Elite: Game talk

10 Jan 2016, 3:52pm
CoragonJust need to tell every person thats new to apply to Mobius or some other Wing/ Clan with Private Servers where you can fly safely, away from all those who have no other intent then to ruin your day. There's no respect from me for whatever excuse one comes up with to do so, even if just roleplaying being a Pirate. Just my 2 cents.

Hear! Hear! Imposing your game play on someone else is rude at least, and for some may be the little bit of frustration they absolutely didn't need in their day.

That's why I'm on Moebius and play in that group - when I want to mine or just trade or just float around looking at things, that's what I want - NPCs complicate things enough as it is, but at least they're reasonably predictable and largely avoidable. Hell is other people.

There's nothing preventing anyone from creating a group, or several, where PvP is the name of the game.
10 Jan 2016, 3:56pm
Jolly RogerWell just to be clear, I in no way was looking to ruin anyones day and or grief them I simply hunt bounties and if I see a chance to get some cargo then I take it but as of yet still have not shot a single round at a player target. By the time I announce my intentions and pull them out of hyperdrive and get out and run my scanner they disconnect so the fun in that is over I guess. Just wish people would play the game, as someone else said I guess theres no right or wrong but I guess I will just continue on my original path and maybe one day I will run into a CMDR that will stay and play the game. The way I always seen it was if you don't want interaction with other players to play in solo mode or on a private group but maybe I was wrong. Keep on flying and I appreciate all your responses that helped me decide how to move on.

My rather long-winded response (lol), was to say, at the end of the day, and in your particular case, the logger is the griefer, not you. I do believer that FD has a logging timer but it needs to be doubled or tripled. This puts the onus on the logger-they run the risk of destruction if you get their ship before the timer runs out it is an effective way to deal with chronic loggers. I am sure there are others. In the end the chronic logger would probably decide to 'stay and play' as you put it if the choice was fight, drpo some cargo, or chance logging and the potential destruction of their ship automagically--the least preferable, I would think, but then, people are strange.
10 Jan 2016, 3:58pm
Not really. It's a instinct to get yourself to safety. May it be in a game (that essentially isn't just a Ego-Shooter of sorts) or RL. You want to preserve what you got. Nothing strange about that. Yet, if FD came around and doubled / tripled the log-out timer, people would endure it once, maybe twice, and then move to places where they're not harassed unless they agreed to do so beforehand. There should be a confirmation message popping up (preferably once you got interdicted by a PC) if you're willing to fight with the other person. But since that would pretty much destroy the fun of those 12-year olds blowing stuff apart (and i include the so called "grown-ups" in there too), they won't do it.
10 Jan 2016, 3:59pm
Just a little FUN, as an aside...

I visited the COBRA Elite site today..
(Not just for the ship, but COmunidade BRAsileiro, at a guess -- Brazilian Community -- guess cuz I didn't spot it explicitly)

For the sake of it, while having lunch, I flicked through his Intro (new pilots) video..

At the end, he's got this funky Caribbean music playing (forget the name of the style, samba?) but it's SO uplifting, I might imagine one of those really pretty stations with palm-tree lined highways, playing this on the loudspeakers:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-sZlFLuLKm4&t=58m55s ** only at the end from this time mark **
10 Jan 2016, 4:08pm
RurodAnyone joining Distant Worlds expedition?

I'm hoping to .. not signed up yet as I've only recently started flying, so only in tiny ships with limited LY jump ability. :/

