Elite: Game talk

30 Nov 2015, 6:30pm
PuffendorfHey folks.

LF a wing or just about anyone looking to team up in this game. It's vast and I'm lost

Puffendorf....what's your time zone?
30 Nov 2015, 6:49pm
Daisy Kato
NXS Tripp

Totally agree but how will Frontier know who is actually a Fuel Rat to give them out? It's totally voluntary so anyone could say they're a Fuel Rat.

I agree but I have an idea the Fuel Rat could offer a validation photo or the Frontier give a code to the person in charge of the dispatching and that person could give the code out to the Fuel Rats when they send out the pilot for the fuel up.

Some sort of control has to be done to keep a GRIEFER from "earning" the S&R skin just for the perverse thrill of becoming more infamous than ItchyNipples.

I see no reason for which Rats leadership couldn't decide who receives it. At the end of the day, even if someone is committed to service to a significant extent just to earn the livery, it doesn't really matter their motives provided the operation succeeds. It could also be revoked by FDev as a last resort if truly necessary, but I don't see the system being considerably abused.
30 Nov 2015, 7:09pm
I see no reason for which Rats leadership couldn't decide who receives it. At the end of the day, even if someone is committed to service to a significant extent just to earn the livery, it doesn't really matter their motives provided the operation succeeds. It could also be revoked by FDev as a last resort if truly necessary, but I don't see the system being considerably abused.

I know that FD developed code to "Giveth of Skins", but did they ever foresee the need to "Taketh Away of Skins". If the game mechanics did not anticipate this, I would assume a decision has to be made on investing coding time to do so or do the least difficult fix which I think would be to globally kill skins that have been used by abusers and reissue a "new" skin to the faithful.

OFF topic: How long have I been playing 32 bit? Anyone catch that in the launcher recently?
30 Nov 2015, 7:18pm
The 64-bit launcher was just released. https://forums.frontier.co.uk/showthread.php?t=204119
01 Dec 2015, 1:25am
Daisy Kato
NXS Tripp

Totally agree but how will Frontier know who is actually a Fuel Rat to give them out? It's totally voluntary so anyone could say they're a Fuel Rat.

I agree but I have an idea the Fuel Rat could offer a validation photo or the Frontier give a code to the person in charge of the dispatching and that person could give the code out to the Fuel Rats when they send out the pilot for the fuel up.

Well, one issue that could arise is if S& R organizations start popping up and wanting their own pain jobs...where does it end? I think devs ought to just offer a paint editor and be done with it. Since they offer schemes for pay, I would expect the editor would cost something.
01 Dec 2015, 1:39am
Another question: Are there other threads that can be accessed beyond the two that one is subscribed to by default? I cannot find a general forum...

Many Thanks!
01 Dec 2015, 2:37am
Vince WillisAnother question: Are there other threads that can be accessed beyond the two that one is subscribed to by default? I cannot find a general forum...

Many Thanks!

This is pretty much the general forum.
01 Dec 2015, 3:11am
Sidenti Taalo This is pretty much the general forum.

Thanks, Sidenti - I wasn't sure if there were other threads that could be accessed. Cheers!
01 Dec 2015, 4:52am
Vince WillisAnother question: Are there other threads that can be accessed beyond the two that one is subscribed to by default? I cannot find a general forum...

Many Thanks!

each wing also has their own forum for whatever the bosses want , but that is ''members only''
01 Dec 2015, 8:57am
Would be nice to see more threads on the main board, such as a place to introduce yourself as a new member of the site.

Hello CMDR greeboski. Always a pleasure to meet an ally.
01 Dec 2015, 10:15am
CMDR Greeboski is an old friend from when I was Commander of Ghost Squadron ,Fields. We flew together before I turned to the Dark Side

HI Geebo Greeboski
01 Dec 2015, 11:33am
Elyssia FieldsWould be nice to see more threads on the main board, such as a place to introduce yourself as a new member of the site.

Hello CMDR greeboski. Always a pleasure to meet an ally.

whilst that may seem like a good idea , i can see new cmdr's posting ''hi'' then being showered with ''join us'' mail whilst at the same time lessening the percived usefulness of the wings .

BelstarionCMDR Greeboski is an old friend from when I was Commander of Ghost Squadron ,Fields. We flew together before I turned to the Dark Side

HI Geebo Greeboski

oh thats right say hi to an npc whist ignoring me
01 Dec 2015, 11:38am
whilst that may seem like a good idea , i can see new cmdr's posting ''hi'' then being showered with ''join us'' mail

that happens even without posting on a forum, on private msg xD
01 Dec 2015, 11:48am
Hi guys,

I've been much allied with the factions of Goldstein Starport that I demand a private parking area for my lovely Asp. Where do I get an application for?
01 Dec 2015, 11:58am
Mila Strelok
whilst that may seem like a good idea , i can see new cmdr's posting ''hi'' then being showered with ''join us'' mail

that happens even without posting on a forum, on private msg xD

indeed but i was refering to the combination of effects (which when only 1/2 are quoted omits the meaning) if copious threads were available without joining a wing.

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