Elite: Game talk

11 Jan 2016, 3:49am
They are logging out as soon as u pull them out of super cruise firing a warning shot does nothing unless I'm missing something. For me as soon as I put a message explaining intentions then start intradict, then when come out of supper cruise as soon as I can I start scan for cargo and gone. Maybe 10 or 15 seconds at most . If I fire a warning shot is this time extended then? I didn't mean for it to come across as the games not going my way so I will cheat or whatever I just don't see the point in players logging out was all. I feel like as a pirate I really don't need to have a reason to fire is why I said that I would just start firing at will. I was originaly trying to just get them to drop cargo for the fun of game play we all know u can make way more doing anything else but it's not about the money or cargo it's a game and I was playing it.
11 Jan 2016, 3:53am
Mila StrelokI will just drop my modest opinion and leave, if they don't want to be killed, or get involved on PVP, go play on Solo or a PVE private group, if you want to play Open, you will play Open with whoever wants to play Open, PVP or not, period.

This is 99% fair.

The only "problem" with this, the last 1%, is that there will be many newcomers who won't be EXPECTING another human to do ANYthing "negative" to them, despite the "common sense" that one should expect to POSSIBLY be attacked...

Most humans are Social creatures, so by default would choose "Open" over "Solo"; plus, being new, won't HAVE a "group" to join, until they learn of PvE groups like MOBIUS etc.

So, until they learn of a "safe" way to "play with others" (ie without the risk of being killed by a human player), many will start in Open, get killed one, maybe twice, maybe a third time, and in frustration will have looked for ideas on the internet.... and learned that "combat logging means we can pull the plug and not die".

It might also be that "Solo" is giving a psychological impression to newcomers that one would be flying all by themselves; a lonely prospect in a galaxy so large... so, again, "Open" is "more attractive"...
11 Jan 2016, 3:56am
In a perfect world, we'd just make everyone aware of Mobius so people who wanted to play with others could just congregate there, and the people who wanted to take the pirate risk would continue to play in open. The problem I have with the "well, get out of open" crowd is how outrageously entitled it makes them sound. It's a very "You're going to play the way I want you to or not at all" mindset. It's not your place to decide.

Don't worry about hurt feelings, Jolly. It'll take far more than that to offend me.
11 Jan 2016, 3:57am
Krow & Jolly...

I've not yet used (had occasion to use) the in-game comms..

Do you know for sure that messages are received immediately by another player, even in the middle of SuperCruise? Or does the message only get sent when reverted to normalspace?

i mean, could it be that the warning message isn't being received or read or noticed, so the "victim" is feeling even more hard done by?
11 Jan 2016, 4:01am
Mila StrelokI will just drop my modest opinion and leave, if they don't want to be killed, or get involved on PVP, go play on Solo or a PVE private group, if you want to play Open, you will play Open with whoever wants to play Open, PVP or not, period.

This is 99% fair.

The only "problem" with this, the last 1%, is that there will be many newcomers who won't be EXPECTING another human to do ANYthing "negative" to them, despite the "common sense" that one should expect to POSSIBLY be attacked...

Most humans are Social creatures, so by default would choose "Open" over "Solo"; plus, being new, won't HAVE a "group" to join, until they learn of PvE groups like MOBIUS etc.

So, until they learn of a "safe" way to "play with others" (ie without the risk of being killed by a human player), many will start in Open, get killed one, maybe twice, maybe a third time, and in frustration will have looked for ideas on the internet.... and learned that "combat logging means we can pull the plug and not die".

It might also be that "Solo" is giving a psychological impression to newcomers that one would be flying all by themselves; a lonely prospect in a galaxy so large... so, again, "Open" is "more attractive"...

This is exactly right. And we wonder why newer players get turned off to Elite when their first interaction with someone is a "pirate" pulling them out of supercruise and then lighting them up without saying anything.
11 Jan 2016, 4:15am
Well I'm pretty shut once they are beyond a Sidewinder and eagle they have a good idea of how the game functions, and as before I have yet to just shoot a player. I think the bigger problem with new players is they look at the grind of hauling cargo from a to be and don't want to play instead of finding something interesting to do.
11 Jan 2016, 6:52am
Jolly RogerWell I'm pretty shut once they are beyond a Sidewinder and eagle they have a good idea of how the game functions, and as before I have yet to just shoot a player. I think the bigger problem with new players is they look at the grind of hauling cargo from a to be and don't want to play instead of finding something interesting to do.