Gotta crack on this evening...
10 Jan 2016, 4:22pm
Yea think there is a 15 second logout timer from what I read, but by the time you state your intentions to the cmdr then pull them out of supercruise they are pretty much logged out that doesn't include the scanning the cargo to see if they have anything to steal. But I guess after reading others comments I see why they may log out I guess. I would only ask that if you don't wish to have interactions will all kinds of players in elite dangerous they have made ways in the game for you to avoid all other CMDRs or all PVP. Ive been back to the game for about a week now and having a blast playing but have only found or seen about 10 CMDRs in that time and some of those were sidewinders and eagles that I didn't think would make it worth my time to mess with, so a weeks worth of hunting has granted me at the most 10 encounters as a player pirate and I'm only hunting in areas where there is a large amount of traffic. Everyone fly safe and have fun and maybe I will see you somewhere along the line
10 Jan 2016, 4:24pm
Jolly RogerIf anyone wants to know why a player that's playing a role of a pirate just shoots you no scan or trying to get you to drop cargo its because everyone just decide oh I will just shut my game off. sixth time today roam the universe looking for cmdr send a message I will let them go if they drop their cargo and arnt wanted and boom disconnect, a lot of fun so now just gonna start shooting that will be much funner.

You know, despite the "griefing" going on, I think your approach has its merits...
The only problem I see is... you're RolePlaying a Pirate, and there's no "quick" way to let someone know that, and/or a "quick way" for them to reply if they're happy to role-play along..

And since people have made enough of a fuss about "combat logging", that - essentially - has been the "instruction manua" for kiddie-player survival -- just pull the plug.

If you "just shoot" at a human player -- granted, a lesson may be that they "shouldn't play in Open if they don't want to get shot" -- that's still kinda unfair, in the sense they may have grafted to get the ship they're flying, AND maybe they've not been smart enough to keep enough extra credits handy for rebuy, so it can be a very heartbreaking situation to get blown up...

There's nothing yet in place to "suggest" to new players that perhaps a PvE private group is a recommended way to "play with others" until one is more confident, etc.

On the other side, are the idiots who want to kill other players, but don't want to die (rebuy) themselves...
and they pull the plug, too.

I appreciate how it can be frustrating to RP a Pirate and have someone 'Log on you, cuz that's just cheap cheating, but I feel I need to emphasise that RolePlaying kinda requires all participants to BE RolePlaying .. and if your target is not already known to be RPing, then you can't expect them to accept their death at your hands..

Certainly takes the fun out of Pirating.  

As far as Combat Logging goes, I think it is a difficult proposition to address it:
A "decent" idea would be to increase the delay timer, so the attacker has a chance to complete the attack, to allow for a fairly-won(*) victory, and penalise the combat logger.
The PROBLEM with this is, the potential backlash from those who may have poorer connections etc, or have REAL issues relating to loss of connection, and so it makes it DIFFICULT to "punish" combat-loggers.
Plus, the sad state of affairs which is GRIEFING, especially idiot itchy-trigger-finger Conda-grubs shooting up Sideys..

I think their reporting function is certainly a good place to start as the more people report a certain Cmdr for CLing, the more certain FD can be of that "crime", and properly punish them by banishment to The Phantom Zone, that shadow server they've provided for...

So, Coragon, [eit: sorry, started right, ended wrong!] Jolly Roger in your defense, I think you should CONTINUE to "give a warning" anyway -- at least to avoid being Reported.
Can you create a Macro, so you can do it push-button or via Voice Attack?  So then it might include a simple request to REPLY TO YOU via in-game chat, and actually give them a chance to respond?

Just my thoughts...

Last edit: 10 Jan 2016, 5:12pm
10 Jan 2016, 4:25pm
DracoChojiPirating isn't griefing... Jolly Roger if they dc, record it and send it to Frontier.

Yes. This.
10 Jan 2016, 4:48pm
DracoChojiPirating isn't griefing... Jolly Roger if they dc, record it and send it to Frontier.

Yes. This.

Umm....i beg you pardon ? I am not the one RP'ing as a Pirate here, you might want to address that to someone else instead....but that aside...

As long as FD doesn't plan to punish those doing this by themselves, aka setting up rules like "Don't battle-log or your savegame will be wiped", it will be done, and rightfully so. I did it not too long ago in Open, but the difference was that i didn't know about the HIGH wake exit strategy (i was under the impression that, even in open space, both jumping to SC and to another System would be equally hinered by Mass Lock through big ships. Which isn't the case as i know now, and perhaps you can blame that on me for not fully researching everything about the game in the first hand, but many people don't do that.

