Elite: Game talk

today, 2:26pm
RawnuGood hunting!
And should you need a really bad AX pilot on your wing, I happily throw myself in front of the goids.

Thank you. :3
Same here. Feel free to call if you run into any bug-related trouble. I'm somewhat time-restricted but still fighting to keep weekends work-free.
today, 2:44pm
Kasumi GotoOr you could just run exobiology for a week and get several billions to your name, making cost almost a non-factor les.

You're right, will try exo-b now where do I look
today, 4:42pm
EpisparhWhy having thargoids in Shin Dez when we have gankers there

Perhaps the intent is to help the players organize an anti-ganker system.

If only Thargoids would cooperate…

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Elite:Dangerous related questions, answers, tips and help. Simply anything that is directly related to the game and its gameplay goes here.
For the discussions about the community, other stuff related to the game like astrophysics and so on please use the General talk thread.

What does belong here:
  • Questions, answers, tips and guides about ship loadouts, game activities like exploration, mining, combat and similar things that directly relate to the gameplay.
  • Game technical issues and problems, if you are looking for a help. For the bug reports please head to the official FD forum.
  • Discussion about "official" events from GalNet and community goals.
What does not belong here:
  • Discussing player actions and activities, general topics about Elite community and player events, topics related to the game but also real world (like astrophysics and similar). Please post these to the "General talk" thread instead.
  • Any off topic discussion, please post this kind of stuff to the "Offtopic" thread.