Elite: Game talk

14 Nov 2017, 1:47am
Whiplash 1983
Gonju. . . . . . .. , but now we are way above them in influence and still no pending takeover?? Have i missed something?
I thought you had to be the same influence or over 60%?

It's the cross-point. You'll need to lap again. crossing up or down to "Trigger".

Balls, i was afraid of that! Thanks for the info
14 Nov 2017, 5:26am
Whiplash 1983
Gonju. . . . . . .. , but now we are way above them in influence and still no pending takeover?? Have i missed something?
I thought you had to be the same influence or over 60%?

It's the cross-point. You'll need to lap again. crossing up or down to "Trigger".

Matching % is the most common way to create conflicts. The 60% influence rule also works to take over the main Station of the System out of the controlling Minor factions (MF) hands.

Also please observe the cooldown times of the various conflicts. After a War / Civil war state is gone you can equalise again after 24h aka the very next tick.

Elections on the other hand freeze everything until 48h are over.

And since conflicts are the highest in the hierarchy of the states, during their cooldown periods none other (Expansion, Lockdown, Retreat etc.) can be triggered.
14 Nov 2017, 9:23am
Greybeard LXI
Boendili have landed at Wohler Station and it is in Lockdown but no reason as to why any ideas. the only ship i have there is a Dolphin to carry on passenger missions.

One way systems go into lock down is through killing system authority ships. The way to get the system out of lock down is to bounty hunt or wait.

Bounty hunting in a Dolphin is something I would not be eager to try. If there is a ship yard you could buy a ship to bounty hunt with. Or just do passengers from another system.

Cheers, I have a Vulture not to far away, so I will try the bounty hunting. However when I looked at the missions none were available even for bounty hunting or for passenger missions.
14 Nov 2017, 10:42am
Greybeard LXI
Boendili have landed at Wohler Station and it is in Lockdown but no reason as to why any ideas. the only ship i have there is a Dolphin to carry on passenger missions.

One way systems go into lock down is through killing system authority ships. The way to get the system out of lock down is to bounty hunt or wait.

Bounty hunting in a Dolphin is something I would not be eager to try. If there is a ship yard you could buy a ship to bounty hunt with. Or just do passengers from another system.

Best thing is to not let a Lockdown happen in the first place. If you do enough bounty hunting a pending Lockdown can be pushed back or even completely avoided.
14 Nov 2017, 10:50am
Boendil Cheers, I have a Vulture not to far away, so I will try the bounty hunting. However when I looked at the missions none were available even for bounty hunting or for passenger missions.

During a Lockdown the following facilities are completely shut down:

Crew Lounge
Passenger missions
Black Market

Sometimes the Black markets are bugged and available even during a Lockdown. Which warrants a ticket to FD to repair it.

Only way to make sure a Lockdown only lasts 3 days is to equalise with another Minor faction, either in the same System or anywhere the MF is present.

Conflicts of any type kill off all other States.
14 Nov 2017, 10:51am
Ryan Murdoc
Greybeard LXI
Boendili have landed at Wohler Station and it is in Lockdown but no reason as to why any ideas. the only ship i have there is a Dolphin to carry on passenger missions.

One way systems go into lock down is through killing system authority ships. The way to get the system out of lock down is to bounty hunt or wait.

Bounty hunting in a Dolphin is something I would not be eager to try. If there is a ship yard you could buy a ship to bounty hunt with. Or just do passengers from another system.

Best thing is to not let a Lockdown happen in the first place. If you do enough bounty hunting a pending Lockdown can be pushed back or even completely avoided.

How does a lockdown happen in the first place, have I done something I shouldn’t have or can it be because of someone else. I haven’t destroyed anything untoward, unless it is when I accidentally boosted my ship into the internal wall of the station destroying it
14 Nov 2017, 11:01am
Ryan Murdoc
Greybeard LXI
Boendili have landed at Wohler Station and it is in Lockdown but no reason as to why any ideas. the only ship i have there is a Dolphin to carry on passenger missions.

One way systems go into lock down is through killing system authority ships. The way to get the system out of lock down is to bounty hunt or wait.

Bounty hunting in a Dolphin is something I would not be eager to try. If there is a ship yard you could buy a ship to bounty hunt with. Or just do passengers from another system.

Best thing is to not let a Lockdown happen in the first place. If you do enough bounty hunting a pending Lockdown can be pushed back or even completely avoided.

How does a lockdown happen in the first place, have I done something I shouldn’t have or can it be because of someone else. I haven’t destroyed anything untoward, unless it is when I accidentally boosted my ship into the internal wall of the station destroying it
14 Nov 2017, 11:02am
BoendilHow does a lockdown happen in the first place, have I done something I shouldn’t have or can it be because of someone else. I haven’t destroyed anything untoward, unless it is when I accidentally boosted my ship into the internal wall of the station destroying it

As CMDR Greybeard LXI already stated it's done through the massive slaughter of Security ships that cause a Lockdown as well as massive drops in influence for a controlling faction.

