Elite: Game talk

05 Nov 2015, 12:55am
Jack DekerdtBought a DBS today, went to get a paint scheme...I must be blind, couldn't find DB paint schemes on dev page.

Ain't any at the moment... save the eye strain
05 Nov 2015, 12:55am
How's the BH in Kaushpoos? It's a bit of a haul from my home system but I'll make the trip if it is worth it.
05 Nov 2015, 1:38am
Jack DekerdtHow's the BH in Kaushpoos? It's a bit of a haul from my home system but I'll make the trip if it is worth it.

There's a couple of Hazardous RES in system, so I imagine semi-decent. But probably just as good as anywhere closer to you, I'd imagine.
05 Nov 2015, 2:34am
Just wanted to say thanks for all the advice and comments. Folks are pretty respectful here.
05 Nov 2015, 7:47am
Hmmm, sorry but i dont like mining. Maybe then must add mining RANK
05 Nov 2015, 11:56am
Jack DekerdtHow's the BH in Kaushpoos? It's a bit of a haul from my home system but I'll make the trip if it is worth it.

The community goal has now ended, if that's the reason you were thinking of heading over.

There will probably be more along soon though.  Seems they're rolling out a whole slew of goals related to the nebula station.  Don't know whether there'll be bounty hunting though.  My guess would be more material requirements, maybe some exploration data wanted etc?  No matter what though it's a wonderfully busy system with plenty of players about, both in Open and in the Mobius PvE group.  And personally I like the variety of the missions.  I just keep refitting to match the current goals, enjoy trying new things (I'd never mined before) and the payout is a nice bonus at the end.

05 Nov 2015, 8:11pm
Some thoughts on the upcoming Horizons content:

* While I'm looking forward to landing on some airless planets and getting freaky with the physics, I'm far more interested to learn about the looting and crafting system that's supposed to be upcoming. Specifically, I want to know if I'm ever going to be able to build my own little base instead of having to squat on a predesigned station belonging to some faction. (I also require parts and cargo storage. Instead of selling whatever Painite I find whenever I get it, I'd really like to hoard it. Maybe go all Scrooge McDuck and swim around in that mess. DON'T JUDGE ME.)

* For all the talk of this being a game where people cooperate with one another to achieve goals, it seems like it's more people cooperating against other people to see whose goals win out.I'd really like to see Frontier talk more about an official PvE shard down the road. Not everyone is interested in a vision of the future where you have to wonder if that hollowed-out indicator on your sensors wants to murder you. I get enough of that living in a concealed-carry state, thanks!

* I do hope there are speed upgrades to the little rover thingies. I can easily see a proper terrestrial racing league forming. The kind people would actually fly out to a planet and land to watch.

* Think we'll ever be able to get out of the ships and walk around? I have ideas for bar/cantina/whatever-we're-calling-boozeholes-in-this-galaxy games.
06 Nov 2015, 1:23am
Sidenti TaaloSome thoughts on the upcoming Horizons content:

* While I'm looking forward to landing on some airless planets and getting freaky with the physics, I'm far more interested to learn about the looting and crafting system that's supposed to be upcoming. Specifically, I want to know if I'm ever going to be able to build my own little base instead of having to squat on a predesigned station belonging to some faction. (I also require parts and cargo storage. Instead of selling whatever Painite I find whenever I get it, I'd really like to hoard it. Maybe go all Scrooge McDuck and swim around in that mess. DON'T JUDGE ME.)

* For all the talk of this being a game where people cooperate with one another to achieve goals, it seems like it's more people cooperating against other people to see whose goals win out.I'd really like to see Frontier talk more about an official PvE shard down the road. Not everyone is interested in a vision of the future where you have to wonder if that hollowed-out indicator on your sensors wants to murder you. I get enough of that living in a concealed-carry state, thanks!

* I do hope there are speed upgrades to the little rover thingies. I can easily see a proper terrestrial racing league forming. The kind people would actually fly out to a planet and land to watch.

* Think we'll ever be able to get out of the ships and walk around? I have ideas for bar/cantina/whatever-we're-calling-boozeholes-in-this-galaxy games.

Check out the "Frontier Developments" channel on YouTube.

It has all the live streams, including last nights Q&A with DB. The answers to your questions lie within.

Watch, Listen... Learn

06 Nov 2015, 1:31am
AndyraptorCheck out the "Frontier Developments" channel on YouTube.

It has all the live streams, including last nights Q&A with DB. The answers to your questions lie within.

Watch, Listen... Learn

Thanks, but I'm aware of 'em. I'm also aware that some ideas don't make it past the development stages, for whatever reasons. I'm reminded of offline mode being pulled.

I think for me the biggest thing is seeing more of the looting/crafting system and getting more detailed information on it. I still don't feel like this galaxy is my "home", so to speak - it feels more like I'm flying around in someone else's house. Being able to craft up a starport to call my own would be wonderful.
06 Nov 2015, 6:33pm
Last month, Gutamaya Shipyards marked Arissa Lavigny-Duval's coronation by temporarily lifting the rank-related restrictions on all Imperial ships. With the official coronation period now over, the company has announced that the restrictions on its ships will be reinstated on Monday.

SOOOO.... I have until Monday to buy any Imperial ship without an Imperial Rank. I don't have any rank with them at all.

FYI. I just got back into FD. Got sucked into WofWShips, Cities Skyline AD and ArmWarfare for the last month.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 06 Nov 2015, 6:52pm
06 Nov 2015, 11:30pm
I got clipper and Courier for that so Thanks for the info.
07 Nov 2015, 9:33pm
Anyone have a good suggestion for a starting system for a multi hop trade run? I have a capacity of 164 tons. Thanks Commanders!

Commander Rozymandias o7

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 07 Nov 2015, 10:25pm
07 Nov 2015, 9:57pm
RozymandiasAnyone have a good suggestion for a starting system for a multi hop trade run? I have a capacity of 164 tons. Thanks Commanders!

Commander Rozymandias o7

https://eddb.io/ will be your best friend to find the best routes

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 07 Nov 2015, 10:25pm
07 Nov 2015, 10:23pm
RozymandiasAnyone have a good suggestion for a starting system for a multi hop trade run? I have a capacity of 164 tons. Thanks Commanders!

Commander Rozymandias o7

One of my older routes that I flew with a Large ship was Kirram (Progenitor) to Chaman, Chaman (Bertrandite) to Tibila, Tibila (Crop Harvesters) to HIP 49599, HIP 49599 (Tea) to Chaman, and then Chaman (Indite) on back to Kirram. I'm not sure if the route's still good, but I never really did see anyone in the area while I was working, so I assume it is.

Profit per run was about 800k, took about 15-20 minutes total (Chaman's the only station that's really out of the way and it's not too far from the jump star), but that was with a T7 at 200t - you're 18% less, so around 650-660k or so.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 07 Nov 2015, 10:25pm
07 Nov 2015, 10:56pm
Sorry if this is a FAQ but I couldn't find a search function on here.

I'm unclear about the definitions of the roles in the settings panel, and the difference between "Freelancer" and "Mercanary" in particular. Thoughts or pointers to prior discussion welcomed!

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