Elite: Game talk

15 Nov 2017, 4:09pm
NFC PhistoMost, if not all the gankers I know and fly with have been playing so long combat logging doesn't really bother them that much. Sure, it's cheating and lame and we're not afraid to have words with folks that promote it but if you think it's ruining our fun?

Sorry, you're wrong.

15 Nov 2017, 4:13pm
Marra Morgan
NFC PhistoMost, if not all the gankers I know and fly with have been playing so long combat logging doesn't really bother them that much. Sure, it's cheating and lame and we're not afraid to have words with folks that promote it but if you think it's ruining our fun?

Sorry, you're wrong.


15 Nov 2017, 5:07pm
Marra Morgan
Wibs3667Hi All,

Just picked up my second Elite today (trade) and I now want to get serious about working on my combat ranking. I'm currently at 66% Expert. I've been using a Vulture set up for High/Haz RES farming but due to the comparative/scoring mechanics of the game, the number of kills required to up ,my rank percentages is making this a bit of a grind.

I've just bought and kitted out a combat FDL but wanted everyone's thoughts on the best way to move my ranking on...compromised Nav - CZs - Haz RES - Anarchy systems?

Many thanks in advance


But if you're just pursuing combat rank, it's going to be a grind whichever way you do it.

If I may suggest, enjoy taking the time to hone your combat skills. Experiment with engineered mods, do a little PvP, roleplay a bounty hunter, pirate or communist insurrectionist - as long as your shooting things that are near to your own combat rating, it'll gradually tick up

Thanks for the advice/perspective Marra...much appreciated
15 Nov 2017, 5:09pm
NFC PhistoMost, if not all the gankers I know and fly with have been playing so long combat logging doesn't really bother them that much. Sure, it's cheating and lame and we're not afraid to have words with folks that promote it but if you think it's ruining our fun?

Sorry, you're wrong.

The salt found on various pvp discord channels, reddit and FDev forums says otherwise. along with all the salt against solo, blocking, high waking etc. etc.

But whatever.

Ganking for the sake of it is a low form of entertainment imo. just slightly above flying sideys and eagles into bigger ships flying through the mail slot.

15 Nov 2017, 5:19pm
We had a nice discussion about Open/solo, gankers, etc. on our Discord just a few days ago. It was very interesting and polite debate with many opposing opinions brought to the table. I hope, guys, that if do you plan to continue in this discussion, it will be inspiring a same way. Telling someone between the lines he is idiot just because he does PvP, doesn't PvP, is flying in Open or Solo or whatever is not a way to go. Just a precaution....
15 Nov 2017, 6:04pm
You got it, Artie.

Daman, I was just talking about folks in my circles. Of course there are folks salty about logging out there. In my experience, the best PvPers/gankers usually just roll with it and keep having fun. All I was trying to point out.
15 Nov 2017, 6:17pm
So you know I am a quiet humble trader so far in this game, I also have not been very vocal in any forum or here on INARA but I have a question, a couple of statements, and some positive feedback from a quote.

Can someone explain to me what "Ganking" means to you all? I have always understood it as someone exploiting the system in which we play to take advantage of a situation.

Now for me, if I am flying back to a station in a beat up ship that I have been battling in all day and someone catches me before the dock and kills me that is 100% my fault. I had the option of logging out before my trek back to the station and logging into solo because I knew my ship wasn't in tip top shape. Did that person gank me, no they did not, they were a pirate or they were protecting their system from an invading faction. It doesn't matter the reason it was my fault.

Ganker vs pirate vs Bounty hunter...
Your clean and someone rips you out of super cruise, disables your thrusters, blows your cargo hold and takes your stuff... that is a pirate.
Your clean and someone rips you out of super cruise, you fight back, they disable your ship, blow our cargo hold and take your stuff... that is also a pirate.
Your clean and someone rips you out of super cruise, you fight back, and they are forced to blow your ship up and take your stuff... that is definitely a pirate.
Your Wanted and someone rips you out of super cruise, you fight, they blow your ship and maybe take your stuff or maybe leave it rest with your remains... that is a BH
The same applies for miners mining rocks, or ships hanging around nav beacons, or ships passing through a player supported system.

Lets say your a fairly new player, someone in a $600+ million dollar ship is waiting outside Eravate for you to start a boom data delivery mission that your going to make 20k on. They attack you, blow you up, and wait for you to come out again. Some people think this is ganker, I personally think that person is just an Ahole, but in no way are they doing anything wrong as far as the game in concerned. It is a moral compass issue but that is from my point of view only, because the person doing it feels its perfectly normal, maybe they even feel empowered by the act. Regardless of any ones feelings that is what they play this game for, that is why they have the ship they do. Anyone that is looking for combat will always size up the opponent before attacking, that is our nature. Its the same in the animal kingdom, you can be a lion or a hyena, hunt solo or in packs, but they will always pick the weakest opponent.

