Elite: Game talk

11 Jan 2016, 3:33pm
Jolly RogerYea have the funds for a larger ship just didn't sound like as much fun. Don't think I could get a group together as with the current setup of the game it appears that there isn't much room for pirate groups. I kinda got excited from a for post by FD I read about logging off but then I seen it was over a year old and dead, but at least I know now that they track the combat logging. One person had said to just do bounty hunting, that's what I was doing before, but with players u have the exact same issues, to see if they are wanted in other systems u have to intradict and scan then poof there gone. let's not beat a dead horse we all see the good and the bad of pirates and we all have to decide a path to fun. I keep saying there is solo play for those who don't want a fight but on the other hand I'm shut that's why I can never track down the top system bounties either. Darned if u do darned if u don't I guess.

When my wing is up you might find it interesting what I am planning to do.
just wait till February when I open it for recruitment .

if you want some inf about it I am glad to give it in a personal message .
11 Jan 2016, 3:35pm
Jolly RogerAnd also I have traded and lost a lot of cargo but never once have thought that logging out was the answer or playing on solo, but everyone has their own idea of fun.

I wonder if you took my advice and tried Karid around Araki? Like I said, a lot of IS haulers, prime picking, at least, based on my experience trading and being interdicted 95%+ of the time.

Another idea: You know, I have never run as a pirate. As a trader I got fed up with the interdictions and general inability to fight back other than through adept piloting. I took up BH and love it. I thought you might enjoy it and you certainly wouldn't offend others by not asking for a sit down to tea before you take their cargo. I make a pretty decent living at BH and toss in the lucrative trade when found. I think you will find BH to be satisfying and the CMDRs with bounties know they have them so you won't step on sensitive toes. But I am sure someone out there will have something to whine about the way you BH, lol, it seems to be a pastime in this game to want to impose one's play style on others and make arbitrary 'rules' that suppport their styles. I'm still in your corner on combat logging as a form of griefing which is different from a 'disconnection' issue and this argument is seen in a number of different PvP MMOs, some developers handle it better than others as far as sanctions. Anyway, as someone said, we are probably beating a dead horse at this point. Anyway, try BH and see what you think.
11 Jan 2016, 3:52pm
Can't wait to check out the video peachslices sounds like a good time was had by all. Jack, I haven't got there yet it was a long way from where I was I made it about 1/4 the way and stopped for some fun. Yea I was doing Bounty hunting before going pirating until I found u couldn't find the top bounties anywhere. Really I shouldn't be able to call myself a pirate or at least not yet gonna be one eventually
11 Jan 2016, 4:06pm
Jolly RogerCan't wait to check out the video peachslices sounds like a good time was had by all. Jack, I haven't got there yet it was a long way from where I was I made it about 1/4 the way and stopped for some fun. Yea I was doing Bounty hunting before going pirating until I found u couldn't find the top bounties anywhere. Really I shouldn't be able to call myself a pirate or at least not yet gonna be one eventually

Oh no, lmao, now I feel the pressure if Karid doesn't pay off, when you get here. I sometimes forget the galaxy is as huge place. This hit home for me on the Fireworks in Cherets CG. Going 200+ LY in my DBS was annoying but the payday was pretty good on that. I had to run it economy class since I gave up my fuel scoop for the advanced scanner. Anyway, onward and upward!
11 Jan 2016, 4:06pm
I search a graphical artist that want to make for me a wing banner
11 Jan 2016, 4:12pm
Mila StrelokNoobs are out of the equation in my case, how I determine if someone is a noob or not? Combination of which ship he flies and his combat rank..
Even so, I don't look for PVP, yet, and I play Open, if someone tries to kill me, better be sure he wants it.

Well, all the better for you, dear lady; and I see you're flying a Vulture, so that'd be a ship to be confident in, assuming you've equipped her well.

Frankfort How about we put a bounty on your head and hunt you down just for fun ,killing new players or low ranking players is not acceptable .
interdicting is fine if its a new player give him pointers tips and leave him/her alone .

I'd like to interject, only to say that I read Jolly Roger's suggestion of just shooting w/o warning, as an indication of his frustration -- at the time -- and not his true nature or intent; so I'd think we need not be "harsh" to him, as it is at least my understanding that he is not generally an unfair player, or a griefer.
Of course, Frankfort, I also do read you as well-meaning / well-intended, too, so this reply is no attack on you either..

That said, as Jolly IS RPing a Pirate (arr!), in his very own words [and well, didn't you note the name?!], I don't see why he would object to being targeted for bounty "for fun", as I would wager he'd relish an Honest Challenge.

I'd not participate, as I'm in Mobius -- plus, I'm currently ill equipped in an Adder.

Anyone have further thoughts? I feel we've kinda covered this topic quite thoroughly.
SO glad everyone is participating PEACEFULLY and RESPECTFULLY; it is a joy to have mature discussion on a board, and Inara is such a lovely environment/community in which to do so.
11 Jan 2016, 4:53pm
11 Jan 2016, 5:29pm
To Acen Onyx that's why I had my profile removed from the ED forum every one was attacking each other about the smallest things.