I've been following this exchange since the start, and I have to say, I'm coming around to seeing things from your perspective. The world is not fair. The sky in E:D is a merciless black, not a pretty, pretty blue. Just like in real life, some of the people who are stronger, faster and better equipped will screw you over. Others will band together and form neighborhood watches, vigilante gangs and lynch mobs when they see some highwayman preying on the populace.

And so here we are, with players playing pirate, while others form up wings to hunt down pirates so they can't operate with impunity. E:D is a stage on which humanity plays out its nature, just like the comments sections of YouTube, where nice folks and arseholes about in equal measure.

My first human interaction in E:D was a gentlemanly robbery. The guy asked me to drop a specific amount of tonnage. I refused. I died. Now I'm here, and none the worse for wear. The experience forced me to find the Mobius group, since that supports my day to day play style much better than Open. From there I found Inara, and my gaming experience has been enriched - all thanks to the gentleman robber, and a griefer who blew me out of the sky when I was limping to base after a tough fight and in no shape to defend myself. Oh well.

But my heart does go out to those players who are either children or otherwise not prepared or able to take virtual meanness in stride. The people who get harassed online, who don't handle rejection well, who maybe get bullied in real life and go online to escape from an unhappy day. Hunting them for sport is mean, to them, even if that is not your intention.

I guess the question comes down to one of fundamental philosophy - do we owe other people the kindness and consideration we would want shown to our selves on those days when we're most fragile? Or is E:D not a reflection of real life but rather "just a game"? On the one hand, if you're having a bad day, you should just stay off the internet entirely, you little sissy - right? On the other, some people will come across as jerks, no matter how much thought they put into how they choose to play this game. Hell, these days, I get more irritated when another player scores the final shot on that Conda I've been chipping away at for the last 10 minutes and robs me of my bounty - the jerk! Did he mean to do that, or was that just a lucky shot?

To your point, and my experience tracks with what you said, once you get out of your first Sidewinder, you're fair game. Giving someone the courtesy of a warning so they can choose to drop cargo or take their chances is more than most of us can expect from a robber in the real world. If a player doesn't like it, they have other choices - Solo, Private groups, and not to play at all. The fragile people of the world are not your responsibility, after all. It's perfectly OK to step over a homeless person on your way to the local Starbucks, and it's not your responsibility to comfort a crying child in a public place. "CMDR Jolly Roger" is more warning than most people would give, so good on you there, I suppose.
11 Jan 2016, 7:02am
Acen ONYXKrow & Jolly...

I've not yet used (had occasion to use) the in-game comms..

Well there are different ways to communicate in-game.
Local text chat - Direct text chat, and Vox Call.
As far as I'm aware you can use any of them at any time (except witch space..)

A direct Message (select from Contacts) then send Direct Text, could notify them you are about to interdict, and are only after Cargo is another possibility.

I think the key is to establish a communique with the Commander, maybe even get them to just drop a couple of canisters, it might make it a bit more interesting. Friendly Pirate.. Yarr..
Essentially people get scared of losing everything so they panic.

If they know the encounter is only going to cost them a couple of canisters they might be a bit forthcoming.

Just a suggestion.
11 Jan 2016, 10:52am
Mila StrelokI will just drop my modest opinion and leave, if they don't want to be killed, or get involved on PVP, go play on Solo or a PVE private group, if you want to play Open, you will play Open with whoever wants to play Open, PVP or not, period.

This is 99% fair.

The only "problem" with this, the last 1%, is that there will be many newcomers who won't be EXPECTING another human to do ANYthing "negative" to them, despite the "common sense" that one should expect to POSSIBLY be attacked...

Most humans are Social creatures, so by default would choose "Open" over "Solo"; plus, being new, won't HAVE a "group" to join, until they learn of PvE groups like MOBIUS etc.

So, until they learn of a "safe" way to "play with others" (ie without the risk of being killed by a human player), many will start in Open, get killed one, maybe twice, maybe a third time, and in frustration will have looked for ideas on the internet.... and learned that "combat logging means we can pull the plug and not die".

It might also be that "Solo" is giving a psychological impression to newcomers that one would be flying all by themselves; a lonely prospect in a galaxy so large... so, again, "Open" is "more attractive"...