Speaking for myself as someone who will soon get into more of a combat roll I can say I will try to be a bounty hunter first before a trying piracy. That is just who I am and how I want to play, but that is what this game is about isn't it? Playing how you want to play in this unimaginatively vast game is your right.

I know everyone is more upset about the combat log and not the act of the attack because it is in fact against the rules of the game, but again this is a moral compass issue. It is not up to us to enforce game rules, we are players not employees, but if it really bothers you then report it right? Personally, I feel that if you feel the need to combat log then you have attachment issues and should maybe take a break for the game. Or perhaps you can't afford the ship your flying and you don't want to lose everything you've worked so hard for but that falls back to my first statement. If that happens to me, if I allow myself to get so thin.... that is my fault not the player that killed me.

NFC PhistoMost, if not all the gankers I know and fly with have been playing so long combat logging doesn't really bother them that much. Sure, it's cheating and lame and we're not afraid to have words with folks that promote it but if you think it's ruining our fun?

Sorry, you're wrong.

This right here made me laugh. I think of a combat log as a "Rage quit" and for me, if I can make your rage quit then I got the best of you as person and that will carry more weight than a few credits. I have been making people rage quit since the 90's... It all started with excitebike, Mario cart, street fighter, killer instinct, Gran Turismo and one day maybe elite dangerous.

Like i said before, if you cannot take your beating and admit you lost outright then you have attachment issues or are way over extended and both of those means you should be playing in solo or in a group with friends that can help protect your investments.

Anyway, Ryaustal signing off, happy flying everyone and I hope I did not break any INARA rules with this post remember I am new, please don't delete it as it took a long time to write haha. Peace, love, and ship remains for everyone!
15 Nov 2017, 6:26pm
Ganking is simply an OP-player (OP=OverPowered) attacking a sub-sub-player....with nothing to gain, just for the sake of it..it has absolutely nothing to do with exploiting...you find them in Wow, SoW, or other games..

IRL you would refer him to as a bully

the only thing i have problems in Open vs Solo are the BGS....i believe that BGS and PowerPlay, and Player influenced outcomes (aka politics) belong to Open...I believe that in solo mode you're only allowed to personal ranks and pure earning credits ...

Last edit: 15 Nov 2017, 6:33pm
15 Nov 2017, 6:30pm
Great post Ryaustal, thanks for sharing!
15 Nov 2017, 6:38pm
Draxxa Kireth
the only thing i have problems in Open vs Solo are the BGS....i believe that BGS and PowerPlay, and Player influenced outcomes (aka politics) belong to Open...I believe that in solo mode you're only allowed to personal ranks and pure earning credits ...

Personally I have no problem with any aspect of the three social filters (or Modes).
I just wish that players would make it a sensible and honest choice based on their desire for social interaction and appetite for risk. If everyone did that, there would be no Combat Logging!
15 Nov 2017, 6:41pm
Ryaustal - the assumption is that there is some kind of in game reason for the act - and definitely a lot of legit PvP has these reasons - piracy defending system etc.

This wasn't about PvP etc., or pirating, or anything which has an in game purpose.

its purely about ganking for the sake of it, as draxxa mentioned, and the victim then clogging to save their credits/ prevent the ganker from the satisfacton of the kill etc.

whether some people here would admit to it or not - some of these "professional ganksters" do it purely to try to annoy other people - this is clear from their own convos which anyone can find if they dig a little. Additionally the fact that they call themselves "griefers", call their activities "griefing" and take delight in any salt they farm is indicative of the mentality, whether you agree with it or not.

What also makes it clear - is that these professional ganksters will not go and try to gank NPCs - meaning it is not the GANK itself that they are looking for or the mechanics of the gank that entertains them - it is the chance to gank another person, and hopefully spoil their game a little a bit.

That is why they have the same salt against solo, high waking etc. because it takes away from their entertainment which is simply to annoy someone else by killing them and removing their progress/ credits etc.

Therefore - I am quite happy when they get annoyed by some cloggers looking to save their credits/ ship whatever by any means necessary.

The claim is that the solution is to give people meaningful PvP - as they only do this as they are bored.

Personally I am not convinced. If they were looking for meaningful PvP, they wouldn't be trying to gank newbies/ much weaker ships/ flying eagles through mail slots etc. Its hardly meaningful.

