Elite: Game talk

12 Jan 2016, 1:19am

The System of SHATRITES is being UNDERMINED, significantly... it collects a reasonable amount of Command Capital, and as such, we really ought not to lose it!
12 Jan 2016, 1:20am
Having a tough time climbing through Broker. Using, generally my IC with a 112t capacity for trading as well as a DBS with 8t for various BB trade missions. I have been sitting at 49% on the Broker climb for quite a while and have taken every broker mission offered though they are few and far between. Running lower rung trade missions--even the multi-parts which pay well but I don't seem to be getting much in the way of progression. Any ideas?

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 12 Jan 2016, 1:46am
12 Jan 2016, 1:32am
I'd suggest "try shifting to a different system for awhile", and maybe system-hop for jobs.. go a bit further afield, and see if your luck changes  

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 12 Jan 2016, 1:46am
12 Jan 2016, 1:40am
Acen ONYXI'd suggest "try shifting to a different system for awhile", and maybe system-hop for jobs.. go a bit further afield, and see if your luck changes

Thanks. I'm in the Laedla-Hollos-Orang triangle because it has been very ripe for BH and trading, well, trading until recently. I guess I will take my IC over to the Feds and work on my rating with them for a while been passively working that just by turning in bounties but maybe I will see if I can get my trade rank up faster with them. Appreciate the help.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 12 Jan 2016, 1:46am
12 Jan 2016, 2:04am
I think I'd like to put in my two measures as well here, after playing the silent protagonist through the encounter. Over the past couple months, I have garnered quite a large measure of PVP and inter-player play. I believe I've worked with FDev's Ed over three streams now, as well as numerous other major player factions (Including Dark Echo, CODE, East India Trading Company, Hutton Truckers, Canonn Researchers, and more). From everything that I'm picking up from this entire conversation, Jolly Roger needs a change in perspective.

Personally, I hunt players for a hobby, and some might say a very near full job (multi-million bounty on my head in certain systems). The circumstances being described (Only seeing sidewinders, eagles, and other small tier ships) is setting off my alarm triggers. I highly encourage you, CMDR Jolly, to find new hunting grounds. Because if that's all you're seeing, you're not nearly far enough from the starting systems. You obviously have enough experience and funding to move away from the area, and from what it seems, a good number of your prey are players much much newer to being a CMDR and thus cannot afford the losses, nor are able to fully judge risk vs loss of dropping a few tons of cargo because they do not understand the game yet. Thus is where you are meeting the 'combat logging' issue.

Understand that I am by no means saying you aren't free to open fire as soon as you pull a player out of supercruise. I have performed the interdiction many times over, and under most circumstances, I will try to get a message out to initiate 'roleplay' that stimulates a response, or stimulates time to garner a response. IE. "Halt CMDR. Cut your engines, I want to talk." or "CMDR, please cut your engines or be fired upon." I'd say 60% of my interactions are met with at least a single text reply, if not a several minute conversation. Another 25% will turn and burn to wake out immediately. Another 13% or so will turn and fire before I can get out the text, and I have to drop and engage. In that 98% of circumstances though, these players that I am interdicting are a couple hundred lightyears from LHS 3447 and Eravate, they have at least a decent combat level, or a larger ship. That is to say, they are experienced. I feel this is where you are missing out on your pirating experience, which I can assure you will likely be much richer than a sidewinder or an eagle with only 4 tons of cargo space.

I would also like to touch on combat logging. Is it frustrating? Yes. I have had that 2% who drop offline either because they get scared before the fight or they get scared in the middle of the fight. However, Frontier Developments has clarified their position on players who take the logout option. I am paraphrasing, but the words were along the eloquent lines of "gracefully taking their timer out". It is an option. The developers have it instituted that way for now. I encourage you to speak up if you feel change needs to occur, but also understand that until that change occurs, that is a tool in players belts that can be utilized.