Noobs are out of the equation in my case, how I determine if someone is a noob or not? Combination of which ship he flies and his combat rank..
Even so, I don't look for PVP, yet, and I play Open, if someone tries to kill me, better be sure he wants it.
11 Jan 2016, 11:02am
Jolly RogerWell I'm pretty shut once they are beyond a Sidewinder and eagle they have a good idea of how the game functions, and as before I have yet to just shoot a player. I think the bigger problem with new players is they look at the grind of hauling cargo from a to be and don't want to play instead of finding something interesting to do.

How about we put a bounty on your head and hunt you down just for fun ,killing new players or low ranking players is not acceptable .
interdicting is fine if its a new player give him pointers tips and leave him/her alone .
11 Jan 2016, 11:43am
The thing is, Jolly Roger, you fly around as a pirate to steal the traders cargo? It's how you profit, right?
Just like how a trader buy and sell goods to profit. Now if you fly out of with your guns blazing at the drop of a hat, how will you profit?
If you feel that getting traders to drop their cargo is hopeless (regardless if its due to them logging or other reasons), and feel that the solution is to start shooting?
Then I'd recommend changing professions to Bounty Hunter. Now you can run around for hours and scan for bounties instead of cargo and shoot to kill on sight.

I'm a trader by profession. I've been pirated, and gawd did it ruin my fun. Full cargo of Imperial Slaves usually.
But I've been lucky in a sense. The "kill on sight" pirates I've managed to boost away from.
Once I tried to run away from a pirate that asked me to drop my cargo, he ended up busting my engines.
And were given two choices. Drop enough of my cargo to fill his hold, or get blown to space dust and make us both the biggest losers.
I gave him some of my cargo. He left and I spent time on repairs and glad that I didn't end up with a bigger loss than I could have. Since I did try to run after all.

Nowadays I usually stop and give whatever is demanded of me. If I get pirated too much I pop into Mobius or play alone.
I don't play enough to take huge losses from multiple pirating encounters and still feel like I'm having fun.
You don't know what the trader you're interdicted have experienced earlier that day.
Maybe they just lost all their profit from the last 2 hours of gaming to another pirate?
In that situation I understand that they drop out of the game as soon as even a pirate glance at them.
Not every want to drop out of Open when they hit a big loss like I do.
11 Jan 2016, 1:23pm
Frankfort, I should have a pretty significant bounty on my head in game already, I have made no effort to hide what I do and welcome the fun. Right now I'm out around achnar syndicates area, but I guess after hearing the responses I will fall back into the shadows and quit outwardly ruining the game experience for everyone. If you happen to see CMDR Jolly Roger when ur out enjoying the galaxy put some rounds into my vulture. Everyone have a great time because we know I'm gonna.
11 Jan 2016, 2:11pm
Jolly RogerFrankfort, I should have a pretty significant bounty on my head in game already, I have made no effort to hide what I do and welcome the fun. Right now I'm out around achnar syndicates area, but I guess after hearing the responses I will fall back into the shadows and quit outwardly ruining the game experience for everyone. If you happen to see CMDR Jolly Roger when ur out enjoying the galaxy put some rounds into my vulture. Everyone have a great time because we know I'm gonna.

We are not denying your right to piracy or ruin your game experience but keep in mind when hunting newbies or low ranking players they might quit .
You can recruit them or teach new players how to pirate{ in a honourable way .)
Why not create your own pirate wing with a code of honour or conduct.

As you said you fly in a vulture a large cargo ship will more likely drop cargo to escape and the hold of a vulture is not that big .
Don't kill the goose who lays the golden eggs.

The wing I am creating its still under construction but it has a small element of piracy but of a certain type .

I am not against it and there are now some high profile .pirating missions and smuggling missions available .

So fly safe and fly smart. commander
11 Jan 2016, 3:02pm
Yea have the funds for a larger ship just didn't sound like as much fun. Don't think I could get a group together as with the current setup of the game it appears that there isn't much room for pirate groups. I kinda got excited from a for post by FD I read about logging off but then I seen it was over a year old and dead, but at least I know now that they track the combat logging. One person had said to just do bounty hunting, that's what I was doing before, but with players u have the exact same issues, to see if they are wanted in other systems u have to intradict and scan then poof there gone. let's not beat a dead horse we all see the good and the bad of pirates and we all have to decide a path to fun. I keep saying there is solo play for those who don't want a fight but on the other hand I'm shut that's why I can never track down the top system bounties either. Darned if u do darned if u don't I guess.

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