Elite: Game talk

04 Dec 2015, 1:55am
Sidenti Taalo
Speed Serpentok guys/gals, I've been playing for a month or so. Got the hang of it I think, but, I'm looking for something more. I need a mission or objective to help accomplish, something I thought Power play would offer, but that aspect doesn't make sense to me as far as supporting minor factions depending on govt types and whatever. Anywho, I'm looking for a wing that I can help. The whole idea of taking sides during a civil wart is awesome, so I guess thats my main focus. I just use my type6 to finance my Courier at the moment- hope to get a clipper eventually, so staying on the Empire's good side is key here.

Hello! Elite: Dangerous differs from your standard MMO-type games in that this is a full-on "sandbox" - what that means is that, typically, the player is tasked with creating their own goals and dreaming up their own storylines. It's good to see, then, that you're looking for a wing.

Now, mine isn't hiring. It's just a writing exercise component. But there are several good ones here, all catering to various interests. One of my personal favorites is Ghost Squadron - largest wing here by far, flies in private or open, Imperial allegiance not a problem since they're pretty chill about it. You can reach their wing commander here. Good luck!

ty sidenti taalo ,

i was tempted to answer but i try to refain from the old ''oh look , a throat to shove this into'' (whatever this is at the time) tactics .

speedy serpent , ghost squadren is definatly setting objectives for us all to achive as a group. that said any objectives are not forced , so you would still be free to make creds (and probably find a few to wing up with to ease the boredom factor of the repetitive trade runs) or to just fly off into the void for a week or 20 !!
04 Dec 2015, 2:24am
..And to have aloooot of friend an wingmen for different timezones. Its awesome!
04 Dec 2015, 6:19am
Ghost Squadron, I'm in.
04 Dec 2015, 6:38am
Speed SerpentGhost Squadron, I'm in.

Welcome to GS!
Join our discord server to better and faster find mates depends on that you up to.

Last edit: 04 Dec 2015, 6:45am
04 Dec 2015, 10:06am
Aside from Interstellar and Oblivion, what other soundtracks are good to listen to while exploring?
04 Dec 2015, 12:44pm
Rinzler o7o7o7Aside from Interstellar and Oblivion, what other soundtracks are good to listen to while exploring?

Well, I think, that Star Treks will do just fine, just pick some less "bombastic" tracks. From game soundtracks, I'd recommend Mass Effect. Classical music is also good. If you're into metal, bands like Pathfinder, Dragonland, or Gamma Ray have some tracks that would go well.
04 Dec 2015, 1:56pm
Sidenti Taalo
Speed Serpentok guys/gals, I've been playing for a month or so. Got the hang of it I think, but, I'm looking for something more. I need a mission or objective to help accomplish, something I thought Power play would offer, but that aspect doesn't make sense to me as far as supporting minor factions depending on govt types and whatever. Anywho, I'm looking for a wing that I can help. The whole idea of taking sides during a civil wart is awesome, so I guess thats my main focus. I just use my type6 to finance my Courier at the moment- hope to get a clipper eventually, so staying on the Empire's good side is key here.

Hello! Elite: Dangerous differs from your standard MMO-type games in that this is a full-on "sandbox" - what that means is that, typically, the player is tasked with creating their own goals and dreaming up their own storylines. It's good to see, then, that you're looking for a wing.

Now, mine isn't hiring. It's just a writing exercise component. But there are several good ones here, all catering to various interests. One of my personal favorites is Ghost Squadron - largest wing here by far, flies in private or open, Imperial allegiance not a problem since they're pretty chill about it. You can reach their wing commander here. Good luck!

