Elite: Game talk

06 Jan 2016, 1:34pm
ok, so i need to download the latest launcher.. where do i install it to? last time i ended up with multiple versions, none of which worked..  

im not playing horizons and use steam..

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 06 Jan 2016, 1:47pm
06 Jan 2016, 2:36pm
SquidLiquorok, so i need to download the latest launcher.. where do i install it to? last time i ended up with multiple versions, none of which worked..  

im not playing horizons and use steam..

Originally, I purchased on Steam as well, back at 1.3. When the updated 1.4 launcher came I got it from Frontier direct and just let it install to its desired path. When it was done and worked, I removed the Steam launcher (1.3). Since moving off Steam to FD direct I haven't had some of the issues that were associated with Steam's layer of control.

On another note...

I'm on Horizons and want to know if anyone experienced any issues removing all previous versions of ED. I have the original 32-bit, 1.5 64-bit, and 64-bit 2.0 (Horizons). I can't see any reason to keep the old versions.
06 Jan 2016, 2:37pm
SquidLiquorok, so i need to download the latest launcher.. where do i install it to? last time i ended up with multiple versions, none of which worked..  

im not playing horizons and use steam..

I installed it to the location where the current one is placed, i.e. the folder where the "EDLaunch.exe" is located. To verify the right spot the launcher should NOT need to install the game again, but show the Upgrade/Play Button instead.

(that was at least what I had to do...)
06 Jan 2016, 2:48pm
Dropped on the starboard arm as the arm was coming about....thank god for A5 thrusters! I felt like a baseball about to be hit out of the park. Been playing since June first time I have encountered this type of station modification.

06 Jan 2016, 4:29pm
Jack DekerdtDropped on the starboard arm as the arm was coming about....thank god for A5 thrusters! I felt like a baseball about to be hit out of the park. Been playing since June first time I have encountered this type of station modification.

that happen to me too
06 Jan 2016, 4:54pm
I've only encountered two or three of those armed stations, and only after I started straying into Alliance space. Don't know if that has anything to do with it. Either way, I think it looks cool.
06 Jan 2016, 8:34pm
As we have seen there are a lot of player based factions and wings in game and on this website

Now just imagine that inara becomes a Faction on its own. With all of its 8000+ players wings etc

that should be someting to behold.
06 Jan 2016, 8:35pm
We need a appropriate way to address Artie then though....hm...Overlord Artie doesn't sound too impressive, we need to work on that
06 Jan 2016, 8:51pm
Mila Strelok
Jack DekerdtDropped on the starboard arm as the arm was coming about....thank god for A5 thrusters! I felt like a baseball about to be hit out of the park. Been playing since June first time I have encountered this type of station modification.

that happen to me too

Funny thing, not once but twice in one day I got dropped out of SC practically on top of a station. Had I not been at min-throttle both times, I would have gotten mauled for sure.

This had never happened to me before. Maybe it's a function of a recent update?
06 Jan 2016, 10:00pm
Jack Dekerdt

I'm on Horizons and want to know if anyone experienced any issues removing all previous versions of ED. I have the original 32-bit, 1.5 64-bit, and 64-bit 2.0 (Horizons). I can't see any reason to keep the old versions.

Uninstalled my old ED 1.5 with no issues. Now running Horizons only.
06 Jan 2016, 10:08pm
Jack Dekerdt

I'm on Horizons and want to know if anyone experienced any issues removing all previous versions of ED. I have the original 32-bit, 1.5 64-bit, and 64-bit 2.0 (Horizons). I can't see any reason to keep the old versions.

Uninstalled my old ED 1.5 with no issues. Now running Horizons only.

Ty for the info
06 Jan 2016, 11:19pm
I did that too, all perfect, all settings were there
07 Jan 2016, 12:55am
OK, quick Q re 32-bit vs 64-bit...

On one hand, I'm given to understand that, if your machine & OS can handle 64-bit, then you "should" be running the 64-bit Elite..

On the other hand, if the system's not really that powerful, is it better to stick to 32-bit?

I've so far played in the 32-bit, without too much trouble -- my first day, i had a couple CRASH-outs, and one black-screen hang (music played on) all around Hyperspace.. but since then, no more issues (and I submitted Feedback / Crash Report each time).

Win 8.1, 64-bit; AMD A8 (quad-core) w/ 6Gb RAM, sufficient SSD HD-space..
Internet over home wi-fi (looking at alternative wired options to improve situations like extra long jumps (load screen!)..)

SHOULD I go up to the 64-bit version?
Has anyone used 32 and gone up to 64 (on the same machine, no other major changes like added RAM), and seen a NOTICEABLE improvement??

Thankies!  :D  o7

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 07 Jan 2016, 12:58am
07 Jan 2016, 6:49am
Acen ONYXOK, quick Q re 32-bit vs 64-bit...

On one hand, I'm given to understand that, if your machine & OS can handle 64-bit, then you "should" be running the 64-bit Elite..

On the other hand, if the system's not really that powerful, is it better to stick to 32-bit?

I've so far played in the 32-bit, without too much trouble -- my first day, i had a couple CRASH-outs, and one black-screen hang (music played on) all around Hyperspace.. but since then, no more issues (and I submitted Feedback / Crash Report each time).

Win 8.1, 64-bit; AMD A8 (quad-core) w/ 6Gb RAM, sufficient SSD HD-space..
Internet over home wi-fi (looking at alternative wired options to improve situations like extra long jumps (load screen!)..)

SHOULD I go up to the 64-bit version?
Has anyone used 32 and gone up to 64 (on the same machine, no other major changes like added RAM), and seen a NOTICEABLE improvement??

Thankies!    o7

Maybe I misunderstood FD with the release of Horizons being 64-bit only? Probably get a lot of flack here but I would suggest, for gaming stability especially, a wired connection is preferable to WiFi. Yes, I realize many play over WiFi without issue but if stability is an issue, wired is the way to go especially since Elite is rather unforgiving when it comes to disconnections as far as potential for failing missions or gaining fines when it was not the pilot doing something nefarious rather a dropped connection. Yes, you can submit a bug report to recover SOME losses but currently, they cannot reset missions much less put you back to a specific point in a chain mission.
07 Jan 2016, 10:22am
Jack DekerdtDropped on the starboard arm as the arm was coming about....thank god for A5 thrusters! I felt like a baseball about to be hit out of the park. Been playing since June first time I have encountered this type of station modification.

I have heard stories that they are for Capital Ships to dock, but that may well just be stories.

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