VerboseLogging enabled (otherwise you won't see docking and jumps between systems in your flight logs)!
Find and edit AppConfig.xml in your game folder and add VerboseLogging="1" to the Network section.

For example:
(Update your AppConfig.xml after each game update/patch, as it overrides this setting.)

found file and edit it

but my file Show one part more :

     RelayViaServer="1"      <------ that is in my file but in the file here in page is this data not present

if i click on inport then my computer nothing doing

can not find the file "drop *.log" in my elite Folders , what is wrong
08 Nov 2015, 2:31am
Click the box above the Import button, or drag and drop the .log file you want to use onto the box. The filename isn't "drop *.log", it's telling you to drop a file with the extension .log there.
08 Nov 2015, 3:02am
They hide the logs in a weird place. I've got Windows 7, but the location should be similar in other Windows versions. Probably.

First, make sure you've got hidden files showing. (Control Panel > Folder Options > View tab > Radio button: Show hidden files and folders)

Then, it's in C: > Users > Your User File (not Default or Public) > App Data (that's the hidden file you needed revealed) > Local > Frontier_Developments (mind the underscore) > Products > FORC-FDEV-D-1010 > Logs.

See? They hid the hell out of it.

The flight logs will start with "netLog" followed by a couple of dots and a string of numbers. That's what you're looking to upload.

Hope it helps!
08 Nov 2015, 5:42am
Sidenti TaaloThey hide the logs in a weird place. I've got Windows 7, but the location should be similar in other Windows versions. Probably.

First, make sure you've got hidden files showing. (Control Panel > Folder Options > View tab > Radio button: Show hidden files and folders)

Then, it's in C: > Users > Your User File (not Default or Public) > App Data (that's the hidden file you needed revealed) > Local > Frontier_Developments (mind the underscore) > Products > FORC-FDEV-D-1010 (this number can change depending how/where/when you got ED from) > Logs.

See? They hid the hell out of it.

The flight logs will start with "netLog" followed by a couple of dots and a string of numbers. That's what you're looking to upload.

Hope it helps!

minor note added
08 Nov 2015, 5:54am
08 Nov 2015, 11:39am
A small note if you are looking for log files and running the game via steam, they can be found in

..\Steam\SteamApps\common\Elite Dangerous\Products\FORC-FDEV-D-1010\Logs\
08 Nov 2015, 12:38pm
Sidenti TaaloThey hide the logs in a weird place. I've got Windows 7, but the location should be similar in other Windows versions. Probably.

First, make sure you've got hidden files showing. (Control Panel > Folder Options > View tab > Radio button: Show hidden files and folders)

Then, it's in C: > Users > Your User File (not Default or Public) > App Data (that's the hidden file you needed revealed) > Local > Frontier_Developments (mind the underscore) > Products > FORC-FDEV-D-1010 (this number can change depending how/where/when you got ED from) > Logs.

See? They hid the hell out of it.

The flight logs will start with "netLog" followed by a couple of dots and a string of numbers. That's what you're looking to upload.

Hope it helps!

minor note added

greetings , files found , have try to upload , came error message : Error: No records found in *.log file.
08 Nov 2015, 12:54pm
Saltok: If these logs were recorded without VerboseLogging enabled (which seems to be your case), if will start to work just for the logs after that change. The game doesn't add required information for flight logs to log files retrospectively.
09 Nov 2015, 9:30am
RozymandiasAnyone have a good suggestion for a starting system for a multi hop trade run? I have a capacity of 164 tons. Thanks Commanders!

Commander Rozymandias o7

As a general principle, find a High Tech about 30+ Ly from a Refinery. Run Resonating Separators one way and Gold the other. I average ~1 100 Cr/Tonne profit each way. You have to be able to defend yourself though. High value items like that do seem to attract interdictions. I'm in a Clipper with serious teeth :-)
09 Nov 2015, 1:40pm
RozymandiasAnyone have a good suggestion for a starting system for a multi hop trade run? I have a capacity of 164 tons. Thanks Commanders!

Commander Rozymandias o7

As a general principle, find a High Tech about 30+ Ly from a Refinery. Run Resonating Separators one way and Gold the other. I average ~1 100 Cr/Tonne profit each way. You have to be able to defend yourself though. High value items like that do seem to attract interdictions. I'm in a Clipper with serious teeth :-)

If you have no problems of transporting imperial slaves go and trade that to one way and beryllium or other 1000cr/t profit goods to other. That gives you about 3Kcr/t profit per run. and those runs are quite common too. Distance between stations is usually around 20 to 40 LY.

example for this is:
Orang (Safdie Terminal) 118ls Imperial Slaves → Timbarichs (Fischer Orbital) 112ls
Buy: 13657
Sell: 15721
Profit: 2064
Timbarichs (Fischer Orbital) 112ls Beryllium → Orang (Safdie Terminal) 118ls
Buy: 7557
Sell: 9089
Profit: 1532
Distance between systems: 17.77LY
Total profit: 3596cr/t
09 Nov 2015, 5:41pm
hi im having trouble with ETN (elite trade net) was wondering if anyone new of a tutorial for it its a bit confusing too me :S
10 Nov 2015, 3:06am
if you can get a long range ship like an asp or a hauler got to robigo and take the cargo delivery runs. the sytem is like 200 ly away from the rest of civilzation and each cargo run nets about 600k to 900k or more. the smuggling mission can pay an upwards of over 2 mil per delivery if your brave. with a solid shield and a fast ship you can make several mil in just an hour and tens of miliions in a few hours. in one day i was able ot full outfit and asp explorer for high risk cargo runs and completely replace the cost of outfitting it. it one 5 hour session i made more money then i have the previuos 250 hours of gameplay. good luck.

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