These are just my words to help provide a perspective to all parties involved. To you, CMDR Jolly, I say these things. Elite /does/ support the world of pirates. Smiling Dog Crew uses and abuses this mask to ruthlessly slaughter people. Some CODE abuse it as well (Though other CODE are quite the grand pirates, for example CMDR Gluttony Fang). But that is not the entire world . Even Paladin Consortium has a small arm of members who are dedicated to the trade of privateering. Seek these groups out if you wish.
To support you in your efforts to be a pirate, I will provide you with a few systems I know to be high trading markets which you can likely find larger riches in.
Xuanduna (DeLay) is a large imperial slave trade hub. I usually see at least four to five commanders docked at this station making their rounds in trade vessels and fighter-frigates (Cutter/Anaconda/Corvette).
Leesti (George Lucas Hub) is a major focal point for commanders, being a large stop along the known 'efficient' rare goods trade route, as well as home to a player faction or two.
Permit systems - Of course humanity's home system and other capitals are home to a lot of players. And you can bet they understand the game enough and have at least some modicum of credits to share with you, since these are not immediately available to new CMDR's.
LFT 37 - The Paladin Consortium's home system. This is another major imperial slave hub. We've find our fair share of frustrations in the system with folks trading slaves (due to persistent minor faction influence issues). While the PC may not necessarily take kindly to the pirate presence in the system, you might be able to trace the routes traders take out of the system and ambush them on the other end of their cycles.
Robigo - Another huge hub for players, being the starting point of the infamous 'Robigo Shadow Missions'. You can be sure that players leaving that station are carrying a full haul of illegal goods for delivery. A little more difficult to intercept to be sure, but it is there.
Fehu - Similar to Robigo, but for the Empire
17 Draconis - Similar to Robigo, but for the Federation
Tun - A hotspot for commanders trying to rank up federation quickly, well known for it's never ending charity drives.

Overall, I'm not on anyone's side but that of truth, reality, and honor. I only wished to share my experience and offer my guidance. You are welcome to take it as you see fit.
I also recommend browsing through the CMDR logs I write. I'm bad at keeping up to date with them, but I do my best to write a colorful recount of notable events and places. You might pick up on other things by looking over mine and other commander's profiles.
I'll leave it here, so fly safe CMDR. Or if you can't do that, then fly dangerous.

CMDR Brenner Soriah, Paladin Consortium
May your swords stay sharp, and may you soar on dragon's wings!

Last edit: 12 Jan 2016, 2:11am
12 Jan 2016, 2:09am
Jack Dekerdt
Acen ONYXI'd suggest "try shifting to a different system for awhile", and maybe system-hop for jobs.. go a bit further afield, and see if your luck changes

Thanks. I'm in the Laedla-Hollos-Orang triangle because it has been very ripe for BH and trading, well, trading until recently. I guess I will take my IC over to the Feds and work on my rating with them for a while been passively working that just by turning in bounties but maybe I will see if I can get my trade rank up faster with them. Appreciate the help.

Jobs are generally going to forestall you climb up the trade ranks. I know I got a good boost from the long distance hauling missions from the systems that are a few hundred light years outside of the bubble, but in the end, the best way to rank that up is going to be finding a proper trade route. Buying on one end, selling on the other, buying at point b and selling again at point a. It's always been one of the fastest ways to make both money and trade rank for Elite.
12 Jan 2016, 4:06am
Brenner, I appreciate the info on possible hunting grounds. I do want to just say a few things but to be clear I'm already over the conversation as it has been a discussion for a few days now. I have done a lot of traveling over the last 2 weeks after deciding to switch from bounty hunter to pirate. I did go back to the starter system for a day of my hunting which had the highest traffic area of all the possible areas I tried hunting but only encountered two of my possible chances there but one was a sidewinder and one a eagle, which was why I moved on and didn['t intradict either. I'm not shur how far any of the areas were from the spawning area are but a few I noted going to were Kappa forancis(onion head), Sol, Leesti, cherets, kesushpoos, lava, achenar to name a few most were found on the internet or on the powerplay. So now I'm up to 18 CMDR that I have been able to get to and message before intradicting that weren't in a sidewinder or a eagle. This is the message that I have on a macro I send every time.

Ahoy! CMDR I'm goin' t' intradict you t' check you cargo hold, you will not be attacked if you abandon your booty

So out of the 18 I have had only 1 not log out and he was also the only one to try and beat the intradiciton. It may just be my luck but I'm guessing if other players even if not playing as a pirate are having these issues it seems to be a problem

As for the FD saying its no issue basically they had a post of the forums I found yesterday that was talking about them looking for a solution to this very problem and was going to find a way to curb the issue, but should not be considered a way to avoid combat. The post was over a year old but if I remember right it had some postings from players that received warning from FD about the disconnects and that there is a way they can monitor when the disconnects happen. I don't see a good solution but it seems as if they are giving two different accounts of the same issue if what ur saying is true.

