Elite: Game talk

15 Dec 2015, 10:08pm
Initial thoughts:

* I don't know how to drive. So, nothing new. (I don't know how to fly either.)

* Frame rate dropped about 10 planetside. Acceptable considering it's only a GTX 960.

* Flickering/jumpy graphics are still present in starports but not planetside. Which is fine for now because I'm sick of starports.

* I need to watch a few videos on how to harvest.

* Frontier needs to hurry the hell up and open the Moon. I must recreate the Whalers On The Moon scene from Futurama. Chiron didn't cut it.

* For future expansions I recommend exclusive paint jobs or bobbleheads or some other kind of decorative item and not ships. Design an exclusive ship too well, there's cries of pay-to-win. Nerf it too much, and it's not a draw for people who own better ships (read: practically everyone who's played for more than a month).

That's all I got for now. Burgertime.

(Addendum: Watch out for invisible walls planetside if you log off in a terrestrial station. Yes, invisible walls after six betas.)

( Addendum the second: Don't synth and drive. Or do much of anything. I lose 35fps using the feature. Still not bad considering it's a first implementation, but something to watch out for.)

Last edit: 16 Dec 2015, 3:48am
16 Dec 2015, 3:00am
I can't seem to find the Fer-De-Lance anywhere in Fed space after the Horizons launch. Can anyone point me in the right direction?
16 Dec 2015, 7:50am
I'm so tired of trying to wing up with friends and being able to "see" their wing signal but not actually see them. Frontier really, really needs to fix this if they want people to be able to play together. I was hoping there would be an improvement on this with Horizons, but nope. First time logging in to a Private Group only my friend and I in the entire group. And YET we cannot see each other even though we are in a wing. So frustrating.

Any suggestions on forcing the game to put us in the same server? We both tried logging out and back in but that didn't work.

Last edit: 16 Dec 2015, 8:32am
16 Dec 2015, 11:55am
Jack Dekerdt
JacknyfeUKIf anyone else asks on Facebook, when the servers will be back up again or when Horizons is coming to Xbox I am going to lose it

I remember, vaguely, a time when humans were patient.

It wasn't so much the impatience that got to me but the fact they couldn't scroll down a few posts and find the info for themselves. We have the entire WWW at our fingertips and yet people can't be bothered to look. /rantoff
16 Dec 2015, 2:07pm
Well so far I'm impressed with Horizons, got a few hours looking around last night once it finally installed

Good Points, I can land on planets........and not crash {well with no gravity anyway not tried a planet with gravity yet that on for later today}
                       I love the SRV that's lots of fun to run around in BUT did get lost getting back to my ship in a port
                      The overall Graphics seem richer {a little dark in the ship yet need to brighten that up a tad not fiddled with any settings yet}

Bad things. didn't find any in my couple hours last night except changing the controls for the SRV hitting pause didn't seem to work, hitting "esc" took ages to bring up the menu then it took ages to close the menu but I'm sure that will be fixed soon and hopefully I won't need to do it again anyway

Oh and i got a secret weapon on my new Cobra that i got, the weapon  top centre just pops up through the ships skin,  no door
16 Dec 2015, 3:08pm
Jack Dekerdt
JacknyfeUKIf anyone else asks on Facebook, when the servers will be back up again or when Horizons is coming to Xbox I am going to lose it

I remember, vaguely, a time when humans were patient.

It wasn't so much the impatience that got to me but the fact they couldn't scroll down a few posts and find the info for themselves. We have the entire WWW at our fingertips and yet people can't be bothered to look. /rantoff

......sooooo when do they come back online again?
16 Dec 2015, 3:41pm
Kotto OkiahI'm so tired of trying to wing up with friends and being able to "see" their wing signal but not actually see them. Frontier really, really needs to fix this if they want people to be able to play together. I was hoping there would be an improvement on this with Horizons, but nope. First time logging in to a Private Group only my friend and I in the entire group. And YET we cannot see each other even though we are in a wing. So frustrating.

Any suggestions on forcing the game to put us in the same server? We both tried logging out and back in but that didn't work.

