Elite: Game talk
22 Dec 2017, 4:42pm
22 Dec 2017, 4:42pm
I need a big ship cuz I'm not the best at combat, I can take on a ship when it's alone but I can't fight 2 ships at the same time
I can't remember ever trying to pirate 2 ships at once. You go for single, slow, poorly fitted traders
22 Dec 2017, 4:43pm
I have not flown a federation ship cuz I'm poor as hell, that's another reason I went to the empire instead, not much is illegal there except drugs
Then your opinion about Federal ships are utterly irrelevant.
What's illegal is largely depends more on the minor faction who's controlling the system than on the superpower.
22 Dec 2017, 4:44pm
it can be a big ship....but only when he knows exactly what to do with it, and exquisite load-out
By the way, arguably one of the best combat ships is de FAS, a vulture on steroids...can do 525, agile enough good hull, placement.. etc...a pirate that wants to survive, will take the best ship for the task
22 Dec 2017, 4:44pm
Marra MorganSethsepticeye1
I need a big ship cuz I'm not the best at combat, I can take on a ship when it's alone but I can't fight 2 ships at the same time
I can't remember ever trying to pirate 2 ships at once. You go for single, slow, poorly fitted traders
Hmm...Thanks, ill try that
22 Dec 2017, 4:44pm
NFC PhistoBig ships don't make you good at combat. Finding the right ship and load out for yourself plus finding a tight crew to run with will go further than anything else.
Thanks for the advice
22 Dec 2017, 4:46pm
Draxxa KirethA pirate is somebody who knows what he's doing...his existence relies on it....he has no fall-back...
it can be a big ship....but only when he knows exactly what to do with it, and exquisite load-out
They can also be female.
22 Dec 2017, 4:47pm
Marra MorganDraxxa KirethA pirate is somebody who knows what he's doing...his existence relies on it....he has no fall-back...
it can be a big ship....but only when he knows exactly what to do with it, and exquisite load-out
They can also be female.
true that
22 Dec 2017, 4:49pm
22 Dec 2017, 5:36pm
Sethsepticeye1NFC PhistoBig ships don't make you good at combat. Finding the right ship and load out for yourself plus finding a tight crew to run with will go further than anything else.
Thanks for the advice
If you're not good at combat, big ships just mean you die in a bigger more expensive coffin
Use the Cobra, or a Viper, or an Eagle, and learn combat in those first. Brush up your skills, equip a Kill Warrant Scanner and find a High Resource Site, and hunt wanted criminals in smaller ships. The creds will pile up, your skills will get better, and before you know it you'll be slaughtering everything.
Plus side of small ships is also being cheaper to repair/rebuy if you mess up, which given a small beginners credit balance, is a very helpful thing. Better to learn from your mistakes while the rebuy is in the thousands and not the millions.
22 Dec 2017, 6:47pm
I play elite with a buddy of mine
We like to play massacare missions in conflict zones
But we like join te fly and shoot together
English is not a problem!
Do somebody know who we can join?
22 Dec 2017, 9:44pm
22 Dec 2017, 10:18pm
Sethsepticeye1Because I'm curious I got an important question for all of you.
Or independent?
And say why your with them
My avatar says it all, we do what we want when we want, but we are a pack and answer the call when required.
22 Dec 2017, 11:12pm
....tried the Type-10..properly outfitted.....pfft...what a drag...even boosting straight or in a curve is not noticeable.....
I will outfit this ship as a pure Thargoid-hunter, as much as possible AX.....but that's about it....what a drag.....
Consider it a very slow moving rock...so if you outfitted make sure it's pure resilience..
Anyone who has already made up their mind about the Type-10?
Last edit: 22 Dec 2017, 11:21pm
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