And if they really are bored - best suggestion would be to go play another game rather than attempting to find entertainment in trying to annoy others.

And as draxx mentioned - this is hardly new you find such people in every gaming community.

The above were just my thoughts around the issues, and why i wouldn't get sanctimonious about someone who admits to clogging in such a situation. I also am personally not bothered by the gankers (though i stand by the fact that a number of them i have seen in social interactions are basically unpleasant, but what do you expect?)**, but i can at least sympathise with others who may get upset in certain circumstances.

** Just so no misunderstanding - no-one here intended. I have seen plenty of racist and other comments from some of the "ganking" community elsewhere.

Last edit: 15 Nov 2017, 6:47pm
15 Nov 2017, 6:43pm
Draxxa Kireth the only thing i have problems in Open vs Solo are the BGS....i believe that BGS and PowerPlay, and Player influenced outcomes (aka politics) belong to Open...I believe that in solo mode you're only allowed to personal ranks and pure earning credits ...

Alright, which Open we're talking now?

Open (PC)
Open (XBOX)
Open (PS4)

I conduct my BGS activities in Open all the time, and it'll be nice if others did this too. But the fact that there are different Platforms doesn't really help to fend off players when they're attacking you from another platform and you have no ways to get a hold of them.

So, Open is relative in terms of BGS and PP.
15 Nov 2017, 6:45pm
DamanRyaustal - the assumption is that there is some kind of in game reason for the act - and definitely a lot of legit PvP has these reasons - piracy defending system etc.

This wasn't about PvP etc., or pirating, or anything which has an in game purpose.

its purely about ganking for the sake of it, as draxxa mentioned, and the victim then clogging to save their credits/ prevent the ganker from the satisfacton of the kill etc.

whether some people here would admit to it or not - some of these "professional ganksters" do it purely to try to annoy other people - this is clear from their own convos which anyone can find if they dig a little. Additionally the fact that they call themselves "griefers", call their activities "griefing" and take delight in any salt they farm is indicative of the mentality, whether you agree with it or not.

What also makes it clear - is that these professional ganksters will not go and try to gank NPCs - meaning it is not the GANK itself that they are looking for or the mechanics of the gank that entertains them - it is the chance to gank another person, and hopefully spoil their game a little a bit.

That is why they have the same salt against solo, high waking etc. because it takes away from their entertainment which is simply to annoy someone else.

Therefore - I am quite happy when they get annoyed by some cloggers looking to save their credits/ ship whatever by any means necessary.

The claim is that the solution is to give people meaningful PvP - as they only do this as they are bored.

Personally I am not convinced. If they were looking for meaningful PvP, they wouldn't be trying to gank newbies/ much weaker ships/ flying eagles through mail slots etc. Its hardly meaningful.

And if they really are bored - best suggestion would be to go play another game rather than attempting to find entertainment in trying to annoy others.

And as draxx mentioned - this is hardly new you find such people in every gaming community.

The above were just my thoughts around the issues, and why i wouldn't get sanctimonious about someone who admits to clogging in such a situation. I also am personally not bothered by the gankers (though i stand by the fact that a number of them i have seen in social interactions are basically unpleasant, but what do you expect?), but i can at least sympathise with others who may get upset in certain circumstances.

15 Nov 2017, 6:51pm
Ryan Murdoc
Draxxa Kireth the only thing i have problems in Open vs Solo are the BGS....i believe that BGS and PowerPlay, and Player influenced outcomes (aka politics) belong to Open...I believe that in solo mode you're only allowed to personal ranks and pure earning credits ...

Alright, which Open we're talking now?

Open (PC)
Open (XBOX)
Open (PS4)

I conduct my BGS activities in Open all the time, and it'll be nice if others did this too. But the fact that there are different Platforms doesn't really help to fend off players when they're attacking you from another platform and you have no ways to get a hold of them.

So, Open is relative in terms of BGS and PP.

lol...true that...but for the moment there is no solution iregarding the differnet platforms...htere is appearently technical no choice...but if you're trying to flip a system..and another faction plays in solo to help another faction....that option could be removed in Solo....or handing missions that affect INF
15 Nov 2017, 6:56pm
Draxxa Kirethlol...true that...but for the moment there is no solution iregarding the differnet platforms...htere is appearently technical no choice...but if you're trying to flip a system..and another faction plays in solo to help another faction....that option could be removed in Solo....or handing missions that affect INF

Guess one day we might see this addressed. 3.0 is supposed to deal with many issues, perhaps we get the BGS looked into too. Specially in means of Crime & Punishment I hope they implement PvE actions as well and not just PvP ones.

Last edit: 15 Nov 2017, 7:03pm

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