Elite: Game talk

18 Dec 2015, 12:14am
Apparently you can hand vouchers for "Research outpost combat appeal" at Dahan Gateway (station), even though description says, that you hand them at Nelson Works (surface outpost). Confusing a bit.
18 Dec 2015, 12:21am
Nathanc213Im currently trying to improve my rank in the federal navy but since reaching warrant officer I haven't been finding any navy missions, does anyone have any tips on finding them?

Where can I get ANY navy missions.. Not seen a single one.

If you guys are talking about naval ascension missions, the fastest way to do them is take a load of donation missions. Can be expensive for the higher ranks but for the lower ones, not that much. You can get them at bulletin boards in stations.
18 Dec 2015, 12:36am
Nathanc213Im currently trying to improve my rank in the federal navy but since reaching warrant officer I haven't been finding any navy missions, does anyone have any tips on finding them?

Where can I get ANY navy missions.. Not seen a single one.

If you guys are talking about naval ascension missions, the fastest way to do them is take a load of donation missions. Can be expensive for the higher ranks but for the lower ones, not that much. You can get them at bulletin boards in stations.

Try tun lots of donation missions keep swapping between open and solo to reset the BB
18 Dec 2015, 2:59am
Nathanc213Im currently trying to improve my rank in the federal navy but since reaching warrant officer I haven't been finding any navy missions, does anyone have any tips on finding them?

Where can I get ANY navy missions.. Not seen a single one.

If you guys are talking about naval ascension missions, the fastest way to do them is take a load of donation missions. Can be expensive for the higher ranks but for the lower ones, not that much. You can get them at bulletin boards in stations.

Try tun lots of donation missions keep swapping between open and solo to reset the BB

That's all changed since Horizons, guys. Now places that're bust don't need charity any more so the missions don't spawn. We're working on what the new meta might be at the moement. So far it looks like long-range smuggling missions are the best bet. Any mission that's for an Imp/Fed-align faction will gain naval XP now, though, so it's a decent trade off. And I'm sure new places will come up to grind for those that want charity missions.

Hi everyone, btw! Been here a while, but didn't want to post 'til I'd lurked a bit!
18 Dec 2015, 3:06am
Monolith Preacher
Nathanc213Im currently trying to improve my rank in the federal navy but since reaching warrant officer I haven't been finding any navy missions, does anyone have any tips on finding them?

Where can I get ANY navy missions.. Not seen a single one.

If you guys are talking about naval ascension missions, the fastest way to do them is take a load of donation missions. Can be expensive for the higher ranks but for the lower ones, not that much. You can get them at bulletin boards in stations.

Try tun lots of donation missions keep swapping between open and solo to reset the BB

That's all changed since Horizons, guys. Now places that're bust don't need charity any more so the missions don't spawn. We're working on what the new meta might be at the moement. So far it looks like long-range smuggling missions are the best bet. Any mission that's for an Imp/Fed-align faction will gain naval XP now, though, so it's a decent trade off. And I'm sure new places will come up to grind for those that want charity missions.

Hi everyone, btw! Been here a while, but didn't want to post 'til I'd lurked a bit!

Ive just been doing the charity missions at tun and im getting 2 of them every time I swith to open and back, I was at sothis for 2h just before I went to tun and I never got any missions other than multistage courier ones. However robigo offered lots of smuggling missions but theres no federation faction in that system
18 Dec 2015, 5:35am
Monolith Preacher
SquidpantsWhere can I get ANY navy missions.. Not seen a single one.

If you guys are talking about naval ascension missions, the fastest way to do them is take a load of donation missions. Can be expensive for the higher ranks but for the lower ones, not that much. You can get them at bulletin boards in stations.

Try tun lots of donation missions keep swapping between open and solo to reset the BB

That's all changed since Horizons, guys. Now places that're bust don't need charity any more so the missions don't spawn. We're working on what the new meta might be at the moement. So far it looks like long-range smuggling missions are the best bet. Any mission that's for an Imp/Fed-align faction will gain naval XP now, though, so it's a decent trade off. And I'm sure new places will come up to grind for those that want charity missions.

Hi everyone, btw! Been here a while, but didn't want to post 'til I'd lurked a bit!

Monolith has the right of it. Prior to the Horizons drop, the way that you gained rank was by doing missions for your desired faction; specifically charity missions were found to give the most "hidden xp" towards your next rank. Each rank would take more faction aligned missions to perform before the game would allow you to promote. Just last week, I made about five trips of hauling missions from Fehu into Imperial space, and went from no rank straight up to knight. Now mind you, the game has just been turned on it's head. The entire meta has and will change with 2.0 and 1.5. There will need to be time for the smart cookies to perform their magic and work out the clockwork of the background simulation changes. Still, one thing will stay the same, and that's doing faction-aligned missions for xp. The nice thing is, you can now track you progress to your next rank mission in the right UI of the HUD. It's just not clear what the "best" way to rank-farm is right now. Do what you can, and keep working like the Federation dog or Imperial pig you are! It will come. Just with a lot of work.
18 Dec 2015, 5:51am
Brenner Soriah
Monolith Preacher
SquidpantsWhere can I get ANY navy missions.. Not seen a single one.

If you guys are talking about naval ascension missions, the fastest way to do them is take a load of donation missions. Can be expensive for the higher ranks but for the lower ones, not that much. You can get them at bulletin boards in stations.