Which hopefully will be addressed with the current work in progress Crime & Punishment plans of FD.

Additionally certain Passenger missions can cause a Lockdown effect as well. Do enough of those and you get the same result.
14 Nov 2017, 9:23pm
Logan Darklighter
Blood VipreJust got terrorized by Cmdrs Niatra and Dangerous.com

His souped up Fer De Lance and my teeny weeny Eagle. Bullies... Both of them.
No dialogue, I had nothing of value.
50 million in assets and credits, gone. Nearly four years of an hour or two a week playing time, gone..........

I won`t be playing this in open, ever, ever, again.

I'm also a bit confused how you lose 50 million getting killed in an Eagle. Even my hottest, most modified ship - A Fer De Lance with A-Rated everything and 70% Engineered systems, doesn't come close to that level of re-buy if it gets destroyed.

Nevertheless, I feel you on how many bastards are playing in open. Look up the info on "Smiling Dog Crew" or CMDR Harry Potter/Besieger sometime if you want your faith in humanity utterly and completely tanked.

I normally fly solo, private group or in Mobius. I've been burned myself by griefers once too often.

But I was in open play a couple of days ago. The ONLY reason I was playing in open was that it seemed like the only way to get a wing going for the Thargoid CG. Higher population and all that.  I was flying back to the station after an unsuccessful outing in a Rando Wing trying to take down a Thargoid. The Starfish actually RAN. Never saw that before.

I'm at 40% hull integrity and modules averaging 80%. I'm also NOT set up for PVP in the slightest.

And some asshole jumps me less than 10 light seconds from the station. He was WAITING for wounded birds like my poor Anaconda to be coming back.  

Oh HELL no. I'm not giving some rat bastard like that the satisfaction of the kill and rebuy.

I pulled "the loud handle".

The "Loud Handle" is what fighter pilots call the eject system activation - sometimes it's a hoop between the legs. Sometimes it's above the head. The end result is the canopy is ejected and the ejection seat is rocketed out of the cockpit.

In my case, the "Loud Handle" is the USB Wireless "dongle" that connects me to the internet by way of the Router Wi-Fi.

Boom. Done. In game he just sees me vanish.

Yeah it's a "combat log". Yeah in some people's eyes it's breaking the rules, terms of service, whatever.

F***K it. I don't care. I wasn't set up for PVP. I'm not A-Rated or engineered enough. A fair fight is for fools. And that was in no way a fair fight.

And I am no fool.

I was going to lose. Yes - I forfeited the fight. But I also get to KEEP MY MONEY.

Cheeky bastard also had the balls to try and "friend" me when I logged back in about 20 minutes later (In Solo mode, just to be safe). PFFFT. YeahRIGHT. Like I said - I'm nobody's fool. That request is DENIED.

Someday when I'm a better pilot and have a fully PVP rated ship, I'll fight back fair and square. But until that time. NOPE. Loud handle is the way to go.

And don't fly in open unless you absolutely have no choice.

What an enjoyable read.

"The Loud Handle". The dongle yank. Good Lord and a month of Sundays, that's is a good one. I like it.

Usually I just remain quiet on INARA, simply because I really have nothing beneficial to add (yes, I know....I still don't, so I've beat everyone to that punchline). Yet, after perusing your OP regarding the prior bait post (which it most likely was....50 million, Eagle, blahblahblah....), I have to applaud your honesty. Regardless of the overall opinion regarding the actual tactic of "The Loud Handle", the frankness you expressed in your OP is much appreciated, and does address (although questionably) a very ugly truth regarding open mode play in Elite Dangerous. Yes, I may not agree with "The Loud Handle" method, but I do understand it. Others may be more harsh in their judgment, and they are entitled to be that way, but since they aren't paying your rent or bills, and you aren't spooning with them at night, I guess their opinions ends up being as important as mine (and you know what that means).

My official statement is that you should not to use "The Loud Handle", only to be followed by the suggestion that if you do perform the dongle yank (gasp), keep the practice to yourself.

I do have one other suggestion.

The current C&P system is not a deterrent for the grief artist or murderhobo, and whatever future C&P system is in the works will not be a deterrent either. It will continue, and probably more so (because that's how it seems to work for some reason....try to control something, and it gets a lot more crazier). My other suggestion is that when you enter open mode in Elite Dangerous, you should go into it with the philosophical mindset of Thomas Hobbes, that within a natural state, people are bad (or are bad without an authoritarian figure(s), which is obviously absent from ED). With such a mindset, it is better to avoid player interaction than to embrace it, or that if you are forced into interaction for whatever reason, you remain leary and/or skeptical because most likely the outcome will not be beneficial to you. In other words, when you see the hollow icon pop up on your HUD display, or see the infamous "o7" on your Comm Panel, perhaps it would be best to remain silent and/or fly in the other direction. Sure, you still will be caught from time to time, but not as often. Actually, it might even prevent an increase in the dongle yank (gasp x2).

