Elite: Game talk

24 Dec 2015, 1:23am
ArtieChicagoChad: Look somewhere for Firefly and watch it. It's shiny! And it explains the name...
(or it can be INcredible Assistant for Romantic Adventu... eee, no, it's not right)

The Classy Escort.
24 Dec 2015, 4:05am
ArtieChicagoChad: Look somewhere for Firefly and watch it. It's shiny! And it explains the name...
(or it can be INcredible Assistant for Romantic Adventu... eee, no, it's not right)

I was thinking that.(so that's why leg posts are shiny!)

So it's not an acryonym?

it's meant to mean companion? a "companion" app for every commander?
24 Dec 2015, 5:21am
Yep. It's a clever reference. Inara in Firefly was a Companion, a profession that you could think of as a courtesan. It's almost impossible to avoid comparing the Elite experience with the Firefly experience, so... Inara was a really great name for the website.
24 Dec 2015, 8:38am
OzramAnyone notice the "awards" for the snowglobes is a bit low? Top 5% earns 350,000 CR. It's as though they've forgotten a zero.

YES! It's pretty lame. There is a whole frontier forum thread with players complaining about it and even a response from Michael Brooks saying it was all correct. There was a good mention though that it may be intentional as a "play on words" type of thing. Delivering snowglobes to Hel is a "snowballs chance in hell" meaning not very good odds. So some are wondering if Frontier is playing off of that. If so... that's a very mean christmas gift to players.

Active Community Goals Forum Thread
24 Dec 2015, 9:52am
OliviaVespera So it's not an acryonym?

it's meant to mean companion? a "companion" app for every commander?

Definitely no acronym. Originally was this site named Companion, but then Frontier released their Companion app for iOS and it was inevitable to rename the site to avoid confusion and to not "compete". So Inara was relatively logical choice, as it is still some kind of companion among other.
24 Dec 2015, 10:59am
^ As a HUGE Firefly fan, I love it
24 Dec 2015, 11:02am
INternational Association of Rad Astronauts.

(I love Firefly too!)
24 Dec 2015, 12:57pm
Firefly is in my ToWatch list
24 Dec 2015, 1:01pm
Move it to the top. Firefly is easily one of the best TV shows of the '00s.
24 Dec 2015, 11:23pm
Definately move it to the top, and be sure to watch them in the intended order, not the broadcast order.
25 Dec 2015, 12:17am
This is what I have

25 Dec 2015, 10:04am
Merry Christmas everyone
25 Dec 2015, 12:24pm
Merry Xmas from my little squid liquor (licker)

25 Dec 2015, 5:36pm
All the best to you and yours, and to fleets everywhere. Peace in the bubble and goodwill to all species!
25 Dec 2015, 5:56pm
Shyn DarklyAll the best to you and yours, and to fleets everywhere. Peace in the bubble and goodwill to all species!

But not to Hudson scum! :p

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