I've noticed if I'm nav-locked to a wing mate and if I go into FSD before they do, the instance changes. What I've found to work pretty well, is if there is a station (all wing) drop down to it and the instance should be good. Depending too on your sensor type, you might not see your wing m8 even if they are in sensor range. Before you drop, look in the contacts, and if they are there, just goto your destination, or drop to normal space, and set a Nav beacon.

One more note: I've noticed too that even with nav-lock engaged and you're jumping system to system, give them a few seconds before you get to far from the star, give them a chance to 'catch up.' Most of the time, meeting at a different systems 'fixes' the instance.
16 Dec 2015, 3:45pm
Does anyone here have the federal corvette? If so what is it like
16 Dec 2015, 4:24pm
GizMoToWell so far I'm impressed with Horizons, got a few hours looking around last night once it finally installed

Good Points, I can land on planets........and not crash {well with no gravity anyway not tried a planet with gravity yet that on for later today}
                       I love the SRV that's lots of fun to run around in BUT did get lost getting back to my ship in a port
                      The overall Graphics seem richer {a little dark in the ship yet need to brighten that up a tad not fiddled with any settings yet}

Bad things. didn't find any in my couple hours last night except changing the controls for the SRV hitting pause didn't seem to work, hitting "esc" took ages to bring up the menu then it took ages to close the menu but I'm sure that will be fixed soon and hopefully I won't need to do it again anyway

Oh and i got a secret weapon on my new Cobra that i got, the weapon  top centre just pops up through the ships skin,  no door

I too got lost getting back to the ship at an outpost. It would be a good idea of Frontier to give us something of a breadcrumb trail to follow in that regard.
16 Dec 2015, 4:42pm
SynthorianI can't seem to find the Fer-De-Lance anywhere in Fed space after the Horizons launch. Can anyone point me in the right direction?

Gernsback terminal, groombridge 1618
16 Dec 2015, 5:32pm
SynthorianI can't seem to find the Fer-De-Lance anywhere in Fed space after the Horizons launch. Can anyone point me in the right direction?

Gernsback terminal, groombridge 1618

Very nice ship, handles a tiny bit slower than a Python if you've ever flown one, I have 2 PA's on mine and it takes down shields in seconds, good hardpoint placement, I can keep targets in my sights almost all the time, unless it's an eagle or vulture and they boost past me.

Really happy with it.
16 Dec 2015, 5:47pm
SynthorianI can't seem to find the Fer-De-Lance anywhere in Fed space after the Horizons launch. Can anyone point me in the right direction?

Gernsback terminal, groombridge 1618

Very nice ship, handles a tiny bit slower than a Python if you've ever flown one, I have 2 PA's on mine and it takes down shields in seconds, good hardpoint placement, I can keep targets in my sights almost all the time, unless it's an eagle or vulture and they boost past me.

Really happy with it.

Do you know anywherw that has it on discount?
16 Dec 2015, 5:51pm
SynthorianI can't seem to find the Fer-De-Lance anywhere in Fed space after the Horizons launch. Can anyone point me in the right direction?

Gernsback terminal, groombridge 1618

Very nice ship, handles a tiny bit slower than a Python if you've ever flown one, I have 2 PA's on mine and it takes down shields in seconds, good hardpoint placement, I can keep targets in my sights almost all the time, unless it's an eagle or vulture and they boost past me.

Really happy with it.

Do you know anywherw that has it on discount?

The handy-dandy Shipyard might!

I like the Shipyard because, once you've set your location in your CMDR's Log, it gives you a list of stations that are selling the ship sorted by proximity to you AND tells you which stations have discounts!
16 Dec 2015, 5:51pm
SynthorianI can't seem to find the Fer-De-Lance anywhere in Fed space after the Horizons launch. Can anyone point me in the right direction?

Gernsback terminal, groombridge 1618

Very nice ship, handles a tiny bit slower than a Python if you've ever flown one, I have 2 PA's on mine and it takes down shields in seconds, good hardpoint placement, I can keep targets in my sights almost all the time, unless it's an eagle or vulture and they boost past me.

Really happy with it.

Do you know anywherw that has it on discount?

IX system, you can buy it for 155 mil if I remember right.
16 Dec 2015, 5:54pm
Thanks, ill have to get a bit more cr first about 10m short

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