Again, I appreciate your honesty regarding your actions. Right or wrong, at least you stood by your statement and the reasoning behind your actions, and for that, I give credit.

Sorry for interrupting.
14 Nov 2017, 9:34pm
MORTradio My other suggestion is that when you enter open mode in Elite Dangerous, you should go into it with the philosophical mindset of Thomas Hobbes, that within a natural state, people are bad (or are bad without an authoritarian figure(s), which is obviously absent from ED).

I would counter that by offering the following quotation from Montesquieu:

"The man who trusts his fellow man will make fewer mistakes than the man who distrusts."

Open isn't the den of gankers that some would have you believe. Not even close. The rationale behind these claims has less to do with actual danger and more to do with basic human psychology. A typical person could fly by a fellow CMDR a thousand times in open without incident and think nothing of it- and then get attacked without provovation on the thousand-and-first encounter. Which is that person going to remember more, and then use to color their perception of open?

That's right: the one-in-a-thousand violent encounter. It isn't stupidity. It's just how people's brains work.

Open is fantastic, and is in my view is the true spirit of the game. You mix the rewards of forming real camaraderie with others with the risk of ne'er-do-well types pirating or attacking from out of nowhere. Not everyone is out to get you- not even close!- and to actively avoid other CMDRs out of misplaced caution is to rob oneself of one of the most rewarding aspects of the game.
14 Nov 2017, 9:46pm
However it turns, i congratulate you both @Lehman & @MORTRadio for an enjoybale read, especially against the backdrop of quotes of Thomas Hobbes and Montesquieu. There are enough  points for food of thoughts....
14 Nov 2017, 11:52pm
Yeah, thanks for jumping in Mort. You make a good point: Logan didn't mince words. There is some credit in that, even if I disagree with his choice.
15 Nov 2017, 7:03am
M. Lehman
MORTradio My other suggestion is that when you enter open mode in Elite Dangerous, you should go into it with the philosophical mindset of Thomas Hobbes, that within a natural state, people are bad (or are bad without an authoritarian figure(s), which is obviously absent from ED).

I would counter that by offering the following quotation from Montesquieu:

"The man who trusts his fellow man will make fewer mistakes than the man who distrusts."

Open isn't the den of gankers that some would have you believe. Not even close. The rationale behind these claims has less to do with actual danger and more to do with basic human psychology. A typical person could fly by a fellow CMDR a thousand times in open without incident and think nothing of it- and then get attacked without provovation on the thousand-and-first encounter. Which is that person going to remember more, and then use to color their perception of open?

That's right: the one-in-a-thousand violent encounter. It isn't stupidity. It's just how people's brains work.

Open is fantastic, and is in my view is the true spirit of the game. You mix the rewards of forming real camaraderie with others with the risk of ne'er-do-well types pirating or attacking from out of nowhere. Not everyone is out to get you- not even close!- and to actively avoid other CMDRs out of misplaced caution is to rob oneself of one of the most rewarding aspects of the game.

I would counter that by offering the famous quote from GWB:

"Fool me once, shame on me. Fool me twice ... well, you can't get fooled again."

But maybe you're right.

Maybe it's 1 in 1,000 averaged out but I flipped to Mobius a couple of weeks ago because I was getting interdicted by the same couple of players in ~ the same system once a day over the course of a 2 week period. I got to the point that I was checking nametags every time a new signal popped up.

When they started pulling me over, I said "fuck it" and ejected on 'em for the same reasons as Big Rig Honker above.

(why didn't I go to another system? because I was making $20 million an hour running meat between a couple of stations.)

I thought about it, posted a bounty or 12, and looked for options vs. playing solo. Ultimately, I was turned onto Mobius and I'm good with it. I'll grind in semi-obscurity until I collect my 'Conda cash.
15 Nov 2017, 7:36am
Combat logging because credits-per-hour... I just... I don't even know what to say, but that is sad.
15 Nov 2017, 7:47am
Mainly at CGs you get a few gankers who do it purely for the 'lolz'.

These are the same people who grab their big ships to splat random SRVs visitong alien sites etc.

For the lolz of course.

I dont condone CL but honestly can understand why someone would do it and wouldnt criticise them for it knowing full well it annoys the gankers, who tend to be dweebs looking for attention and approval of their peer group of snot nosed edgy punks. anyone who spends time on their discords etc knows full well who this group of players are and their real life attitudes which are also pretty foul.

so annoying them is something good.

This does not mean the person should have CL using alt tab etc. , it is just my view that i can sympathise with them even while disagreeing with their action.

Last edit: 15 Nov 2017, 9:05am

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