I agree with Sedenti in the sandox aspect and making your own role. I traded for most of my career within the Empire supporting various systems/groups. I took on BH as both a break from frustrations of trading and to further my own storyline whilst continuing to support the Empire in certain ways. Like you, I found Power Play lacking, or more to my mind, convoluted, and requiring me to spend a lot of time traveling a bit too much to satisfy action within cycles. Anyway, at the risk of hate mail, I do think ED is lacking on a more personal RPG level as opposed, to say, WoW. By that I mean, if ED was ever to allow for that depth of RPG-style in its universe what a truly amazing property they would have. Maybe someday .
04 Dec 2015, 3:15pm
The community goals are great to add depth and a overall purpose but I'm not gonna fly 2+ hours across the bubble to deliver drugs or shoot pirates for a day. I think more CGs would be great. Scattered throughout the inhabited area, but I've only been playing a short time so I don't have much to base my opinion off of.
04 Dec 2015, 4:32pm
Speed SerpentThe community goals are great to add depth and a overall purpose but I'm not gonna fly 2+ hours across the bubble to deliver drugs or shoot pirates for a day. I think more CGs would be great. Scattered throughout the inhabited area, but I've only been playing a short time so I don't have much to base my opinion off of.

Agreed. Expanded CGs with a thread into other or smaller communities across systems would add more dimension for more folks. There have been a number of CGs in recent months that I looked at but the prospect of moving some or all of my fleet that great a distance is daunting. If either commercial transport of pilots, or better yet, their ships was made available, I'd jump right in (no pun intended). I'd love to look in the crystal ball maybe 2-3 years down the road and see how all of this shakes down as far as more interaction for and between pilots, trading, missions, etc. I'm optimistic
04 Dec 2015, 4:48pm
I am curious about the CG's added here with the add CG button are these supported only by Inara Supporters or are they accepted as FD submissions.
04 Dec 2015, 5:33pm
N.R.CrosbyI am curious about the CG's added here with the add CG button are these supported only by Inara Supporters or are they accepted as FD submissions.

The CG list here is just for the convenience of Inara members - I'm not exactly sure how Frontier picks and chooses which events to run, but the entries here are just mean to be informative reflections.

But that does raise an interesting question: How does Frontier pick their CG lineup?
04 Dec 2015, 6:26pm
I just posted this to the groups email I hope I did this right

Year 2786
First wave of Chindi-Malistso depart Earth in 8 Colony Transports destination unknown, launch unannounced, records sealed and encrypted.
Year 2788
Second Wave of Chindi-Malistso depart earth in 17 Colony Transports bound for 41 Lambda Hydrea A6 and event that came to be called the Great Path. This expedition led by Grand Chief Aloka.
Year 3301
Alliance signed with Shadow President Felicia Winters and the Hai-Malistso (Winter's Wolves) were formed.
October 2nd 3301
Investigations begin into the bribes and payouts made to key Chindi-Malistso members on the Corporate Charter Panel  from the Giant Federation Corporation Tashile Foods Corporation a large financial backer to both President Hudson and the Shadow Presidents Campaigns.
October 23rd 3301
8 members of the Black Falcons a known Mercenary Company in the employ of Tashile Foods Corporation are apprehended releasing a deadly toxin into the soil of two of 41 Lambda Hydrae A6 most prominent Corporate Agricultural Plantations.
November 5th 3301
The Shadow President announces that the Federation will be taking control of 41 Lambda Hydrae A6, her sky marshal is quoted as saying, "I need to reinforce here that my loyalty lies solely to the Federation and to Felicia Winters. This means that I am not a Winters Wolf, and I cannot sacrifice a profitable system for the sake of its independence, especially now. "
November 16th 3301
Federalist Forces seize control of 41 Lambda Hydrae A6 and its orbiting star port.
November 21st 3301
14 Ancient Colony Transports are witnessed lifting off from 41 Lambda Hydrae A6 led by Commanders N.R.Crosby, Daisy Kato, F.Roy Mickey, and *Avenger* destination unknown.
November 22nd to 28th
Commander N.R.Crosby sends urgent pleas to friends and allies of the Chindi-Malistso requesting a Sanctuary System for the Colonial Fleet.
November 29th to present
Records have been discovered leading to the knowledge of the previous Chindi-Malistso colony sent out in 2786. Its whereabouts are unknown.


