Elite: Game talk

14 Jan 2016, 8:56pm
StiffhangerHi you clever dicks,
does anybody have an idea about the unidentified Signal in Pleiades Nebula, 23ly from Maia?

b?n?r? ??a??t L??: 27??3 ??n?: 9?.??

I gues like something

binary planet Lat: 27??3 Long: 9?.??

It's already found.
15 Jan 2016, 12:59am
For those doing the Onionhead delivery CG perhaps it's worth adding to the CG description that they can be picked up at Kappa Fornacis, from the Harvestport station.
15 Jan 2016, 1:13am
OzramFor those doing the Onionhead delivery CG perhaps it's worth adding to the CG description that they can be picked up at Kappa Fornacis, from the Harvestport station.

Appreciate the info, thanks!
15 Jan 2016, 7:05am
Wow a CG at last! And with a large landing pad no less!

P.s. also not an hour trip from jump, but only 918 ls!

Thank you Ozram

Last edit: 15 Jan 2016, 7:10am
15 Jan 2016, 7:17am
No worries fellas. I tend to get any CG info (that's not here) from the active community goals thread. Lots of good random info (but you sometimes have to sift through it).
15 Jan 2016, 8:24am
BTW what is respawn rate of these Onion heads (10-15-20 min)? Trying to take a little more of them in one race
15 Jan 2016, 8:26am
MerinidBTW what is respawn rate of these Onion heads (10-15-20 min)? Trying to take a little more of them in one race

According to that thread I quoted earlier, it's a ten minute respawn.
15 Jan 2016, 9:39am
Ozram According to that thread I quoted earlier, it's a ten minute respawn.

Thanks and sorry didn't saw it there. I'll try to look more attentively next time
15 Jan 2016, 9:40am
MerinidBTW what is respawn rate of these Onion heads (10-15-20 min)? Trying to take a little more of them in one race
MerinidBTW what is respawn rate of these Onion heads (10-15-20 min)? Trying to take a little more of them in one race

According to that thread I quoted earlier, it's a ten minute respawn.

10 min at a minimum. As i was saying on another thread, lol, I knew the relatively short jump for this CG was too good to be true. Gonna be sitting here foreva. I forgot, is there a cap on OH? I have 116T cargo space. Assuming I can onboard 116T at 4T a throw, 10 min Minimum its almost a 5 hour turn around, ugh. But I think there is a max on what you can have, I don't remember, Will have to look it up.
15 Jan 2016, 10:19am
Jack Dekerdt
MerinidBTW what is respawn rate of these Onion heads (10-15-20 min)? Trying to take a little more of them in one race
MerinidBTW what is respawn rate of these Onion heads (10-15-20 min)? Trying to take a little more of them in one race

According to that thread I quoted earlier, it's a ten minute respawn.

10 min at a minimum. As i was saying on another thread, lol, I knew the relatively short jump for this CG was too good to be true. Gonna be sitting here foreva. I forgot, is there a cap on OH? I have 116T cargo space. Assuming I can onboard 116T at 4T a throw, 10 min Minimum its almost a 5 hour turn around, ugh. But I think there is a max on what you can have, I don't remember, Will have to look it up.

I think it may be 8T but I am not 100% on that
15 Jan 2016, 10:50am
^^I think I read there was an 8 ton max as well, but with the dump and pickup trick they've been managing more. There was a group loading up anacondas in the gifts CG, but without using tricky methods (like going outside the infraction range, jettisoning the cargo and redocking to pick up more then scooping the previous lot) the stock limit for this CG is, I think, 8.
15 Jan 2016, 2:20pm
I would like to report multiple BUGS in this game.  I know Frontier must be aware of these problems, as I can not believe that these things are happening only to me.
1.  Missions to nonexistent stations and the gall to fine me for not completing the impossible mission to nowhere.  Stations are not even listed on the map.
2.  Missions to hold data and meet with someone. What a waste of time!  Over and over and over, but will not update my panel and can not complete the mission.  At least I wasn't fined for this impossible mission.

The game cheats unlike previous versions, but I can deal with that, but the lies just cause me to wonder if I am playing the wrong game.  Just got Horizons and I am so disappointed in game play.  Should be called the game of INTERDICTION!  17 interdiction's in a row 5, one after the other, two at a time...give me a break.  One security guard kept pulling me over and fining me...that was it...now I have a bounty on my head for a few days, but he won't be pulling me over again.

Please fix your game Frontier...I certainly paid for a better experience than this.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 15 Jan 2016, 2:33pm
15 Jan 2016, 2:35pm
Yeah this is great man, but surely you know that INARA.CZ is in no way affiliated with Frontier and can't help you (and all of us) with fixing these bugs.
15 Jan 2016, 2:36pm
WILD BILL CODYI would like to report multiple BUGS in this game.  I know Frontier must be aware of these problems, as I can not believe that these things are happening only to me....

Hello, please head to the official game forum and report the bugs there. As Inara is not official Frontier site, just fan-made community site, we cannot do anything with it here.
15 Jan 2016, 2:50pm
WILD BILL CODYI would like to report multiple BUGS in this game.  I know Frontier must be aware of these problems, as I can not believe that these things are happening only to me.
1.  Missions to nonexistent stations and the gall to fine me for not completing the impossible mission to nowhere.  Stations are not even listed on the map.
2.  Missions to hold data and meet with someone. What a waste of time!  Over and over and over, but will not update my panel and can not complete the mission.  At least I wasn't fined for this impossible mission.

The game cheats unlike previous versions, but I can deal with that, but the lies just cause me to wonder if I am playing the wrong game.  Just got Horizons and I am so disappointed in game play.  Should be called the game of INTERDICTION!  17 interdiction's in a row 5, one after the other, two at a time...give me a break.  One security guard kept pulling me over and fining me...that was it...now I have a bounty on my head for a few days, but he won't be pulling me over again.

Please fix your game Frontier...I certainly paid for a better experience than this.

I hear you but you need to head over to Frontier Forums. In Horizons, for certain missions, an advanced scanner is almost mandatory. It took me a bit and a post to the community to figure it out as a great many new missions are designed to get you down on the surfaces. Your basic scanner is nt really gonna cut it if you even have one. Once I got the adv. scanner I was rocking the muli-part missions. If you can be more specific about your interdiction scenarios we might be able toi help you sort it out.

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