Elite: Game talk

13 Dec 2015, 3:12am
Mila Strelok
Sidenti Taalo
Sidenti TaaloDoes anyone else's browser autolaunch when you start the game launcher?

When I click on the launcher icon it automatically signs me in but that's it (which is good because if it auto launched then I wouldn't be able to choose between Live, Horizons Beta, Ships beta etc). Do you mean it loads all the way to the main menu?

What I mean is when I start the E Launcher, it also autolaunches my Chrome web browser on top of starting the launcher program too. What concerns me is that my launcher appears to be the only one exhibiting this behavior, which raises security concerns.

did you uninstalled Internet Explorer? Some game launchers requires it to show its info, and when it can't find Internet Explorer, it tries to show that info on the next brower it finds, "maybe" that's happening to you

No, as much as I'd love to remove IE I kinda need it for development purposes. So it isn't that.
13 Dec 2015, 8:44am
Sidenti Taalo
Mila Strelok
Sidenti Taalo
Sidenti TaaloDoes anyone else's browser autolaunch when you start the game launcher?

When I click on the launcher icon it automatically signs me in but that's it (which is good because if it auto launched then I wouldn't be able to choose between Live, Horizons Beta, Ships beta etc). Do you mean it loads all the way to the main menu?

What I mean is when I start the E Launcher, it also autolaunches my Chrome web browser on top of starting the launcher program too. What concerns me is that my launcher appears to be the only one exhibiting this behavior, which raises security concerns.

did you uninstalled Internet Explorer? Some game launchers requires it to show its info, and when it can't find Internet Explorer, it tries to show that info on the next brower it finds, "maybe" that's happening to you

No, as much as I'd love to remove IE I kinda need it for development purposes. So it isn't that.

is your browser opening at your homepage(s) or somewhere else ?

if it is your homepage(s) ; then other than annoying its not too worrying a prob
13 Dec 2015, 3:54pm

In an effort to extend the immersion factor I am attempting to do the following and my knowledge of VA scripting is fair to mid-line.

1. I want to develop a more robust hangar/cold start process to include HCS wav files and some custom wav files as necessary. I think this one I can hobble together and would need someone to look over my shoulder and test it.

2. This one is a little more complicated. When I am at a RES or Nav Beacon bounty hunting I notice there are often periods of up to 5 minutes, sometimes more, where we are all just sitting waiting on contacts. I notice the security ships, alone or in wings, go into a sort of search pattern and I'd like to duplicate that by issuing both a general command or give specific directions for turning the ship.

Example: ASTRA/JAZZ commence search pattern alpha. VA acknowledges, resets power, sets engines to a determined speed and moves on course for, say, 3 minutes, then makes a 90-degree turn to port/starboard, continues on course, essentially completing a search box.

As an adjunct to that, I'd like to be able to tell ASTRA/JAZZ to makes turns to port/starboard or reverse, as needed. I think this can be accomplished by using the yaw input on the X55 joystick as a key press for X seconds until a 90 or 180 degree arc is achieved.

Any constructive input is much appreciated, especially, if you know of someone who has achieved this already. Thanks. Feel free to PM me.
13 Dec 2015, 5:22pm
Sidenti Taalo
Mila Strelok
Sidenti Taalo
Sidenti TaaloDoes anyone else's browser autolaunch when you start the game launcher?

When I click on the launcher icon it automatically signs me in but that's it (which is good because if it auto launched then I wouldn't be able to choose between Live, Horizons Beta, Ships beta etc). Do you mean it loads all the way to the main menu?