On the moon of 41 Lambda Hydrae A6 is a monument with clues as to the location of the sister colony  sent out in 2786. With Horizons commanders could find this monument gain the clues and then proceed to find the lost colony, which at this point becomes a Exploration CG. My hope is that a replicate of the monument of 41 Lambda Hydrae A6's moon could be found on a satellite orbiting the sister colony world showing clue as to the location of 41 Lambda Hydrae A6.

Intial starting clues would have it xx number of light years from Sol putting it 100 to 300 light years outside the power play bubble.

We might be able to give the star names the initial colonists used as navigation beacons on their way to their new homes 41 Lambda Hydrae and Sister System. ( this would give a basic course but not point directly too )

We might be able to give the clue as to number of celestial bodies in the system.
And last maybe Star Type
as far as setting Tier Requirements we might make
Tier 1 be finding so many XX star type within the proper range and direction.
Tier 2 finding systems with the proper number of celestial bodies. + 1
Tier 3 finding earth like worlds + 2 & 1
Tier 4 Finding earth like worlds with satellites + 3, + 2, & 1

And last the winner the guy who finds the Monument on the moons surface.
Hey maybe we could get a small monument with the winners name or faction added to it sitting next to the original monument.

Even though everyone won't have horizon's Groups and Factions can pull resources together to accomplish this goal in the name of their faction and will forever be loved and honored by the Chindi-Malistso People.

The Chindi-Malistso supporters are also willing to put up prizes as well from the Frontier store such as coffee mugs, t-shirts, paint schemes but we are currently unaware how to do this.

Sorry if this went long I seriously have no idea what I am doing currently I have dedication and a whole lot of support from other members and groups but not much else going for me with regard to information. I have posted a recent Galnet Submission on this but I don't think it got picked up.

Founder of the Winter's Wolves Minor Faction
Leader of the Operation Winters Group

Any thoughts and suggestions would be most welcome to get this Goal achieved.
04 Dec 2015, 8:30pm
N.R.Crosbysnipped for sanity's sake]

It's been my experience that, in order to get a CG that heavily features a player-created group, it helps to be friends with someone at Frontier. Pretty sure that's how the Hutton Orbital guys got theirs. Maybe it'd have a better chance of getting picked up if the player group were given less prominence?
04 Dec 2015, 9:29pm
Sidenti Taalo
N.R.Crosbysnipped for sanity's sake]

It's been my experience that, in order to get a CG that heavily features a player-created group, it helps to be friends with someone at Frontier. Pretty sure that's how the Hutton Orbital guys got theirs. Maybe it'd have a better chance of getting picked up if the player group were given less prominence?

But taking the player group out makes it rather generic and pretty pointless with regards to the timeline and lore in a nutshell it just be a simple exploration CG without any rhyme or reason I would think, in fact without the timeline I don't even no how to pitch it nor if its even worth pursuing really I mean FD can drop an Exploration CG anytime they want anywhere don't need player driven content for that.

As far as being friends with folks at FD not sure how close one has to get I a had more than a few emails with the devs in the past.
04 Dec 2015, 10:13pm
But taking the player group out makes it rather generic and pretty pointless with regards to the timeline and lore in a nutshell it just be a simple exploration CG without any rhyme or reason I would think, in fact without the timeline I don't even no how to pitch it nor if its even worth pursuing really I mean FD can drop an Exploration CG anytime they want anywhere don't need player driven content for that.

As far as being friends with folks at FD not sure how close one has to get I a had more than a few emails with the devs in the past.

I think it's more of a prevention of being seen as a company that "plays favorites", so to speak. If one group gets a CG, so must others. It can be difficult to manage from a community standpoint. But that's just a theory. Perhaps a quick email to one of your contacts will give you more concrete guidance?

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