Elite: Game talk

10 Jan 2016, 7:47pm
Jolly RogerYea don't know if it has to do with my not so great internet that its putting me in a diff instance or something like that I have gone all over the last week to some hot spots I found online and nothing really. Only luck ive really had is finding areas with high traffic reports. Ive tried contested systems and don't seem to find anyone at all tried hanging around some rare goods locations same there but that was kinda a crapshoot anyways. I would say only like 3 of the 10 ive seen were in starting ships so not to bad just cant seem to find the prime hunting grounds I'm looking for. Things ive tried so far some rare trade locations, powerplay conflict areas, some home areas of player factions, and community goal areas which there are non right now that I know of. I would say of the 10 cmdrs ive seen all but 2 were in the starting area so havn't had much luck yet, oh yea also looked around SOL for a while. I guess that's part of the fun of it to me is trying to find a good area.

Well I cart IS to Karid and I am constantly harrassed around Araki Port...you might try that area, if you haven't already.
10 Jan 2016, 7:55pm
Sounds like a good lead to me
10 Jan 2016, 8:45pm
Jolly RogerWell just to be clear, I in no way was looking to ruin anyones day and or grief them I simply hunt bounties and if I see a chance to get some cargo then I take it but as of yet still have not shot a single round at a player target. By the time I announce my intentions and pull them out of hyperdrive and get out and run my scanner they disconnect so the fun in that is over I guess. Just wish people would play the game, as someone else said I guess theres no right or wrong but I guess I will just continue on my original path and maybe one day I will run into a CMDR that will stay and play the game. The way I always seen it was if you don't want interaction with other players to play in solo mode or on a private group but maybe I was wrong. Keep on flying and I appreciate all your responses that helped me decide how to move on.

If you should ever run into me out in open (I play on PC, always open and my name here is same commander name) then if I do not believe I can run or fight my way out, I'll happily cede the requested cargo over. I've never combat logged and doubt I ever will (though I was tempted once when I was in an empty T6 during the Bacon Run CG and shot out of space for the lulz. You wouldn't think it, but I'm still mildly pissed off about that).
10 Jan 2016, 9:23pm
yea to be honest ive moved locations now and already had one cmdr that didn't log on me so maybe it was my hunting grounds that was the issue. Proved how bad I am at stealing cargo he ran after I interdicted and got away and I had shut off my wake scanner so just let him go but way funner to screw up then just have them log out. Yea honestly didn't mean to make a deal of it on here kinda made my post when I was aggrevated but its been nice getting the positive and negative responses so I could get a idea how everyone felt about pirating
10 Jan 2016, 11:11pm
Jack Dekerdt
XeknosThen they'll just disconnect anyway. Good luck being a griefer.

If one plays the role of a pirate and asks for your cargo, whether under conditions or not, that is not griefing. Some pirates give a warning (stand and deliver) or they shoot. A griefer is one who intentionally under the spirit of ruining others play, destroys ships or otherwise disrupts other players for no other reason than to ruin the session. There is no rule in the game that I am aware of that says a pirate must announce their intentions. Camping and destroying empty ships, starter ships, etc., with no cargo, no bounty, etc. It is about the intent. If one is a trader it is assumed risk that you will be interdicted. As a trader, I accept the risk. Sure, it is frustrating and we can argue all day about needing better armor or weapons on traders but it is a risk. The player that operates outside the 'spirit' of the game whether employing cheats, or on the other end, blowing up ships for no financial or rep gain might be seen as griefers. Still others say, well I'm a psycho-berserker and my MO is just killing for killing, so I'm not a griefer. It is an argument without a lot of agreement in the end--there are as many opinions as complaints. I do object strenuously, to those that log when they know they are beat--that is just as much griefing as the other examples. This is all of course, my opinion. BTW, I'm a trader and a BH. I've been interdicted by priates and yeah, it is frustrating, and I have to calculate my odds and decide to stand or flee. I will not drop cargo for anyone ever. I've found if one has excellent pilot and combat skills one can generally survive in interdiction one way or another. There isn't a need to log, logging indicates a lazy pilot with poor piloting and reasoning skills, again, my opinion.

Not to beat a dead horse, but I don't think you understood the exchange. Pirating isn't griefing, so long as reasonable demands are made and time is allowed to attempt to comply. My post was in direct response to him threatening he was going to simply start opening fire on people because they weren't allowing him to be a pirate. That is griefing.

