Elite: Game talk

23 Nov 2015, 10:31pm
Belstarionour system is Diaguandri. Pretty good location and 15% discount on ships and outfitting.

That's a great deal for ships. Hope it has a good outfitting to go with the ship yard?

Hello Elyssia Fields Nice to meet you.

Hello Big Pappa. I am not new to the game but new to this sight. Nice to meet you.
23 Nov 2015, 10:52pm
Daisy Kato
Hello Big Pappa. I am not new to the game but new to this sight. Nice to meet you.

23 Nov 2015, 11:07pm
Daisy Kato
Sidenti Taalo
Daisy Kato
How many ships did you have to move?



Yeah, that is a frustration when having multiple ships especially if travelling to a new post >100LY using a SW (even stripped w/max FSD) as a shuttle. I sold off ships I wasn't really using or outgrew. I was becoming a full time long distance hauler of ships vs. getting anywhere game-wise during sessions. I have my DBS and IC. Pretty happy with those right now and it is 32k for a throwaway SW if I relocate again. Won't do that big move with so many ships again, that sure was a pain.
24 Nov 2015, 1:36am
Daisy Kato
Belstarionour system is Diaguandri. Pretty good location and 15% discount on ships and outfitting.

That's a great deal for ships. Hope it has a good outfitting to go with the ship yard?

Hello Elyssia Fields Nice to meet you.

Hello Big Pappa. I am not new to the game but new to this sight. Nice to meet you.

It's a High tech system with a choice of 15 ships and very good outfitting.

Pleasure to meet you too Daisy
24 Nov 2015, 1:43am
If your trying to sell your system your doing a good job at it. lol:D
24 Nov 2015, 3:56am
Belstarionour system is Diaguandri. Pretty good location and 15% discount on ships and outfitting.

I will do my next outfitting there, and say hi to old friends...
24 Nov 2015, 5:06am
Daisy KatoIf your trying to sell your system your doing a good job at it. lol

The Chindi-Malistso don't have that many credits remember we have over 20,000 mouths to feed
24 Nov 2015, 5:25am
Well I just got done selling off some of my information on what I found and well I was paid over 2mil for the little I did find plus I was marked as discovering things for the first time too. I was thank full for the cash because I had to pay for some minor... ok major repairs. lol
24 Nov 2015, 5:34am
Eeww got your name written in the stars eh aren't your special
24 Nov 2015, 8:12am
Belstarionour system is Diaguandri. Pretty good location and 15% discount on ships and outfitting.

I will do my next outfitting there, and say hi to old friends...

And you are most welcome ally
24 Nov 2015, 8:53am
Well met CMDR N.R.Crosby
24 Nov 2015, 9:03am
Big Pappa
Elyssia FieldsHello Big Pappa, remember me?

Well of course! ..

Elyssia FieldsHope he's still talking to me, I destroyed his Fer de Lance earlier today :o

I sure hope he wasn't in it at the time!!! LOL

Hi big pappa, sorry I didn't respond to you in game last night. I was busy helping a friend who was being harassed by another player. We look after our own

Elyssia was flying my fer de Lance when it got destroyed. It was in the beta so not a big deal. I pretended it was though . We work together and I let her have a play with the beta.
24 Nov 2015, 10:22am
Belstarionour system is Diaguandri. Pretty good location and 15% discount on ships and outfitting.

I will do my next outfitting there, and say hi to old friends...

Many of our CMDR`s using this system to buy ships and equip them, so constant warm greetings there!
To our friends yeah!
24 Nov 2015, 11:00am
Greetings CMDR Evgeny Zi from an old ghost o7
24 Nov 2015, 11:17am
And I glad to see you Bel come back, doing good, and in coalition with our GS, and old friends!

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