Elite: Game talk

13 Jan 2016, 9:59pm
GizMoTosame problem here, thought it was just me but is seems not oh well just have to wait and see

Just as I was having fun in my buggy

I hope you don't get a parking ticket

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 13 Jan 2016, 10:59pm
13 Jan 2016, 10:22pm
James Hussar
Jack Dekerdt
FrankfortJust thinking about that combat logging .

it could easily be solved by delaying the disconnect within the server .

For example when internet connection is lost your ship is still in the game for a further 60 seconds .

it also solves the sometime interrupted internet connections .

making combat logging more dangerous and when on a mission you can still play the game when internet connections are interrupted..

Yeah this solution was discussed back in the chain a few days ago. It is a solution used by many devs and of course it caused a whole lot of discussion about the merits from several sides, you may find the conversation interesting if you scroll back a couple of pages.

I would have a problem with staying "live" in the game in the event of a crash - I sometimes get a hard crash that requires a full reboot, and it tends to happen in the midst of combat. I can easily see myself getting slaughtered by NPCs in that 60 seconds.

I understand where you are coming from, completely.

Fundamentally, you can understand, too, the fundamental difference between a server connection issue and a willful log out because you are having your azz handed to you. Many developers have discussed this problem and some take it far more seriously than FD seems to at this time. Developers in other software houses claim to be able to know when someone has combat logged or lost a connection. Some also take complaints by other players as an indicator of combat logging and impose sanctions according to their policy. FD has a rather modest timer which does not favor, or so the argument goes, the player left behind wondering what happened. At the end of the day, I still maintain combat logging is griefing and adds an unrealistic, unfair dimension, to this or any game, unless the developer explicitly states it as acceptable policy. The only people that I can see that can possible defend combat logging as acceptable with a straight face, are those that routinely practice such an odious practice.
13 Jan 2016, 10:27pm
How does one obtain a .csv file for the market? I'd like to contribute to updating prices more often but it is time consuming doing it manually. I know what .csv is not sure how to obtain it without creating it manually within Inara. Thanks.
13 Jan 2016, 10:34pm
I hope you don't get a parking ticket

Knowing my luck it will have been clamped

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 13 Jan 2016, 10:59pm
13 Jan 2016, 10:35pm
Jack DekerdtHow does one obtain a .csv file for the market? I'd like to contribute to updating prices more often but it is time consuming doing it manually. I know what .csv is not sure how to obtain it without creating it manually within Inara. Thanks.

Jack trie this webpage it shows how to get the market data
13 Jan 2016, 10:36pm
I hope you don't get a parking ticket

Knowing my luck it will have been clamped

I know the feeling  with a 50/50 change iam always 100 percent wrong

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 13 Jan 2016, 10:59pm
13 Jan 2016, 10:43pm
If you use ED Market connector and set it to automatically upload to EDDB, you don't need to export to csv, INARA takes the info from EDDB
13 Jan 2016, 10:44pm
Jack Dekerdt
I understand where you are coming from, completely.

Fundamentally, you can understand, too, the fundamental difference between a server connection issue and a willful log out because you are having your azz handed to you. Many developers have discussed this problem and some take it far more seriously than FD seems to at this time. Developers in other software houses claim to be able to know when someone has combat logged or lost a connection. Some also take complaints by other players as an indicator of combat logging and impose sanctions according to their policy. FD has a rather modest timer which does not favor, or so the argument goes, the player left behind wondering what happened. At the end of the day, I still maintain combat logging is griefing and adds an unrealistic, unfair dimension, to this or any game, unless the developer explicitly states it as acceptable policy. The only people that I can see that can possible defend combat logging as acceptable with a straight face, are those that routinely practice such an odious practice.

Oh totally. But, if there's a downside to logging out, but not to crashing out, the people who currently log out will just start to cycle power instead. I would argue that combat logging is less of an issue for players than ship loss in relatively benign conditions due to a random crash. IMO it would be an error by FD to favor logout prevention over crash handling.
13 Jan 2016, 10:58pm
Mila StrelokIf you use ED Market connector and set it to automatically upload to EDDB, you don't need to export to csv, INARA takes the info from EDDB

BIG Thanks to Mila & Frankfort
13 Jan 2016, 11:02pm
Just to correct - from EDDN. EDDB.io is great site without any doubts, but has very little to do with EDMC and data sharing on EDDN (is just subscriber there, same as Inara).
13 Jan 2016, 11:03pm
James Hussar
Jack Dekerdt
I understand where you are coming from, completely.

Fundamentally, you can understand, too, the fundamental difference between a server connection issue and a willful log out because you are having your azz handed to you. Many developers have discussed this problem and some take it far more seriously than FD seems to at this time. Developers in other software houses claim to be able to know when someone has combat logged or lost a connection. Some also take complaints by other players as an indicator of combat logging and impose sanctions according to their policy. FD has a rather modest timer which does not favor, or so the argument goes, the player left behind wondering what happened. At the end of the day, I still maintain combat logging is griefing and adds an unrealistic, unfair dimension, to this or any game, unless the developer explicitly states it as acceptable policy. The only people that I can see that can possible defend combat logging as acceptable with a straight face, are those that routinely practice such an odious practice.

Oh totally. But, if there's a downside to logging out, but not to crashing out, the people who currently log out will just start to cycle power instead. I would argue that combat logging is less of an issue for players than ship loss in relatively benign conditions due to a random crash. IMO it would be an error by FD to favor logout prevention over crash handling.

A support ticket to FD and typically as well, with other devs, will get you your property back vs, the CL who would theoretically be denied and possibly further sanctioned. If I lost a ship to a server drop, I could get it back, or at least be compensated. This has actually happened to me on Elite when FD took servers off line prematurely. They made up for the disconnect plus another 1M credits. That's a difference between a CL trying to get their ship back arguing they disconnected becasue they were [insert excuse].
13 Jan 2016, 11:05pm
ArtieJust to correct - from EDDN. EDDB.io is great site without any doubts, but has very little to do with EDMC and data sharing on EDDN (is just subscriber there, same as Inara).

LMAO, now I'm confused...Artie, how do you want me to provide market data, thanks.
13 Jan 2016, 11:08pm
just got in do not know for how long

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 14 Jan 2016, 12:04am
13 Jan 2016, 11:32pm
Jack Dekerdt
ArtieJust to correct - from EDDN. EDDB.io is great site without any doubts, but has very little to do with EDMC and data sharing on EDDN (is just subscriber there, same as Inara).

LMAO, now I'm confused...Artie, how do you want me to provide market data, thanks.

EDMC is the one I use .
13 Jan 2016, 11:36pm
Jack Dekerdt
ArtieJust to correct - from EDDN. EDDB.io is great site without any doubts, but has very little to do with EDMC and data sharing on EDDN (is just subscriber there, same as Inara).

LMAO, now I'm confused...Artie, how do you want me to provide market data, thanks.

I just was wrong about the name, the rest of my statement was right.

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