But to end the discussion I am moving on from the whole pirate players as the fun has been ruined and that's all I was after. Don't want to be labeled a bad player and or someone who ruins the fun for others and I would say the majority of players that have been involved in the conversation have had a negative look at what I was trying to do.
12 Jan 2016, 11:05am
Krow & Jolly...

I've not yet used (had occasion to use) the in-game comms..

Do you know for sure that messages are received immediately by another player, even in the middle of SuperCruise? Or does the message only get sent when reverted to normalspace?

i mean, could it be that the warning message isn't being received or read or noticed, so the "victim" is feeling even more hard done by?
12 Jan 2016, 12:25pm
Acen ONYXKrow & Jolly...

I've not yet used (had occasion to use) the in-game comms..

Do you know for sure that messages are received immediately by another player, even in the middle of SuperCruise? Or does the message only get sent when reverted to normalspace?

i mean, could it be that the warning message isn't being received or read or noticed, so the "victim" is feeling even more hard done by?

normally they receive it direct but the message warning is not that clear or obvious some times you ar using the station menu and you don't see any message notifications .
12 Jan 2016, 1:21pm
As far as I know they receive it after you send message, like said previously if u are docked and in menues u wouldn't see it easily.
12 Jan 2016, 3:28pm
Jolly Roger, you play it how you want and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. I'll go toe-to-toe with you in Open anytime just look for CMDR Surrender in an FDL. I'm wanted in a few systems so it'll be worth your while.

The game is a microcosm of real life - there are dangerous people, areas, and professions, but plenty of safe people, areas, and professions. I wouldn't be interested in playing the game if it was locked down to remove all freewill. And just like in real life, it seems people like to create their own arbitrary rules of conduct and expect others to abide. It's a free galaxy, do as you wish, consequences may apply.
12 Jan 2016, 4:47pm
Yea I know, just didn't realize how overwhelmingly negative the community looked at pirating. I can have my fun doing other things also without any disruptions. Maybe in the future I will be better prepared to try out pirating again, I can start putting a private list of good areas and maybe find some better ways to locate these areas. Until then I will follow the straight and narrow and try out some power play maybe I can get a better handle on that.
12 Jan 2016, 9:02pm
Acen ONYXKrow & Jolly...

I've not yet used (had occasion to use) the in-game comms..

Do you know for sure that messages are received immediately by another player, even in the middle of SuperCruise? Or does the message only get sent when reverted to normalspace?

i mean, could it be that the warning message isn't being received or read or noticed, so the "victim" is feeling even more hard done by?

normally they receive it direct but the message warning is not that clear or obvious some times you ar using the station menu and you don't see any message notifications .

I agree placement and control of the COMMS menu is problematic. Personally, I would rather have CONTACTS in the cooms spot vs having to continually toggle menus. Thank god for voice attack.
12 Jan 2016, 9:08pm
Jolly RogerYea I know, just didn't realize how overwhelmingly negative the community looked at pirating. I can have my fun doing other things also without any disruptions. Maybe in the future I will be better prepared to try out pirating again, I can start putting a private list of good areas and maybe find some better ways to locate these areas. Until then I will follow the straight and narrow and try out some power play maybe I can get a better handle on that.

I've had your bacm in this discussion but still marvel at how your original post was usurped and changed and you took a lot of unnecessary and unwarranted flack. As stated play your way don't worry about others.
12 Jan 2016, 11:46pm
Jack Dekerdt
Acen ONYXKrow & Jolly...

I've not yet used (had occasion to use) the in-game comms..

Do you know for sure that messages are received immediately by another player, even in the middle of SuperCruise? Or does the message only get sent when reverted to normalspace?

i mean, could it be that the warning message isn't being received or read or noticed, so the "victim" is feeling even more hard done by?

normally they receive it direct but the message warning is not that clear or obvious some times you ar using the station menu and you don't see any message notifications .

I agree placement and control of the COMMS menu is problematic. Personally, I would rather have CONTACTS in the cooms spot vs having to continually toggle menus. Thank god for voice attack.

As a wee bit of information for you all, as of the Horizon's update, comms have been a bit buggy. The other commander does not always receive the messages you are sending, so does not necessarily know you are messaging them. I give it about an 85% success ratio for sending comms. Just something to be aware of.

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