What I mean is when I start the E Launcher, it also autolaunches my Chrome web browser on top of starting the launcher program too. What concerns me is that my launcher appears to be the only one exhibiting this behavior, which raises security concerns.

did you uninstalled Internet Explorer? Some game launchers requires it to show its info, and when it can't find Internet Explorer, it tries to show that info on the next brower it finds, "maybe" that's happening to you

No, as much as I'd love to remove IE I kinda need it for development purposes. So it isn't that.

is your browser opening at your homepage(s) or somewhere else ?

if it is your homepage(s) ; then other than annoying its not too worrying a prob

It keeps wanting to open to this Frontier support page: https://support.frontier.co.uk/kb/faq.php?id=26

It tells me to download a certain file if the launcher is throwing a particular error, but I already have the file in question and so don't have that particular problem. But the browser still launches anyway! XD

I've given up hope of the issue ever being resolved. Thankfully I know a thing or two about computer security and can mitigate it, but it seems a lot of Frontier to ask of me after double-charging me for the same game they're selling to new players.
13 Dec 2015, 5:31pm
so you have a problem with DirectX 9, I suggest to uninstall it completely, directx I mean, restart your computer, and install it again.
13 Dec 2015, 6:05pm
Mila Strelokso you have a problem with DirectX 9, I suggest to uninstall it completely, directx I mean, restart your computer, and install it again.

^^ that.

sounds like your system never installed that file properly , remember its part of DX9c and NOT included in DX10+ which is what is on a PC running ED.
tho i would have thought FD had fixed this since alpha/beta (last time i came across/hear of it)
13 Dec 2015, 7:51pm
I'll give it a go and report back - thanks guys!

EDIT: That did the trick! Thanks again!

Last edit: 13 Dec 2015, 8:22pm
13 Dec 2015, 10:39pm
Sidenti TaaloI'll give it a go and report back - thanks guys!

EDIT: That did the trick! Thanks again!

glad to help.
14 Dec 2015, 5:26am
You know, I'm looking forward to the Horizons expansion and all that, but I'm really not happy about the pricing structure. If Frontier expects me to buy any more expansions but the very last one (which, under the current model, would give me all the previous expansions for the same price of the season 1 base game, thereby saving literally hundreds of dollars), the preorder rewards had better be a lot better than a ship I'll never fly, and paint jobs for said ship.

I don't see how they're gonna make a 10-year run treating their existing customers like piggy banks.
14 Dec 2015, 5:35am
Sidenti TaaloYou know, I'm looking forward to the Horizons expansion and all that, but I'm really not happy about the pricing structure. If Frontier expects me to buy any more expansions but the very last one (which, under the current model, would give me all the previous expansions for the same price of the season 1 base game, thereby saving literally hundreds of dollars), the preorder rewards had better be a lot better than a ship I'll never fly, and paint jobs for said ship.

I don't see how they're gonna make a 10-year run treating their existing customers like piggy banks.

Unfortunately this model has been around a while now and I don't see it going away unless the entire gaming community closes their wallets and that just won't happen. I remember when Blizzard, among others went to this model, what, 5-8 years ago now, and people went kicking and screaming but still pushed the 'buy' button. I am certainly not defending the model or FD but they offer(ed) a lifetime pass, yes it stings, but, I think it hurts less than $60 a year/season. I didn't take it this time around since I was cash poor having just finished my master's program but will take it next time it is offered. This is just the way it is now, not just in gaming either, Adobe, Microsoft, et. al., are all on this model now.
14 Dec 2015, 6:10am
I'll pay the 60$ a year while this will cost more in the end I cannot see paying for something I haven't gotten yet when the contract says my future purchase doesn't guarantee me a future product, also with Horizons I got 2 cpu's that need upgrading just to run the thing well that is over 500$ for hardware at a bare minimum and if  we went with 2 Lifetime passes that be another 400$ I have to pay out now our budget just cannot handle that kind of outflow all at once.
14 Dec 2015, 6:35am
Jack Dekerdt
Sidenti TaaloYou know, I'm looking forward to the Horizons expansion and all that, but I'm really not happy about the pricing structure. If Frontier expects me to buy any more expansions but the very last one (which, under the current model, would give me all the previous expansions for the same price of the season 1 base game, thereby saving literally hundreds of dollars), the preorder rewards had better be a lot better than a ship I'll never fly, and paint jobs for said ship.