And Inara is much more of a community with people who love the game and have a healthy competitiveness .between platforms mac pc xbox , factions ,role-play etc.

So fly safe commanders
11 Jan 2016, 5:48pm
Mila StrelokNoobs are out of the equation in my case, how I determine if someone is a noob or not? Combination of which ship he flies and his combat rank..
Even so, I don't look for PVP, yet, and I play Open, if someone tries to kill me, better be sure he wants it.

Well, all the better for you, dear lady; and I see you're flying a Vulture, so that'd be a ship to be confident in, assuming you've equipped her well.

Frankfort How about we put a bounty on your head and hunt you down just for fun ,killing new players or low ranking players is not acceptable .
interdicting is fine if its a new player give him pointers tips and leave him/her alone .

I'd like to interject, only to say that I read Jolly Roger's suggestion of just shooting w/o warning, as an indication of his frustration -- at the time -- and not his true nature or intent; so I'd think we need not be "harsh" to him, as it is at least my understanding that he is not generally an unfair player, or a griefer.
Of course, Frankfort, I also do read you as well-meaning / well-intended, too, so this reply is no attack on you either..

That said, as Jolly IS RPing a Pirate (arr!), in his very own words [and well, didn't you note the name?!], I don't see why he would object to being targeted for bounty "for fun", as I would wager he'd relish an Honest Challenge.

I'd not participate, as I'm in Mobius -- plus, I'm currently ill equipped in an Adder.

Anyone have further thoughts? I feel we've kinda covered this topic quite thoroughly.
SO glad everyone is participating PEACEFULLY and RESPECTFULLY; it is a joy to have mature discussion on a board, and Inara is such a lovely environment/community in which to do so.

I'd just say, in Jolly's defense, that the pilot that combat logs introduces an additional dimension to the game universe that would not be there in real life, right? If I am in a store to buy my beverage and a crook comes in and holds up the store and it goes south and he starts shooting, can I just 'disappear' out of the immediate universe? Of course not. In the game universe there is no rule that says a pirate has to announce anything and yes they can get cargo if using limpets or destroying your hatch cover. I've been interdicted by both kinds of pirates and I consider it a cost of doing business. I never, ever drop cargo for anyone, I guess I am just stubborn that way. I don't remember seeing Jolly say he goes after noobs for the joy of killing which is not by any definition a pirate's goal--that belongs to the 12-year-olds that fly as self-proclained 'psychokillers' that are in it just to ruin other's experience outside the spirit of the game. Jolly is expressing a frustration that is legitimate, not sure why he is getting all the grief, it is not so much about his profession as it is about others exploiting a loophole that happens to be a type of griefing in my book anyway--combat logging.
11 Jan 2016, 7:05pm
After the day's events, FD ought to create a station in tribute to David Bowie. Space Oddity will haunt me forever.
11 Jan 2016, 7:12pm
It would be interesting to see the minor faction names
11 Jan 2016, 7:14pm
KurotamaAfter the day's events, FD ought to create a station in tribute to David Bowie. Space Oddity will haunt me forever.

Absolutely. I'm 50 and I have to say he is one of the ones, like Mick Jagger, I always viewed as immortal. A sad, sad day, indeed., To know that he was with family and is no longer suffering is some comfort.
11 Jan 2016, 7:52pm
Jolly RogerFrankfort, I should have a pretty significant bounty on my head in game already, I have made no effort to hide what I do and welcome the fun. Right now I'm out around achnar syndicates area, but I guess after hearing the responses I will fall back into the shadows and quit outwardly ruining the game experience for everyone. If you happen to see CMDR Jolly Roger when ur out enjoying the galaxy put some rounds into my vulture. Everyone have a great time because we know I'm gonna.

Pirates are awesome. There are some great videos of effective pirates getting cargo off commanders (and not killing them unless they try and run). It's known to be one of the hardest professions to actually turn a profit from. Random killing is a different subset of players entirely. TBH I find kill lists based on forum posts a bit off putting (breaks my immersion). If you were to go around killing Sideys then I'm sure you'd acquire a proper one (bounty on your head) in game.
11 Jan 2016, 11:00pm
For those of the piratical bent, is privateering considered less or more as an affront, particularly thinking of those who side with a powerplay faction where players and NPCs of some other allegiances are de facto enemies?
12 Jan 2016, 12:56am
.. and to close off that topic...


With a nod to Jack "Voigt-Kampff" Dekerdt, AGREED, there is no rule "requiring" anyone playing a Pirate to announce first.
I might suggest, firstly, we're arguing on the SAME SIDE, buddy, so quit biting me.

I'd just like to point out, however, that even though Pirates are seen in a negative light, you gotta admit they live by an Honour Code... Even the Highwayman, who used to call out "Stand and Deliver!" (where "stand" meant to halt, or stop moving), meant only to relieve the victim of possessions, not of their life...
So while it may be correct that "no rule exists" or announcement is "not required", it is implicit in the job description, in that sense.

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