Elite: Game talk

yesterday, 8:54pm
Kasumi GotoThermal vent beam for one cannot counter the thermal load of gauss cannons, and also has a tendency to make it harder to see the heart once exerted, especially for other players. Those are the two main reasons.

The beam is also not for controlling weapon thermal load in active fighting but to keep heat level low and shield strip as you kite an Interceptor and/or approach it.

A straight-forward answer. That makes sense.

I had been using heat sinks sparingly because I could get the heat reasonably low with my beam and my "staggered" firing. (Related to my previous acknowledgement that I need to improve my skill with fixed weapons. LOL)

Right now I have two heat sinks, a caustic sink, and a enhanced xeno scanner. I replaced my Shutdown Field Neutralizer with the Enhanced Xeno Scanner this morning, thinking I could avoid the field with either boosting and distance or staying cool. Go figure that instead I found myself facing my first rebuy screen for this ship.

Perhaps I should just add a third heat sink, if I don't benefit from the xeno scanner? And, if I do, then I imagine I should do the recommended practices of using heat sinks continuously while firing gauss? I just run out so fast!

(Keep in mind, this is all in reference to AXCZ)
yesterday, 9:07pm
Xeno-scanner usage in actual combat is quite niche. Personally, I like it because it gives me an ability to shoot hearts more or less reliably through the Thargoid drive trails (hazy thing), some damage is better than none at all, and makes visualising exerted Hydra hearts easier if I have to use night vision. But then, I have lots of utility slots to spend on stuff.
yesterday, 9:08pm
IndyWhy should/shouldn't I use my thermal vent beam at the same time as my Gauss cannons? Specifically in an AXCZ.
I find it easier (aka comfortable) not to have to switch fire groups constantly. I could, of course, just "get used to it", but I'd like to understand why or why not first.

On my AX builds I am using MCs(W1) and Beams(W2) and I always use them at the same time. My ships never overheat. In your case using beam which I assume gimballed could help with aiming your fixed gauss though you don't have xeno scanner so you can't target specific heart by beam and secondly using it at the same time would drain distributor faster. So it looks like you need to use them separately.
yesterday, 9:30pm

Finally, cleared three Hydras! But gods damn it is Jameson in the evening (UTC) buggy! Interceptors just teleport around, other ships as well, this is no time for "finesse" but simple and effective brutality.
yesterday, 9:33pm
Screw FDev forty years straight. I was on 4th heart of third Hydra and the game crashed.
(okay, I did that three Hydras thing yesterday, but had plans for today. meh)

Last edit: 22 Sep 2024, 9:52pm
yesterday, 9:35pm
At least mine only gave me colored snakes when I was in the main CZ stage yesterday and on Friday, and not during the Hydra bashing, which I currently don't plan to repeat.

I'm sure it will all be fine come Monday and the Thargoids are just quietly going to leave when they are defeated. I definitely also do not feel any resemblance to the gathering of players in HIP 22460.
yesterday, 10:17pm
IndyThis seems like the right place to ask this AX-related question, without having to jump all in to joining the AXI Discord or something....

Why should/shouldn't I use my thermal vent beam at the same time as my Gauss cannons? Specifically in an AXCZ.
I find it easier (aka comfortable) not to have to switch fire groups constantly. I could, of course, just "get used to it", but I'd like to understand why or why not first.

With my guass/beam ship I went turreted with the beam. It keeps me constantly cold so I don't get targetted and you can put the turret and guass on the same fire button. Just give it a tap for the beam, and hold down for guass. Saves the second button for flak.

I doubt it's the meta build, but it kept things simple. AX combat gets fairly frantic, but in open CZs you don't need to be doing meta-damage as it's a very much a team effort. Some pilots won't be carrying a scanner, so tagging the heart with the bean can help them direct their shots.
yesterday, 10:20pm
Finally getting back to Elite now that I have a little more time. Im looking for some Mining ship builds any suggestions?
yesterday, 11:54pm
Alkatraz-99Finally getting back to Elite now that I have a little more time. Im looking for some Mining ship builds any suggestions?

Whatever you do, don't listen to me. I am a weirdo that uses a Type 9 for mining and will spend days at a time floating around a ring and filling the cargo hold. I usually dump the requested cargo when confronted by pirates and continue on with my mining. Once decent asteroid core generally replenishes what PVE pirates want, and I only ever get jumped when entering a hot zone or spawning in one after logging off.

I think most people wanting a miner that can defend itself and has a moderate amount of cargo (100-200 tons) for short mining runs usually go with a Python or a Krait. That also allows you to sell to any place with a medium landing pad
today, 6:26am
Aunty Sledge
Indy Why should/shouldn't I use my thermal vent beam at the same time as my Gauss cannons? Specifically in an AXCZ.

With my guass/beam ship I went turreted with the beam. It keeps me constantly cold so I don't get targetted and you can put the turret and guass on the same fire button. Just give it a tap for the beam, and hold down for guass. Saves the second button for flak.

This is the way! I'm glad to see someone more advanced than me running with a turreted beam laser. For me it's really helping with directions in a hectic AXCZ when everyone is boosting and turning and I need to get my bearings quick.
today, 3:17pm
Aunty Sledge With my guass/beam ship I went turreted with the beam. It keeps me constantly cold so I don't get targetted and you can put the turret and guass on the same fire button. Just give it a tap for the beam, and hold down for guass. Saves the second button for flak.

I doubt it's the meta build, but it kept things simple. AX combat gets fairly frantic, but in open CZs you don't need to be doing meta-damage as it's a very much a team effort. Some pilots won't be carrying a scanner, so tagging the heart with the bean can help them direct their shots.

Intriguing. I'll engineer one up and give it a try.

Shg56 On my AX builds I am using MCs(W1) and Beams(W2) and I always use them at the same time. My ships never overheat. In your case using beam which I assume gimballed could help with aiming your fixed gauss though you don't have xeno scanner so you can't target specific heart by beam and secondly using it at the same time would drain distributor faster. So it looks like you need to use them separately.

I did try out the Scanner and think I'll switch it back out for the Neutralizer, as I didn't find it as necessary in the AXCZ. I'm considering making a Solo Krait MkII for one-on-one interceptor hunting, maybe a Challenger. Although, I do have an Anaconda AX "one shot" build I could do instead. Who knows! In any case, I'll stick to the basics for the AXCZ while I continue to get used to this form of combat.

Thanks again for the help and feedback, everyone!
today, 3:38pm
Is it possible top go and look for my own black box?
Some spiky looking ships acid-washed my arse off the galactic plane and that was the end of it. Lost large pile of organic and cartographic data I had collected.
today, 4:03pm
You traveled to a Thargoid system by accident?

The data is lost. There's no way to get it back.
today, 5:16pm
AHIs it possible top go and look for my own black box?
Some spiky looking ships acid-washed my arse off the galactic plane and that was the end of it. Lost large pile of organic and cartographic data I had collected.

did u overheat ship to get rid of acid atleast? In worst scenario is better do that as a last resort

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