I don't see how they're gonna make a 10-year run treating their existing customers like piggy banks.

Unfortunately this model has been around a while now and I don't see it going away unless the entire gaming community closes their wallets and that just won't happen. I remember when Blizzard, among others went to this model, what, 5-8 years ago now, and people went kicking and screaming but still pushed the 'buy' button. I am certainly not defending the model or FD but they offer(ed) a lifetime pass, yes it stings, but, I think it hurts less than $60 a year/season. I didn't take it this time around since I was cash poor having just finished my master's program but will take it next time it is offered. This is just the way it is now, not just in gaming either, Adobe, Microsoft, et. al., are all on this model now.

Episodic payments are kind of new-ish in my experience (about 20 years of online gaming). Monthly subscription was prevalent for quite some time, then GW2 popularized buy-to-play, and of course there's freemium. Of course, episodic IS just another name for yearly (or in this case, seasonal) subscription, so I get where you're coming from.

The biggest problem I have is with newcomers getting everything for the same price I paid for core, while I'm sitting here shelling out cash season after season. I don't have a problem with doing that, SO LONG AS I GET VALUE FOR MY MONEY. The Mk IV and paint jobs for the Cobra are nice for Cobra owners, but I have a Python, Vulture and Anaconda - I don't use a Cobra. (Matter of fact, I have never ever flown one. No desire with the Vulture and all.)

The $15 "loyalty discount" didn't make me feel terribly loyal. Now, $30 in store credit? That would have been another story altogether. Then I can sit there and say "sure, I had to pay in more, but look at these cool socks I got too!"

That's how SWTOR was able to get thousands out of me over the course of three years. Game wasn't terribly fun, but the story was interesting and every pre-order got me something new, cool, unique and USEFUL. And that's why I kept paying the subscription and buying cartel coins. I felt I was getting value for the purchase.

I imagine Frontier will figure it out. They just missed the mark this time around is all.
14 Dec 2015, 6:47am
N.R.CrosbyI'll pay the 60$ a year while this will cost more in the end I cannot see paying for something I haven't gotten yet when the contract says my future purchase doesn't guarantee me a future product, also with Horizons I got 2 cpu's that need upgrading just to run the thing well that is over 500$ for hardware at a bare minimum and if  we went with 2 Lifetime passes that be another 400$ I have to pay out now our budget just cannot handle that kind of outflow all at once.

I get what you are saying, each of us is in a different place as to needs and finances. I just shelled out for an nVidia 970 only to see that VR requires a minimum 990 card and that isn't going to happen right now, so, the VR is going to have to wait, in my case.
14 Dec 2015, 6:52am
What is so bad about paing 50 Euro for a hole year of updates?

You bought Dangerous (1 Year of Expansions) for 50 €. Now buy another Expansion and 1 Year of Updates for 50 €.

Tell me, how much Money do you spend for games every year? 500?
Elite expands with every update.

Season one was Ships, Powerplay, etc.
Season 2 includes Landings and... We will see!

I must admit, that i own a LTP. In 3 Years i am at the Break-even-point (Season 4). I am Happy with that!
I made a gift to my son a week ago. I bought hirisons for him. He is playing it and loves it. I will see, if he will buy Season 3 from his own pocket Money.

I think, thepayment-Model of FD is a fair Thing.
If you do not want Season 2 now, you can buy Season 3 and i think you will get Season 2 with it!
14 Dec 2015, 6:55am
Sidenti Taalo

That's how SWTOR was able to get thousands out of me over the course of three years. Game wasn't terribly fun, but the story was interesting and every pre-order got me something new, cool, unique and USEFUL. And that's why I kept paying the subscription and buying cartel coins. I felt I was getting value for the purchase.

I imagine Frontier will figure it out. They just missed the mark this time around is all.

That's how Blizzard got thousands out of me, repetitive grinding, didn't care a whole lot about the story arc, but liked the perks for loyalty, and of course playing with friends was what made it, for me anyways. In the end I left because they abandoned the solo/small group players.

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