Try tun lots of donation missions keep swapping between open and solo to reset the BB

That's all changed since Horizons, guys. Now places that're bust don't need charity any more so the missions don't spawn. We're working on what the new meta might be at the moement. So far it looks like long-range smuggling missions are the best bet. Any mission that's for an Imp/Fed-align faction will gain naval XP now, though, so it's a decent trade off. And I'm sure new places will come up to grind for those that want charity missions.

Hi everyone, btw! Been here a while, but didn't want to post 'til I'd lurked a bit!

Monolith has the right of it. Prior to the Horizons drop, the way that you gained rank was by doing missions for your desired faction; specifically charity missions were found to give the most "hidden xp" towards your next rank. Each rank would take more faction aligned missions to perform before the game would allow you to promote. Just last week, I made about five trips of hauling missions from Fehu into Imperial space, and went from no rank straight up to knight. Now mind you, the game has just been turned on it's head. The entire meta has and will change with 2.0 and 1.5. There will need to be time for the smart cookies to perform their magic and work out the clockwork of the background simulation changes. Still, one thing will stay the same, and that's doing faction-aligned missions for xp. The nice thing is, you can now track you progress to your next rank mission in the right UI of the HUD. It's just not clear what the "best" way to rank-farm is right now. Do what you can, and keep working like the Federation dog or Imperial pig you are! It will come. Just with a lot of work.

Do you know if handing in combat bonds for a federal or imperial faction increases rank?
18 Dec 2015, 5:57am

Do you know if handing in combat bonds for a federal or imperial faction increases rank?

This is quoted from the forums:

Link to the thread here.

I'd like to explain how the rank mechanic works. You are promoted when you complete rank ascension missions. These are unlocked by gaining a stat called faction skill.

This stat is similar to reputation but differs in a few key points. Like reputation, it is increased by doing work for or generally aiding the minor factions aligned with the major faction. However, skill affected more by combat related deeds.

Unlike reputation, faction skill will never decrease, even if you work against a faction.


The fastest way to gain rank would be to complete combat missions or turn in bounty vouchers at stations controlled by the federation. While non-combat Missions will increase your faction skill to a degree as well, the navies look for combat pilots, so the effect of missions not involving combat is very limited.

I hope this tip will speed your ranking up a bit, please let us know if you'd had any more questions, we are happy to help.

Best Regards,

CMDR Vega Elite: Dangerous Customer Support
18 Dec 2015, 6:04am
Brenner Soriah

Do you know if handing in combat bonds for a federal or imperial faction increases rank?

This is quoted from the forums:

Link to the thread here.

I'd like to explain how the rank mechanic works. You are promoted when you complete rank ascension missions. These are unlocked by gaining a stat called faction skill.

This stat is similar to reputation but differs in a few key points. Like reputation, it is increased by doing work for or generally aiding the minor factions aligned with the major faction. However, skill affected more by combat related deeds.

Unlike reputation, faction skill will never decrease, even if you work against a faction.


The fastest way to gain rank would be to complete combat missions or turn in bounty vouchers at stations controlled by the federation. While non-combat Missions will increase your faction skill to a degree as well, the navies look for combat pilots, so the effect of missions not involving combat is very limited.

I hope this tip will speed your ranking up a bit, please let us know if you'd had any more questions, we are happy to help.

Best Regards,

CMDR Vega Elite: Dangerous Customer Support

Thanks for the link. I know how to rank up but was wondering if handing in combat bonds help
18 Dec 2015, 6:45am
Dont you know commanders using exploit to stack smuggling navy ascensions opportunities to gain instantly the very next rank after you gaining now? You was able to stack up to 200 of them lol.

New fixes - new bugs!
If they are used wisely - then its opportunities!
18 Dec 2015, 8:24am
Evgeny ZiDont you know commanders using exploit to stack smuggling navy ascensions opportunities to gain instantly the very next rank after you gaining now? You was able to stack up to 200 of them lol.

New fixes - new bugs!
If they are used wisely - then its opportunities!

Unfortunately didn't have smuggling one and didn't know about the glitch. Now im at ensign waiting for charity missions to reappear
18 Dec 2015, 8:26am
Waiting? Even without reloading?
18 Dec 2015, 9:24am
Evgeny ZiWaiting? Even without reloading?

With reloading, sometimes it resets sometimes it doesnt
18 Dec 2015, 9:34am
N.R.Crosby I Always use my Long Range Hauler for these kind of trips but recently did use a Sidewinder just for this purpose too and had the same problem had to reroute and upgrade the FSD on the sidewinder to get where I wanted to go.

Yes, that is what I ended up doing as well. On the way I realised the problem was the FSD and The Sidewinder could have done it as well. Anyway not a problem now I am on my way back home in an all "A" class rigged out for planetary landing/Exploration Cobra MkIV http://coriolis.io/outfit/cobra_mk_iv/04A4A4A3D3A3D4C--0p0p250400030345v4022u2f2i.Iw18SQ==.Aw18SQ==?bn=Cobra%20IV%20Horizons%20Lander
18 Dec 2015, 2:05pm
I'm trying to learn how Inara works. Where do I find this file?

"EliteOCR/MarketConnector prices import
Drop *.csv file here or click to select"

Would be better if I could improve all the prices I come across in my trading travels than just manually update the few items I trade.

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