Granted, we could just avoid this matter entirely by making PVE groups like Mobius more known, but until that happens we need to find a way to deal with the people who play in open but don't want to PVP - expecting them to leave because they won't play by your rules is elitist, at best.
10 Jan 2016, 11:37pm
Jack Dekerdt
XeknosThen they'll just disconnect anyway. Good luck being a griefer.

If one plays the role of a pirate and asks for your cargo, whether under conditions or not, that is not griefing. Some pirates give a warning (stand and deliver) or they shoot. A griefer is one who intentionally under the spirit of ruining others play, destroys ships or otherwise disrupts other players for no other reason than to ruin the session. There is no rule in the game that I am aware of that says a pirate must announce their intentions. Camping and destroying empty ships, starter ships, etc., with no cargo, no bounty, etc. It is about the intent. If one is a trader it is assumed risk that you will be interdicted. As a trader, I accept the risk. Sure, it is frustrating and we can argue all day about needing better armor or weapons on traders but it is a risk. The player that operates outside the 'spirit' of the game whether employing cheats, or on the other end, blowing up ships for no financial or rep gain might be seen as griefers. Still others say, well I'm a psycho-berserker and my MO is just killing for killing, so I'm not a griefer. It is an argument without a lot of agreement in the end--there are as many opinions as complaints. I do object strenuously, to those that log when they know they are beat--that is just as much griefing as the other examples. This is all of course, my opinion. BTW, I'm a trader and a BH. I've been interdicted by priates and yeah, it is frustrating, and I have to calculate my odds and decide to stand or flee. I will not drop cargo for anyone ever. I've found if one has excellent pilot and combat skills one can generally survive in interdiction one way or another. There isn't a need to log, logging indicates a lazy pilot with poor piloting and reasoning skills, again, my opinion.

Not to beat a dead horse, but I don't think you understood the exchange. Pirating isn't griefing, so long as reasonable demands are made and time is allowed to attempt to comply. My post was in direct response to him threatening he was going to simply start opening fire on people because they weren't allowing him to be a pirate. That is griefing.

Granted, we could just avoid this matter entirely by making PVE groups like Mobius more known, but until that happens we need to find a way to deal with the people who play in open but don't want to PVP - expecting them to leave because they won't play by your rules is elitist, at best.

I understood you perfectly. Combat logging is a type of griefing. On the other side of the coin, my original question still stands, show me where it says a pirate has to announce anything? I've been iterdicted by pirates that want to have a tea party and others that blast away without warning, cost of doing business as I see it. I guess we just have to agree to disagree.
11 Jan 2016, 12:02am
Jack Dekerdt
Jack Dekerdt
XeknosThen they'll just disconnect anyway. Good luck being a griefer.

If one plays the role of a pirate and asks for your cargo, whether under conditions or not, that is not griefing. Some pirates give a warning (stand and deliver) or they shoot. A griefer is one who intentionally under the spirit of ruining others play, destroys ships or otherwise disrupts other players for no other reason than to ruin the session. There is no rule in the game that I am aware of that says a pirate must announce their intentions. Camping and destroying empty ships, starter ships, etc., with no cargo, no bounty, etc. It is about the intent. If one is a trader it is assumed risk that you will be interdicted. As a trader, I accept the risk. Sure, it is frustrating and we can argue all day about needing better armor or weapons on traders but it is a risk. The player that operates outside the 'spirit' of the game whether employing cheats, or on the other end, blowing up ships for no financial or rep gain might be seen as griefers. Still others say, well I'm a psycho-berserker and my MO is just killing for killing, so I'm not a griefer. It is an argument without a lot of agreement in the end--there are as many opinions as complaints. I do object strenuously, to those that log when they know they are beat--that is just as much griefing as the other examples. This is all of course, my opinion. BTW, I'm a trader and a BH. I've been interdicted by priates and yeah, it is frustrating, and I have to calculate my odds and decide to stand or flee. I will not drop cargo for anyone ever. I've found if one has excellent pilot and combat skills one can generally survive in interdiction one way or another. There isn't a need to log, logging indicates a lazy pilot with poor piloting and reasoning skills, again, my opinion.

Not to beat a dead horse, but I don't think you understood the exchange. Pirating isn't griefing, so long as reasonable demands are made and time is allowed to attempt to comply. My post was in direct response to him threatening he was going to simply start opening fire on people because they weren't allowing him to be a pirate. That is griefing.

