Elite: Game talk

26 Nov 2015, 8:55pm
JacknyfeUK So I went and collected my credits (200k) plus it said I had an "allowance of 10", what is that?

Sorry for questions but I is new to this space flying thing


I'm guessing it's a Powerplay thing, but you don't appear to be pledged to a power.
27 Nov 2015, 8:39pm
I don't know if this is the right place for this. I took part in the cg at sothis,gold delivery. This was ages ago now. I didn't do enough for a pay out. The entry for the cg is still on my ships left hand panel. There is no option to discard it. Shouldn't it just have disappeared at some point. Do I need to raise a ticket with frontier or am I missing something. Thanks for any help.
28 Nov 2015, 2:04am
Captain KoldI don't know if this is the right place for this. I took part in the cg at sothis,gold delivery. This was ages ago now. I didn't do enough for a pay out. The entry for the cg is still on my ships left hand panel. There is no option to discard it. Shouldn't it just have disappeared at some point. Do I need to raise a ticket with frontier or am I missing something. Thanks for any help.

The way I understand it....it should automatically payout (if you are owed credits) in 8 weeks.
28 Nov 2015, 5:50am
 I'm not owed any credits as I didn't do enough to earn them. But the de brief giving the breakdown on payouts is still displayed in my left hand panel. Maybe I'll have to take a trip out there. Unsure? I didn't earn credits so I didn't go back. Maybe that is my error? ?[/quote]
28 Nov 2015, 7:15am
Yes you'll have to go back and click to finish the CG. I did that when Kaushpoos had the mining CG. I didn't get any Cr, there cause I didn't mine. You have to complete the contract like you would normally to get rid of the transaction listing.
28 Nov 2015, 3:20pm
Thanks Skyfyre70. I wasn't sure what to do. I appreciate your reply.
29 Nov 2015, 8:18am
Hi everyone looking for some advise, i am new to elite been playing for about 5 weeks on my xbox found it very difficult at the start been watching hours of videos on youtube & getting a little better now anyway my question is on one of the videos i saw someone who had assigned shield cell bank & chaff to secondary on their fire group, is this a good thing? i have a cobra & found it easier to have my 2 beam lasers & 2 multi cannons set to primary with chaff on secondary (I find it difficult with the xbox controller only bought an xbox about 5 months ago) then i would change fire groups to use cell bank but this takes time , if both could work on my secondary this would help me

29 Nov 2015, 8:26am
HarpindaHi everyone looking for some advise, i am new to elite been playing for about 5 weeks on my xbox found it very difficult at the start been watching hours of videos on youtube & getting a little better now anyway my question is on one of the videos i saw someone who had assigned shield cell bank & chaff to secondary on their fire group, is this a good thing? i have a cobra & found it easier to have my 2 beam lasers & 2 multi cannons set to primary with chaff on secondary (I find it difficult with the xbox controller only bought an xbox about 5 months ago) then i would change fire groups to use cell bank but this takes time , if both could work on my secondary this would help me


I guess for me if I had a X-Box Controller I would assign my Beams to Primary and Cannons to Secondary FIRE GROUP 1 and then on FIRE GROUP 2 I would assign defensive systems Shield Cell on Primary and Chaff on Secondary, but that be just me. If you added Turreted Cannons which cover the bottom Arc and set your turrets to FIRE ON TARGET ONLY then you could assign both Beams and Cannons to Primary and by keeping your target in your front upper arc your cannons wont be able to fire, so keep them front and above till shields fall and then switch keeping them front and low and let your cannons pound them after that.
29 Nov 2015, 8:44am
Thank you
29 Nov 2015, 10:08am
Please note that you can assign chaff and shield cell banks to a specific button or button combination independent of fire groups. For example me as a PC player using an Xbox 360 controller, I have chaff bound to the Back button, and SCBs to the B + Back combination. These work regardless of your main fire groups, so you can have weapons on primary and secondary triggers, but the chaff and SCBs on other buttons.
29 Nov 2015, 7:53pm
Nip NipPlease note that you can assign chaff and shield cell banks to a specific button or button combination independent of fire groups. For example me as a PC player using an Xbox 360 controller, I have chaff bound to the Back button, and SCBs to the B + Back combination. These work regardless of your main fire groups, so you can have weapons on primary and secondary triggers, but the chaff and SCBs on other buttons.

I take my hat off to you (and others who so choose) for opting to use a game pad, I could never play this game with a game pad. Never been much of a console player, gots to have my PC and HOTAS.
29 Nov 2015, 8:29pm
I play on PC with the Xbox360 controller + Voiceattack, for now, I'm not dying a lot
29 Nov 2015, 9:45pm
Mila StrelokI play on PC with the Xbox360 controller + Voiceattack, for now, I'm not dying a lot

Voice Attack is great and I use it all the time. I can see how useful it is to someone on a controller. My only beef is when the shit hits the fan ASTRA tends to have moments when language comprehension is a struggle, lol.
29 Nov 2015, 9:48pm
Well, I don't usually have that problem, my main problem is memory and remembering a command xD
29 Nov 2015, 9:59pm
Mila StrelokWell, I don't usually have that problem, my main problem is memory and remembering a command xD

Yeah, I can understand that, it is rough when you have a command on the tip of your tongue and it doesn't want to come out. Sometimes my speaker volume is a little high so when there is a battle, i think between ambient noise and commands she gets confused. Sometimes I forget to drop the volume a bit. My GF laughs because she can feel the base but I think when game sounds pick up it interferes with the mic. Oh well.

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