Elite: Game talk

yesterday, 8:44pm
Shg56Did you apply Ram Tah immunization on your guardian weapons if not then it is going to an eye opener when glaive attack you?

I was wondering about that kind of thing.... I'm not even sure how. I can look it up though. Still fun if I try fighting without it? (I don't have to "win" to have fun.)
today, 2:08am
Shiiiiit, I've been ganked. First time in four years.

Inside Jameson. The one place where evasion isn't possible. Fuuuck.

Last edit: 21 Sep 2024, 3:20am
today, 2:25am
Shg56Did you apply Ram Tah immunization on your guardian weapons if not then it is going to an eye opener when glaive attack you?

I was wondering about that kind of thing.... I'm not even sure how. I can look it up though. Still fun if I try fighting without it? (I don't have to "win" to have fun.)

Honestly, I don't use guardian weapons but only MCs and beam(s) for venting. Just go to where fights with goids happening you will figure it out yourself. While in there join other pilots and you even don't have to kill any goids they would do it for you and you will still be getting credits, just be where the job is being done. That's the easiest way. If you want to develop your fighting skills go solo to AXZ low and you will see if you have skills and/or ship to do the task. That's the hard way.

Last edit: 21 Sep 2024, 2:36am
today, 3:57am
SakashiroShiiiiit, I've been ganked. First time in four years.

Inside Jameson. The one place where evasion isn't possible. Fuuuck.

When there are angry spaceflowers(and especially triple Hydras) about outside the port, it does not surprise me the gankers seek refuge inside it to commit their misdeeds. Me, I was hanging out in solo play having fun with that Hydra spawn. Not so fun for the Hydras.

Using Guardian weapons in these station CZs is fine anyway, if Glaives do show up you can take them down over a few repair cycles or let NPCs/station guns take care of them (the defense guns of a Coriolis/Orbis/Ocellus are potent enough to overpower even a Hydra's passive regeneration if the kinetic turrets around the front shoot at one... but the Thargoids aren't stupid enough to sit at the front, instead they hang out around the sides where only laser turrets hit em). And without those shard cannons/Guardian weapons generally, there is no way I'd have even stood the slightest of chances to take down those three Hydras in a solo instance.
today, 4:33am
Kasumi GotoWhen there are angry spaceflowers(and especially triple Hydras) about outside the port, it does not surprise me the gankers seek refuge inside it to commit their misdeeds.

And they can, because the no-fire zone isn't enforced during a Thargoid attack. Otherwise shooting someone in front or inside a station would be suicide. Bringing a Cutter to a place like that for rescue missions was a stupid idea.

But I love the fact that the game feels alive again. Lots of people I hadn't seen in a while are back for this event.
today, 4:44am
You can even outright hit the station (with a missed shot that was aimed at a Thargoid) and it won't retaliate. Not that I'm complaining about this, because, you know. Wasn't trying to hit the port.

... usually I run my evacs in solo though, mostly out of personal preference but also to not take pad space from other players. That would be even more of a case in Shin when there is... "PvPers" involved. even though what they actually seek is "One-sided fight against target not set up to fight back". Though, not the channel to go over player actions, so I'll leave it at that mention. And mostly just explaining additional reasoning.
today, 9:50am
So, are you all trying to say there are triple Hydra spawns happening regularly?..
today, 12:40pm
I know I answered in our private message chain, but I’d say guaranteed at the end of every CZ is fairly reliable.
today, 12:50pm
Oh, it seems like additional hamster wheels ziptied to the server did their job and my carrier is finally jumping to somewhere nearby. Thought I'd rather old-school jump-jump-jump it personally, if another failure occurs.

edit: ah, jump failure again. Here I go.
today, 1:36pm
EpisparhWhy having thargoids in Shin Dez when we have gankers there

Perhaps the intent is to help the players organize an anti-ganker system.
today, 1:54pm
MeowersSo, are you all trying to say there are triple Hydra spawns happening regularly?..

Hydras are frackin everywhere, it's fracking Hydrapalooza!

today, 2:02pm
RawnuHydras are frackin everywhere, it's fracking Hydrapalooza!
If your enemy is everywhere... You can attack in any direction!

(I'm there already... Getting all the boring IRL stuff out of the list)

Last edit: 21 Sep 2024, 2:09pm

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