The issue has been solved in our Clan / Wing, and as you might've read there's a Video currently being edited that is a bit of a "show" but overall has led to more definitive rules - no more battle-logging in Open from here on out. And once you know that there are different exit strategies that work, you have no need for it anymore anyways.

Yet i kinda dislike to call the whole thing "cheating" - you're not using 3rd party programs to hack to give yourself a unfair edge in the game. Until they grey out the possibility in a PvP fight to log to either Main Menu or Desktop, it is a valid option. To "banish" someone to a Phantom Server for this is a utterly stupid move, it only should be done to those who wreck the fun of others, specially in Open (Smiling Dog Crew, The Code and all the other dens of deranged pixelmurderers).
10 Jan 2016, 4:51pm
yea I do agree with the connection issue problem, I live in a area with poor internet and would be upset if I was killed due to connection. If there was only a good answer to all the questions in life it would be awesome. Well as before I do appreciate all the info everyone has offered and will continue having a good time hope you do the same.
10 Jan 2016, 4:57pm
CoragonNot really. It's a instinct to get yourself to safety. May it be in a game (that essentially isn't just a Ego-Shooter of sorts) or RL. You want to preserve what you got. Nothing strange about that. Yet, if FD came around and doubled / tripled the log-out timer, people would endure it once, maybe twice, and then move to places where they're not harassed unless they agreed to do so beforehand. There should be a confirmation message popping up (preferably once you got interdicted by a PC) if you're willing to fight with the other person. But since that would pretty much destroy the fun of those 12-year olds blowing stuff apart (and i include the so called "grown-ups" in there too), they won't do it.

Yeah, the 'duel' request works in WoW but i don't see it working here.
10 Jan 2016, 5:05pm
Jolly RogerYea think there is a 15 second logout timer from what I read, but by the time you state your intentions to the cmdr then pull them out of supercruise they are pretty much logged out that doesn't include the scanning the cargo to see if they have anything to steal. But I guess after reading others comments I see why they may log out I guess. I would only ask that if you don't wish to have interactions will all kinds of players in elite dangerous they have made ways in the game for you to avoid all other CMDRs or all PVP. Ive been back to the game for about a week now and having a blast playing but have only found or seen about 10 CMDRs in that time and some of those were sidewinders and eagles that I didn't think would make it worth my time to mess with, so a weeks worth of hunting has granted me at the most 10 encounters as a player pirate and I'm only hunting in areas where there is a large amount of traffic. Everyone fly safe and have fun and maybe I will see you somewhere along the line

To address your issue with a lackof prey...I think you mentioned you get mostly SWs and IFs, have you considered moving to more contested areas? Are you sufficiently out of starter areas? That is what made the difference for me at least in BH to get my rating up faster.
10 Jan 2016, 5:13pm
Oops! Edited! Sorry, Coragon -- honest mistake; forgot whom I had quoted.. i think a post w your image was sitting in my view.. >_<
10 Jan 2016, 5:46pm
Yea don't know if it has to do with my not so great internet that its putting me in a diff instance or something like that I have gone all over the last week to some hot spots I found online and nothing really. Only luck ive really had is finding areas with high traffic reports. Ive tried contested systems and don't seem to find anyone at all tried hanging around some rare goods locations same there but that was kinda a crapshoot anyways. I would say only like 3 of the 10 ive seen were in starting ships so not to bad just cant seem to find the prime hunting grounds I'm looking for. Things ive tried so far some rare trade locations, powerplay conflict areas, some home areas of player factions, and community goal areas which there are non right now that I know of. I would say of the 10 cmdrs ive seen all but 2 were in the starting area so havn't had much luck yet, oh yea also looked around SOL for a while. I guess that's part of the fun of it to me is trying to find a good area.
10 Jan 2016, 5:52pm
Acen ONYXOops! Edited! Sorry, Coragon -- honest mistake; forgot whom I had quoted.. i think a post w your image was sitting in my view.. >_<

I am too popular for my own good eh ?

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