Elite: Game talk

06 Sep 2024, 5:23pm
There will be no pickle war, because I am going to sit down on the pickles and that will be the end of it.

(Whyever somebody felt the need to bring those disgusting things up again for absolutely no reason …)
06 Sep 2024, 6:34pm
Ah, no worries, humankind will always find something to wage a war about. If not pickles, then, perhaps, pineapples on pizza.
06 Sep 2024, 8:50pm
Did someone say pineapples on pizza? Let me introduce you to a local speciality: Banana Curry Pizza
06 Sep 2024, 9:00pm
You know, I am something of a magician myself. I know spells to make pizzas disappear. Rest assured, if I ever get to one of those banana wonders, they won't be able to escape.

"Doc, I've eaten three pizzas, my stomach hurts."
"Do you mean, three slices?"
"Three. Pizzas."
*visible perplexion*

Last edit: 07 Sep 2024, 4:09am
06 Sep 2024, 9:21pm
Meowers and the fantastic pizzas, and where to find them. Or: the doctor's office of mysterious occurrences.

Todays episode: Tumbleweed's secret ingredient.
Next on this channel: Space Vikings
06 Sep 2024, 9:32pm
Space Vikings? That sounds nice to me. They should have lots of beer and roasted meat. After grand kicking someone's softy arse. What else do you need for happiness?
06 Sep 2024, 9:38pm
Well I tried three stars to the right and on till morning, but all I found as another 3 billion bloody stars, (never found neverland), where next?

To anyone who says fruit does not belong on pizza, Tomato is a fruit!
07 Sep 2024, 12:04am
Anything that can stay on pizza, belongs on pizza as long as you like it. That's why I like pizza. It's an embodiment of pure culinary chaos and unbridled imagination, fuelled by ages old curiosity about eating random stuff. And that's why Thargoids are losing. They can't take our pizza away.
07 Sep 2024, 1:33am
Maybe we should first ask them if they have their own version of pizza. And at least we can laugh over that if it ends up starting a war instead of a megalomaniac's failed idiocy.
07 Sep 2024, 4:45pm
I'm soon going to dip my toes into AX combat. Finally. I've found the AXI wiki and what-not, so I'm RTFM as much as I can.
That said, I'm still worried I'm going to get my ass handed to me in my first one-on-one.
I hold my own well against pirates and go out bounty hunting often, dispatching multiple NPC pilots easily. I'm still learning FA-off though.

Still, reassure me that I'm OK to try AX.
07 Sep 2024, 4:56pm
I rarely do FA-off. Almost never. Screw elitists who think you can't git gud in AX without it.
07 Sep 2024, 5:10pm
I have beaten Hydras at station conflict zones and two (separately) in a low intensity space CZ without other player support and only use FA off while I’m kiting the interceptor around removing its shield from a distance.

It’s not necessary. That said, my flight style and frequent (sometimes not intentional) use of lightning to bash one’s heart out is… probably not one which AXI would encourage, to say the least. Plus it’s also kind of risky, but it works well anyway.

(I just hate the nonsensical oversensitivity of control inputs in FA off and it’s stupidly impossible to keep it stable with a controller/gamepad… no idea about flight sticks n stuff, won’t touch M/KB for actual playing sessions)
07 Sep 2024, 5:16pm
MeowersI rarely do FA-off. Almost never. Screw elitists who think you can't git gud in AX without it.

Fa off overated. Just ram hydra while shields up Ez pz.

I was doing that in the past with my ax corvette on planetary bases before even caustic heatsinks and anti guardian resistances were a thing. Now im flying python mk2 and i can do solo with that ship but its more risky and takes longer than corvette.
07 Sep 2024, 5:20pm
FA-off is a valid approach, but not the only one as some people may think.
07 Sep 2024, 6:41pm
you know there is this function I have that lets me toggle FA off and on quickly, and i dont know if thats what everyone does or if im just a crazy person, cuz I dont know anything about how to combat tbh, im not a combat pilot

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