Elite: Game talk

15 Dec 2015, 6:04pm
15 Dec 2015, 7:41pm
I only beated around in a the BETA for a day Sidenti Taalo, but if you any questions I be happy to help.
15 Dec 2015, 8:02pm
With any change, I would play tomorrow, I hate my internet speed.
15 Dec 2015, 8:11pm
Mila StrelokWith any change, I would play tomorrow, I hate my internet speed.

It's not just you; FD servers are horrifically bad and they can't be bothered to do anything about it.
15 Dec 2015, 8:23pm
Someone else just posted that in my wing. Must be lots of people downloading. I guess I snuck in there. Took me 20 minutes.
15 Dec 2015, 8:25pm
N.R.CrosbyI only beated around in a the BETA for a day Sidenti Taalo, but if you any questions I be happy to help.

Thanks! Do you know how to remove the version number from the lower left-hand corner?
15 Dec 2015, 8:25pm
JacknyfeUKIf anyone else asks on Facebook, when the servers will be back up again or when Horizons is coming to Xbox I am going to lose it

I remember, vaguely, a time when humans were patient.
15 Dec 2015, 8:25pm
Jack Dekerdt
JacknyfeUKIf anyone else asks on Facebook, when the servers will be back up again or when Horizons is coming to Xbox I am going to lose it

I remember, vaguely, a time when humans were patient.

That ended with capitalism.
15 Dec 2015, 8:27pm
whose version of capitalism, lol.
15 Dec 2015, 8:31pm
15 Dec 2015, 8:35pm
Sidenti Taalo
N.R.CrosbyI only beated around in a the BETA for a day Sidenti Taalo, but if you any questions I be happy to help.

Thanks! Do you know how to remove the version number from the lower left-hand corner?

Nope don't think I got around to that little gem in just a day of playing
15 Dec 2015, 8:54pm
Kishi Tatsu
Mila StrelokWith any change, I would play tomorrow, I hate my internet speed.

It's not just you; FD servers are horrifically bad and they can't be bothered to do anything about it.

15 Dec 2015, 9:03pm
Jack Dekerdtwhose version of capitalism, lol.

Marco Rubio's?

I probably ought to tell you I am about as liberal as they come...so not much love for Senor Rubio and his ilk.
15 Dec 2015, 9:23pm
Sidenti Taalo
N.R.CrosbyI only beated around in a the BETA for a day Sidenti Taalo, but if you any questions I be happy to help.

Thanks! Do you know how to remove the version number from the lower left-hand corner?

Nope don't think I got around to that little gem in just a day of playing

Is cool. Apparently that's something they need to do a hotfix for. All told, though, not a terrible launch. Could have done with a solid time frame a bit sooner, but definitely smoother than most SWTOR updates.

Now to re-optimize...
15 Dec 2015, 9:34pm
well mine has just spent 3+ hours supposedly updating and all it;a done is update the updater now it's just starting to download Horizons and a shitty speed and saying 14+ hours not sodding amused

BUT what can ya do they have the money now we have to wait stupid hours and then can you imagine how slow the game is going to run ...................what will it be 40 mins per jump

On a brighter note it's Christmas next week so I won't be near the PC for over a week travelling to Suffolk to visit the in-laws this rate it will be new year before I get to try out landing in a cheap ship cos I'm bound to crash on the first few attempts

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