Granted, we could just avoid this matter entirely by making PVE groups like Mobius more known, but until that happens we need to find a way to deal with the people who play in open but don't want to PVP - expecting them to leave because they won't play by your rules is elitist, at best.

I understood you perfectly. Combat logging is a type of griefing. On the other side of the coin, my original question still stands, show me where it says a pirate has to announce anything? I've been iterdicted by pirates that want to have a tea party and others that blast away without warning, cost of doing business as I see it. I guess we just have to agree to disagree.

If the pirate just destroys the other party, the cargo is destroyed too, which means no booty. Not a pirate - thus, he has to at least offer the other person a deal in order to be taken seriously as a pirate.

They have a term for the people who fire upon others with no warning - they're psychopaths. And griefers.

Combat logging is a question of degrees too. Comparing the people who taunt others, pretend they're hot shit, and then combat log when a fight turns against them with the people who simply bail at the first sign of combat is silly.
11 Jan 2016, 2:01am
Guess I will get a word back in so a pirate doesn't have to be after you cargo that's just the way I was going about it, and combat logging no matter how you look at it s not acceptable if you don't want to play with other players play solo or private no more discussion is needed and now I'm up to 14 intradicts all warned before the intradict of what was going to happen and all but 1 combat logged so why wouild pirates want to give you a chance to comply.
11 Jan 2016, 2:24am
Jolly RogerGuess I will get a word back in so a pirate doesn't have to be after you cargo that's just the way I was going about it, and combat logging no matter how you look at it s not acceptable if you don't want to play with other players play solo or private no more discussion is needed and now I'm up to 14 intradicts all warned before the intradict of what was going to happen and all but 1 combat logged so why wouild pirates want to give you a chance to comply.

You could try using sentences, perhaps.

It's possible to want to play with other players but -not- have them steal your stuff or kill you. Further saying "that's how it is brah, accept it or leave" is also completely unreasonable. The only thing I'm saying is that there are instances where combat logging is an understandable response to a hostile action. If you're choosing to ruin their fun by killing them without provocation, then its only fair they ruin your fun by logging out and denying you the kill.

(Because, really, what do you get from ganking a noob? Bragging rights? Pah.)
11 Jan 2016, 2:47am
I'm sorry I hurt your feelings Xeknos I will go play my game and enjoy it have a good time.
11 Jan 2016, 2:59am
Jolly RogerI'm sorry I hurt your feelings Xeknos I will go play my game and enjoy it have a good time.

I don't think Xeknos's feelings hurt, I think he's just trying to get a point across.
And a valid one at that...

Just shooting to kill people without warning is griefing, and will essentially leave Open play with a group of frustrated pirates.

If you are not having any luck with pirating, perhaps another profession might suit you.
Perhaps you could do some trading and allow some pirates to rob you, then you can show them how to be an honourable victim.
11 Jan 2016, 3:13am
k the discussion was originaly about people combat logging so that's why I was gonna just start shooting instead of trying to get them to drop cargo. I'm pretty shur the developers would have made it where players couldn't intradict others if they didn't want you to do it, but I'm also shur they didn't mean for people to be able to just log off so they don't die also. I understand the point of some people may not want to be intradicted by a pirate and give cargo away or die possibly but they made a solo mode also. So I do get the point that has been made but that's not the issue I'm wanting to discuss the issue I'm not enjoying is the disconnecting when games not going your way. Its in the game but I'm shur if there was a way that a trader that just spent the last 2 hrs hauling a load could lose it for no reason they would be upset also, oh wait there is a pirate. So in turn as a pirate I fly around for hrs looking for players for them to just disconnect do you see what the issue is for me.
11 Jan 2016, 3:17am
And also I have traded and lost a lot of cargo but never once have thought that logging out was the answer or playing on solo, but everyone has their own idea of fun.
11 Jan 2016, 3:18am
I will just drop my modest opinion and leave, if they don't want to be killed, or get involved on PVP, go play on Solo or a PVE private group, if you want to play Open, you will play Open with whoever wants to play Open, PVP or not, period.
11 Jan 2016, 3:26am
I understand your frustration Jolly, but you are also saying "The game is not going my way so I'm going to be a griefer."

Firing a warning shot at the target will prevent them from combat logging, as a combat timer is initiated.

Perhaps firing a couple of shot then stating, "Those are WARNING shots. Please drop your cargo immediately.!!"
might work...

The way I see it, Commanders flying around just killing random people is no different to combat logging.

Best of luck with it Commander.

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